Northern Estonia - Estonia settentrionale

Northern Estonia
Old mill in Vihula
Northern Estonia - Location

Northern Estonia is a region ofEstonia.

To know

Northern Estonia contains the capital Tallinn and also for this reason it is the most visited region of the country.


This region was dominated by the Denmark in the 13th century until the "Revolt of the night of San Giorgio".

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

  • 1 Aruküla - Small village.
  • 2 Kaberneeme - Coastal village with a marina and a long beach.
  • 3 Käsmu - Coastal village.
  • 4 Laulasmaa - Coastal village.
  • 5 Nõva - Coastal rural municipality.
  • 6 Paldiski - Coastal city which during the Soviet period was a military city.
  • 7 Rakvere - The fifth largest city in theEstonia east of Tallinn.
  • 8 Tallinn - The capital of the country with a medieval historic center protected byUNESCO.
  • 9 Vihula - Village within the Lahemaa National Park.
  • 10 Võsu - Coastal village.

Other destinations

  • 1 Jägala waterfalls - Waterfalls on the river of the same name with a drop of just 8 meters but wide.
  • 2 Lahemaa National Park - Park one hour from Tallinn with particular coastal landscapes. The park entrance and offices are located at Palmse where there is also a hotel.

How to get

By plane

The Lennart Meri Tallinn is the main airport of Estonia

By car

If you come from Latvia is Russia by land along the main roads the signs indicate "Tallinn" as soon as the border approaches.

On boat

Tallinn contains Estonia's main port.

On the train

There are direct trains from St.Pietroburgo.

How to get around

What see

What to do

At the table


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