Steam train - Dampfeisenbahn

Steam locomotive on the route from Ebermannstadt to Behringersmühle in the Franconian Switzerland

Steam trains are popular tourist attractions in many regions.


After steam locomotives from Western Europe were sold to the east a few decades ago (e.g. Romania, Bulgaria, but also to Vietnam, Laos, etc.), efforts are being made to retrieve old stocks from there that are worthy of restoration and to restore them or to use them as spare parts carriers.


Journeys with steam trains do not require any other preparations than any other train journey: It is enough to get information about timetables and seasonal operating times as well as fares and reservations.

Important: The smoke from the locomotives sometimes contains considerable amounts of soot as well as oil and tar slag. Environmental limit values ​​were not an issue back then and do not exist today - apart from the problematic technical implementation.

For this reason, it makes sense to adapt your clothing to the fashion of the time: dark colors and an older suit or coat are more suitable than new, colorful clothing.


The Brockenbahn shortly before the finish in winter with backlight

North Rhine Westphalia



Steam trains do not have our current safety standards. You should therefore always follow the instructions of the staff.

Particular caution is required when entering and exiting through the great heights and on the platforms in front of the car. Children in particular could slip under simple barriers and fall off the car.

The windows can be opened in almost all historical cars. Be aware that slag and soot from the smoke could be dangerous to the eyes.


Web links



* Fichtelbergbahn
* Loessnitzgrundbahn
* Weißeritztalbahn

Overview Page:




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