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Traveling with your children, no problem!


Children appreciate the world as much as we adults do. Even they see it in a different way, which may even surprise us! I bet you they already told you: “Wow! It's Beautiful! >> And do they enjoy the food? If so, then it will be a big plus in their life to know what people from other countries eat

Some tips to keep your kids calm and enjoy the trip

1. Pack a carry-on for them with a few toys, not their favorites, in case they lose them. This simple gesture will keep them more peaceful on the plane, car or train.

2. Sometimes during your trip, do a less cultural activity, such as a Haribo museum, water slides ... They will be delighted and will let you do more cultural activities afterwards ...

3. Before bedtime, tell them the plan for the next day so they know what to expect.


In town, be careful!

Always keep an eye on your children, or to be on the safe side, hold their hands. Be very careful. Traffic is probably done quickly, watch them! Nothing more complex!

To go

Arriving in a country is hard work! One, the child can be tired, Two, he can forget a toy, LOOK EVERYWHERE IN THE CAR OR PLANE, Three, he can cry, Four , children are sometimes impatient ... they will be eager to arrive so comfort them by telling them that you are almost there.



In some countries, prices have to be negotiated. At these times, you have to be very vigilant because the salespeople will follow you. Try to hold your child's hand. If you don't want anything the merchant wants to sell you, IGNORE IT. Do not agree to drink tea if you do not think you are buying anything. Control your children because as soon as you set foot in a shop ... The merchant will show you all of its content !!! If the shops are at fixed prices, let them discover!

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These travel tips are a rough sketch and need more content. The article is structured according to the recommendations of the Style Manual but lacks information to be really useful. He needs your help. Go ahead and improve it!
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