Flavigny-sur-Ozerain - Flavigny-sur-Ozerain

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Flavigny-sur-Ozerain is a french Commune in the department Côte-d'Or, in the Burgundy. It has been named one of the most beautiful villages in France.

Map of Flavigny-sur-Ozerain


This house in Flavigny served as the backdrop for Vianne's chocolaterie in the film Chocolate

Politically, the municipality belongs to the arrondissement of Montbard and the canton of Venarey-les-Laumes.

The history of the parish is strongly related to the abbey. The name, however, probably comes from a Gallo-Roman villa or estate owned by a Flavius ​​or Flavinius. The abbey was founded in 719. Its scriptorium quickly became famous. Since a parish church was built in the 10th century, there must have been a sizable settlement outside the monastery at that time. The village and the abbey were surrounded by a common wall from 1157. The citizens were able to buy themselves out of serfdom until 1236 and began building a new parish church in the middle of the 13th century. Only in 1566 did the citizens get permission to elect their own city administration. During the Wars of Religion, the Dijon parliament fled here and met in Flavigny from 1589 to 1592. After that it went steadily downhill. First the abbey was dissolved during the revolution, towards the end of the 19th century the vineyards around the place were destroyed by phylloxera and shortly afterwards the administrative function had to be handed over to Les Laumes.

Flavigny served as the location for the film, released in 2000 Chocolate with Juliette Binoche and Johnny Depp.

getting there

By plane

By train

Flavigny is not connected to the railway network. The nearest train station is 7 km away Laumes-Alésia. The next TGV stop is in Montbard, a good 20 km away.

In the street

The place is on the D 9, which branches off the D 905 between Dijon / Vitteaux and Montbard. It is approx. 60 km from Dijon and 23 km from Montbard.

By bicycle

Flavigny is 6 km off the bike path along the Canal de Bourgogne. You can leave it at Pouillenay and drive up the départemental road D 9, which is not very busy, to Flavigny. A very steep incline has to be overcome. Coming from the north, you can leave the towpath at the Pont du Breuil behind Venarey-les-Laumes to go to the Muséoparc Alésia (remains of a Celtic capital and information center on the decisive battle in the Roman-Gallic War) and the Vercingetorix statue in Alise-Sainte -Reine pass to Flavigny (8 km).

By boat

Who with the sport boat or houseboat on the Canal de Bourgogne is on the way, can moor in Pouillenay. From there it is 5.5 km to Flavigny.


Tourist Attractions

Carolingian crypt in the former Abbey of St-Pierre
Saint-Genest church with typical "Burgundy roof"
  • City fortifications. With their towers and gates.
  • 1  Abbaye Saint-Pierre. The former Benedictine abbey.
  • 2  Ste-Reine crypt
  • 3  Saint-Genest church
  • Maison Lecordaire







Practical advice



Web links

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