European health insurance card - Europejska Karta Ubezpieczenia Zdrowotnego

European health insurance card (EHIC) - document European Union authorizing the treatment of citizens of EU Member States on the basis of reciprocity. This means that citizens of the EU countries are treated like the citizens of the country in which they are staying. Treatment, in principle, only concerns the necessary scope of health care. In most countries, it does not provide basic or limited dental care. Hospital treatment applies only to diseases resulting from arrival in a given country or a sudden deterioration of health. In no case does it include the so-called elective treatment. Treatment based on the EHIC, in principle, does not cover the victims of sports accidents (including transport), and in some countries also the victims of road accidents.

Due to numerous limitations in the use of the EHIC, it may be reasonable to have a separate, private, insurance of medical costs, including transport to Poland. When concluding insurance, you should choose a company that does not require us to spend cash abroad, and then returns it after returning to the country, because we may not have such an amount.

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