The Cabaco - El Cabaco

The Cabaco is a municipality of the Salamanca province.

To get



  • Sanctuary of the Virgen de la Peña de Francia
  • Zarzoso Convent
  • Interpretation Center of the Roman Gold Mining, The Cavenes.
  • Parish Church of Our Lady of Mercy
  • Old Bridge


Gold Batting Workshops at the Romana del Oro Mining Interpretation Center.[1]

To buy

To eat

  • Hostal Rest. Rioalmar
  • Hostal Rest. Final
  • Hostal Rest. The Cavenes. 34 923086910.
  • Hotel Hospedería del Santuario de la Peña de Francia. At 1723m of altitude.


  • Hostal Rest. Rioalmar
  • Hostal Rest. Final
  • Hostal Rest. The Cavenes. 34 923086910.
  • Hotel Hospedería del Santuario de la Peña de Francia. At 1723m of altitude.


  • The Cavenes Located within the natural park and a few meters from the Archaeological zone of Las Cavenes Gold Mines.[2]

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