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Postal code
46 ° 6 ′ 46 ″ N 7 ° 29 ′ 46 ″ E
Official site

Evolene is a village of Valais.


The Dent Blanche from Evolène-Switzerland

The town of Evolène is located in the Val d'HérensIt has managed to keep its typical villages without succumbing to the sirens of mass tourism.

Some inhabitants of the village and the region still speak Evolène patois and continue to teach it to children at school.

Well-rooted traditions, we have kept the Carnival celebrations and August 15, which every year fill the village with tourists.

Evolène is part of the association of most beautiful villages in Switzerland

To go

By car

Evolène is located in the Val d'Hérens. Access to the valley is from Sion (Sion-est motorway exit). Follow the blue or white road signs Vex - Evolène - Arolla.
Be careful, we are driving on a mountain road, some passages are a bit short if we cross the post bus.
On the road, we will find “the pyramids of Euseigne”, a geological formation worn down by the centuries. There is a parking space where you can stop, because it is dangerous and forbidden to stop at the side of the road. For this trip, it takes a good half an hour.
Once in the village, the best thing is to cross by the top road and put the car in the large square near the cemetery.

Public transport

From Sion central station, there are eight buses every day, they take around 45 min to make the trip.


The village has only one street open to traffic; this street is one way (uphill) for private cars.
The traffic for the top of the valley (Les Haudères, La Sage, Ferpècle, Arolla) as well as for the postbuses is diverted by a road outside the historic village.

To see

Evolène Carnival


To buy


Have a drink / Go out




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Complete list of other articles in the region: Val d'Hérens