Cudillero - Cudillero

Cudillero seen from the port.

Cudillero, Blue and green, Municipality of Tourist Excellence, has been declared a Historic-Artistic Site and Asset of Cultural Interest.

To get

If we come by road from the Meseta, we will access Asturias by the A-66 highway and to get to Cudillero we will go to Avilés-La Coruña by the highway, connecting with the N-632, direction Ribadeo - La Coruña; after about 8 kilometers you will find the deviation towards Cudillero. We have train and Alsa service and the region's airport is only 15 kilometers away.

Visit our tourist office, we will inform you of all the possibilities that this fishing village of Asturias offers. It is located in one of the most strategic places in the town and from where you can see the amphitheater of houses that make up this town, in full port area and very close to the dock car park. It is accessed by entering Cudillero reaching the port itself, at the end of it. Phone: 985 59 13 77 e-mail: [1]


If you access Cudillero from the El Pito town center (1st detour that is towards Galicia), drive towards the port, where the town's main car park is located.

It is recommended to enter through the 2nd detour to Cudillero, through the Port, after passing the 1st detour through El Pito.

Once in Cudillero, visit our tourist office, we will inform you of all the possibilities offered by this fishing village of Asturias. It is located in one of the most strategic places in the town and from where you can see the amphitheater of houses that make up this town, in the middle of the port area and very close to the dock parking lot. It is accessed by entering Cudillero reaching the port itself, at the end of it. Phone: 985 59 13 77 e-mail: [1]


  • Walk the Cabo Vidío. Incomparable setting with spectacular views. 100m high cliffs located in Oviñana, 13 km from Cudillero in the direction of La Coruña.
  • Go up to Brañas Vaqueiras to see the constructions and way of life of the current vaqueiros. From them there are very interesting panoramic views. In San Martín de Luiña, you access Brañaseca. The most important one with the best access approximately 15 km from Cudillero.
Church of San Martín de Luiña.
  • Visit the church of San Martín de Luiña. With inscriptions on the ground that discriminate against the vaqueiros of great ethnographic value. You can also see the burials according to social class.
  • Reach the rural architecture nuclei most important: Faedo, Prámaro or San Cosme, allow you to enjoy different landscapes and see the rural activity alive.
  • Go to know the architecture nuclei of indianos: Ballota, San Martín de Luiña and Santa Marina (towards Galicia) and Somao (5km from Cudillero towards Avilés).
  • Visit Soto de LuiñaThe ensemble formed by the church, declared an asset of cultural interest, and the rectory are very interesting. The parsonage was a former pilgrim hospital on the road to Santiago. 10 km from Cudillero towards Galicia.
  • Visit the Selgas Palace Complex. In El Pito, 2km from Cudillero, is this farm that houses an important collection of works of art from the Selgas-Fagalde foundation. Visits by appointment directly through the phone: 985 59 00 02.
  • Classroom The Pixuetos and the Sea, tel. 984 11 00 55. Didactic classroom located in the center of Cudillero, in the emblematic building of the old fish market. Adult: 1 euro, Children under 9 years: Free.

Classroom awarded the Blue Flag 2010.


With services and access by car:

  • San Pedro de la Ribera, beach awarded with blue flag, distinguished with the Tourist Quality Commitment and certified with the Q for tourist quality. It is accessed from Soto de Luiña, 10 km from Cudillero.
  • Shell of Artedo, beach awarded with blue flag. It is advisable to access it from the town of Artedo as you can leave your car in the new parking lot and reach the beach by a path next to the river, which is very accessible. It is signposted on the N-632 5km from Cudillero.

Both beaches awarded with Blue Flag.

Without services, rough and with pedestrian access:

  • Oleiros. Between Lamuño and Salamir.
  • Vallina. Cave and Peñadoira. In Oviñana.
  • El Gavieiru or Beach of Silence. In Castañeras (Novellana).
  • Gueirúa. In Santa Marina.
  • Riocabo or Ballota beach. In Ballota.


  • The viewpoints route through the interior of the town, wandering through its network of slopes. Viewpoints to be highlighted: El Pico, Cimadevilla, l Garita-Atalaya, el Baluarte and el Contour.
  • Visit the St. Peter's Church. Building from the 16th century in a late Gothic style with interesting baroque carvings inside.
  • Get to the chapel of the Humilladero It is a 500m walk from the Port. This chapel is the oldest building in the town (13th century). Here the inmates were exposed before being executed.
  • Contemplate the Casaus mural. Allegory of the life of a fisherman in a small town like Cudillero.
  • Attend the return of the ships fishing. Between 3 and 8 in the afternoon, in the port next to the "rula" they unload the catches of the day that will be auctioned.
  • Walk the lighthouse environment. Panoramic views of the rugged coastline. 40m cliffs. The lighthouse is accessed from the old port.
  • Travel on a boat. One-hour routes, boat rental for fishing or diving days. Information and reservations on the phone: 619 086 576.
  • In addition, currently 5 short trails have been marked to enjoy the landscapes and nature of the entire municipality of Cudillero.
  • Path 1: Ballota-Santa Marina-Ballota
  • Path 2: Oviñana-San Pedro-Oviñana
  • Path 3: Soto de Luiña-San Martín-Soto de Luiña
  • Path 4: Lamuño-La Concha-Lamuño
  • Path 5: Cudillero-El Pito-Cudillero

All of them can be done between 1h30 and 2h and their distance varies between 6-8 km.

To buy

- Asturian gastronomic products, cheeses, beans, sausages, cider .... can be found in most of the town's shops.

-Sea products packed in Cudillero in olive oil (octopus, mackerel, bonito ...) can be purchased in specialized stores.

-Black ceramic in the "Alfar del Zarru" artisan workshop, original traditional pieces. Phone: 985 59 04 13.

-All kinds of nautical products. Clothes, footwear, ornaments ... There are numerous shops specialized in nautical.

-Cudillero books. There are numerous interesting publications about Cudillero, some of photographs, others of history, legends, etc. In the tourist office, located in the port, you can buy some of them. Phone: 985 59 13 77

To eat

The gastronomy of the council of Cudillero is rich and varied. Fish and shellfish stand out on the coast, such as sea bream, pixin (monkfish), sea bass, etc. As for shellfish, the barnacles, spider crabs, lobster and orices stand out. Inside, homemade sausages, "pitu de Caleya", red meat, cabbage stew, or fabada. Desserts such as frixuelos, rice pudding or bollinas also stand out.

The most unique dish of Cudillero is the CuradilloTypical and exclusive, it is a fish from the shark family, saláceo, which after drying in the air for approximately 6 months, is cooked in a traditional way and following the recipe of our ancestors. Still today they can be seen hanging on the windows and balconies of the town.Another emblem is the hake on the skewer, which is fished with traditional gear (hook) on the coasts of Cudillero and which is then prepared in its different varieties such as casserole, cider, stuffed, etc.

In Oviñana towards Cabo Vidio you will find El Café Restaurant, with a varied menu of fish and seafood from the area. Contact phone 985 597 108 we will gladly assist you

Drink and go out

Cudillero at dusk.

Enjoy the fishermen's taverns, cider houses and restaurants that offer rich and tasty seafood. Fresh fish and seafood from our coasts.If you want to enjoy a homemade meal and some excellent fish and seafood from the area, come to the restaurant El Café, in Oviñana, in the direction of Cabo Vidio, we will gladly assist you tel 985 597 108

If you want to have a drink, Pub El Paso, Piñera, an old restored house, made of wood and stone, where you can enjoy your favorite drink listening to Blues, Country, Jazz, Swing, Funky, Rock'N Roll ..... There is often live music.


In establishments with the distinctive "Tourist Quality Commitment" (SICTED)[2], among which are:

  • One of the establishments belonging to Cudilleto Turismo is the Hotel Old Tailor's House[3], a charming establishment located in an old house from 1890, decorated with all the restored tailoring elements that were found in the house, since the tailors (grandparents and parents) of the owners practiced their profession here for 40 years. It has the Q for tourist quality and is located on the Camino de Santiago on the coast.
  • On Cudillero, a beautiful fishing village on the Asturian coast, we find the hotel and the apartments Casona de la Paca[4]. Located in an old and beautiful Indian house, built in 1877 and completely rebuilt to turn it into a small charming hotel, full of small details. Its colonial-style decoration recreates a very homely atmosphere in all rooms. If you come to the Casona de la Paca, be sure to try our great and typical breakfasts.
  • The country house[5] There are several charming rural houses that receive this name, they are for full rental, they are fully equipped and warmly decorated. They are 4km from the port of Cudillero, in Lamuño, a quiet coastal town (the beaches of Oleiros and La Concha de Artedo are located here).

The Association, CUDILLERO TURISMO, established in 1996, is a mixed company formed by professionals from the tourism sector of the Council and the City Council who come together in order to coordinate, direct and organize all the activities that contribute to the tourism development of the Municipality for that in this way, Cudillero becomes a consolidated tourist destination. See accommodation at [6]