Natural disasters - Desastres naturales

The 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami It affected many tourists who were in resorts, like this one on the coast of Thailand.

Although the objective of a trip is always to enjoy a pleasant moment, we cannot ignore that chance can put us in the middle of dangerous situations. Nature does not distinguish between locals and tourists, so it is always necessary to be aware of the natural dangers we face and what we must do to overcome them successfully.

General recommendations

  • Keep calm. It can be a very basic recommendation, but no less relevant for that.
  • Know in advance the exits and emergency personnel.
  • If you don't know the language, try to recognize the main emergency signs. Although in general they are standardized internationally, this is not necessarily the case in every corner.
  • Have at hand the contacts of the embassy or consulate closest to your country, which can help you if necessary.
  • Stay away from gas leaks and electrical circuits

Specific recommendations


If it is inside a building it is important
  • Find shelter under door lintels or solid furniture, such as tables or desks, or next to a pillar or main wall.
  • Stay away from windows, glass, cabinets, partitions and objects that can fall and hit you.
  • Do not use the elevator, as the effects of the earthquake could cause you to collapse or be trapped inside.
  • Use flashlights for lighting and avoid the use of candles, matches, or any type of flame during or immediately after the earthquake, which could cause an explosion or fire.
If the shaking surprises you on the outside it is convenient
  • Go to an open area, away from damaged buildings. After a major earthquake, smaller ones, called aftershocks, follow, which can be strong enough to cause additional damage.
  • Try not to approach or enter damaged buildings. The greatest danger due to falling debris, cladding, glass, etc., is in the vertical of the facades.[1]
  • If you are traveling by car, it is advisable to stay inside the vehicle, as well as to be careful to stay away from bridges, electric poles, degraded buildings or landslide areas.
Post shake
  • If it is required to communicate with friends or family, use text messages by cell phone, chat, emails or the Internet in general. Excess calls can congest cellular and fixed networks.


  • Avoid driving or traveling on mountainous routes, as rockslides can occur.
  • Stay abreast of the situation through the media and continue your route when you are certain that good weather has returned.
  • If you are in a hotel, evacuate as instructed by people with prior knowledge.
  • Never go down in the elevator as blackouts or failures in electrical services can occur and you can be trapped inside


  1. In general, there are currently fewer earthquake preventive measures in construction for facades and roofs than for building structures
This item is considered Useful . It has enough information to get there and some places to eat and sleep. An adventurer could use this information. If you find a bug, report it or Be brave and help improve it.