First aid - Erste Hilfe

A note in advance: This article is intended as a help for self-help. Under no circumstances can it and should not replace a corresponding course. Understand it as a stimulus and a reminder.

First aid is the treatment carried out by laypeople or medically skilled first aiders, including life-threatening injuries and diseases. The best-known forms are artificial respiration and cardiac massage, the so-called cardiopulmonary resuscitation. In addition, there are numerous other first aid measures that you should have heard of at least once. In preparation for a trip, a first aid course can be a very useful addition.

Alert an emergency call

The first and most important measure is to call for professional help. The national Emergency number belongs to the basic equipment!

The 5 W.s to note: Where did the event take place? who calls? What it happened? How many are affected? Waiting in response to queries from the control center employee.

Cardiovascular system

Heart and circulatory disorders are diverse and not always easy to recognize. Is the drowsiness and slurred speech a sign of a stroke or alcohol? These diseases are not only found in the jungle on extreme trips, but also at the local bus stop an emergency such as a heart attack can be encountered.

Heart attack


  • Severe pain in the chest area of ​​at least 5 minutes with radiation in the left shoulder, the left arm, between the shoulder blades, but also the upper abdomen and lower jaw are possible.
  • Chest tightness, the feeling of a ton of weight on the chest
  • Fear (fear of death) and restlessness
  • Shortness of breath and nausea
  • Pale and damp skin (cold sweat)
  • weak pulse

Initial measures:

  • Call the emergency - the first hour is crucial for the prognosis!
  • calm down
  • Check breathing, pulse and consciousness
  • start cardiopulmonary resuscitation if you are unconscious or have no pulse


Broken bones


Allergic reaction

Heat and cold damage

Heat exhaustion





After contact with a fire jellyfish, the affected areas should be treated with vinegar or shaving foam. Carefully scrape off any threads and tentacles, for example with a plastic card or with sand or salt water.Under no circumstances wash off with fresh water or alcohol. Then apply burn ointment or anti-allergic ointment and see a doctor if you feel unwell or have allergic reactions.

Burns and scalds



Article draftThe main parts of this article are still very short and many parts are still in the drafting phase. If you know anything on the subject be brave and edit and expand it so that it becomes a good article. If the article is currently being written to a large extent by other authors, don't be put off and just help.