Crimea - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Crimée — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

The swallow's nest castle
The swallow's nest castle
Regional capital
45 ° 19 ′ 30 ″ N 34 ° 15 ′ 39 ″ E
Official site
Travel warningWARNING : As a result of a referendum not recognized by the international community, the entire region of the Crimea was annexed by Russia in March 2014. Armed conflict between Russia and Ukraine is possible and travel to Crimea as well as Ukraine as a whole is not recommended. It is also recommended to avoid transit through Crimean airports, including those of Sevastopol and of Simferopol.

Travel advice and warnings: Canada

DisclaimerThe inclusion of the Crimea in Russia can in no way be considered as political support to one of the parties to the conflict relating to its sovereignty.

This purely practical distinction is due to the fact that the travel conditions in this region are similar to those in the rest of Russia.

The Crimea is de facto a region in the southwest of Russia on the shores of the Black Sea. This situation is not recognized by the international community which recognizes the sovereignty ofUkraine on the region.


The Crimea is a peninsula with Mediterranean vegetation and rocky relief, located at the outlets of the Don and the Dnieper, which open to the immense Ukrainian plain.

Its privileged geographical location prompted the Greeks to build colonies there, among the most remote from mainland Greece. This ancient Greek colonization remains despite the great movements of peoples from East to West; the Genoese in turn came to establish counters and fortresses on the peninsula during the Byzantine period, to supply their counter in Constantinople with products from northern Europe.

The peninsula is then integrated into the Ottoman Empire, with a local subservient dynasty reigning over the Crimean Tatars in the XVIe and XVIIe centuries. Russia manages to take Crimea at the end of the 18th centurye centuries and builds bases (Simferopol, Sebastopol) with Greek consonances. The Crimean War in the XIXe century is an Ottoman-Anglo-French expedition to prevent a too strong militarization of the peninsula which would prelude to a major attack on the Ottoman Empire.



Abandoned Jewish cemetery in Feodosia

To go


To see

  • 1 The swallow's nest castle Logo indicating a wikipedia link Gaspra (near Yalta) – The castle overlooks the sea from forty meters high and is one of the symbols of Crimea.


To buy


Have a drink / Go out



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Complete list of other articles in the region: Russia
Destinations located in the region