Gamla - Gamla

Gamla Nature Reserve is a national park & ​​an archaeological site in the Golan Heights.

Gamla - ancient city
  • 1  Gamla Nature Reserve (גמלא), near Road 88, Dalyot Jct. Tel.: (0)4-682 2282, Fax: (0)4-682 2285. Gamla Nature Reserve in the Wikipedia encyclopediaGamla Nature Reserve in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryGamla Nature Reserve (Q4271763) in the Wikidata database.Toilet facilities, no drinking water; Shop with drinks, snacks and ice cream. From time to time a shuttle bus drives down the "Service Road" to the entrance area of ​​the archaeological site, which saves the sweaty ascent back to the park entrance.Open: 8 am-5pm, in winter (October-March) 8 am-4pm.Price: 29/15 NIS.


On a rock ridge between two gorges was in the 3rd century. B.C. the city of Gamla was built; in the first Jewish-Roman war, the city was captured by the Romans after a long siege. After heroic perseverance, the Jewish defenders chose suicide - this is how Gamla received his reputation as the "Masada of Galilee".

It was not until 1968 that the place was definitely identified and excavated as the Gamla described by Flavius ​​Josephus, the Nahal Gamla with the highest waterfall in Israel and the rock faces with the breeding colonies of birds of prey was placed under protection and made accessible as a national park. After a bush fire that killed most of the vegetation in 2010, the vegetation has recovered well to this day.


Gamla - ancient city, on the cliff between Nahal Daliyot and Nahal Gamla
Destruction by the 2010 forest fire
Reconstruction of a ballista

On a camel hump-like ledge that was probably already settled in the Bronze Age, hence the Aramaic name of the city. B.C. the place Gamla Founded as a fortress of the Seleucid Empire. The Seleucids, as one of the successor realms of the empire of Alexander the great, stood in the 3rd century. at war with the Egyptian Ptolemies, and felt compelled to fortify the borders. From the 2nd century the city had a Jewish population and belonged to the Hasmonean Empire.

in the first Jewish-Roman war the city became under the command of the Galilean troops Flavius ​​Josephus fortified as one of five cities, from the pen of the Jewish-Roman chronicler, a comprehensive description of the city has been preserved on the rocky promontory with its 350 m long wall. Under the influence of refugees, the city, which was initially loyal to the Romans, turned away from them and sought alliance with the rebels.
The city was still able to withstand the first siege attempt by the troops of King Agrippa II; a little later Emperor Vespasian took them with three legions siege back on. After the siege and bombardment of the city walls with catapults and ballistae, a breach was made in the city wall, which was reinforced by the defenders. The Romans managed to penetrate the city - they fought heavy battles with the defenders over a few days in the narrow streets of the city. Part of the population was slaughtered by the Roman troops, another attempted suicide by throwing the Jewish defenders from the mountain cliffs. After the capture, the destroyed city was left by the inhabitants and the place remained uninhabited.

Initially, the city was believed to be in the area of ​​Wadi Ruqqad, and it was only after the Six Day War that the archaeologist Yitzhaki Gal managed to identify the city on the rocky ridge in the Golan. The excavations were continued under Shemaryahu Guttman and numerous traces of the Roman siege were secured, countless ballist balls made of basalt, catapult bolts, arrowheads, a breach made in the city wall.

The synagogue, which dates from the 1st century, was located in the city. B.C. is one of the oldest in Israel, and also a mikveh. 157 ballista balls and 120 arrowheads were found in the area of ​​the synagogue and speak of the fact that fierce fighting has raged here too.


The nature park is located between the Y-shaped converging gorges of the Nahal Gamla and the Nahal Daliyot, the ruins of the ancient city lie on a rocky promontory between the valleys that slopes steeply to the north. On the way between the high plateau and the canyon floor, the waters of the Nahal Bazelet and Nahal Gamla fall over waterfalls into the depths.

Flora and fauna

The slopes of the river valleys are covered with tabore oaks and atlant. Pistachio passed, in spring the Judas tree blooms lilac, the bladder bush (Colutea istria) yellow. Blue lupins, the Bethlehem star (Ornithogalum montanum) and the midday iris (Moraea sisyrinchium) bloom along the "Dolmen Trail".

You rarely see wild boars or gazelles, rock slate, agamas (Agama agama) and geckos (Ptyodactylus oudrii); The bird of prey population, one of the largest in Israel, is particularly impressive. In the Birds of prey breeding station Young animals are raised before they are released into the wild, including griffon vultures, Egyptian vultures, short-toed eagles, Bonelli eagles and buzzards.


In the central Golan there is an arid Mediterranean climate, rainfall only in the winter months, in summer you have to reckon with great heat during the day, so excursions should be scheduled in the morning (the park closes at 5 p.m.).

getting there

The driveway to 2 parking spot and entrance to Gamla Nature Reserve is just north of Daliyot Junction from the road 808 from.

From a parking lot at the intersection 808 / 869 (Daliyot Jct.) From a second entrance one can visit the valleys of the Nahal Dalyot and Nahal Bazelet.

Fees / permits

29/15 NIS, park entry is included in the two-week tourist pass.


One moves locally on foot, between the archaeological There is a shuttle bus between the grounds and the park entrance (unclear whether it is accessible to everyone in the season or only for groups), the steep footpath is only suitable for hikers. In the archaeolog. You can move around the terrain on foot, a narrow path leads to the summit ridge (danger of falling for children).

Tourist Attractions

Gamla - ancient city
Birds of Prey Observation Hut
Deir Qeruh Monastery
Nahal Gamla: Dolmen Trail
Gamla case
  • 3 Vulture Trail - Gamla Lookout (Birds of prey path and lookout point, 30 min.): The 600 m long path is paved and barrier-freebarrier-free wheelchair accessible. It leads to a viewing platform with a view of Ancient Gamla, to another vantage point, where birds of prey nesting on the steep walls of Nahal Gamla can be observed from a covered shelter. A rearing enclosure for birds of prey, which will later be released into the wild, is a little further north - it can only be seen from a distance.
On the way back one arrives at the ruins of the Byzantine settlement 4 Deir QeruhDeir Qeruh in the Wikipedia encyclopediaDeir Qeruh (Q24910914) in the Wikidata database (Keir Karukh). The ruins of the Church of St. Gregory made of dark basalt stone are unusual due to the rectangular apse, they can only be viewed from the outside. One can be found in the area of ​​the ruins of the settlement, which was inhabited until the Syrian era Picnic zone with shaded tables and drinking water point.
  • 5 Ancient Trail to Gamla (Ancient Road to Gamla): a Not barrier-freeNot barrier-free Footpath (6 Ancient Road) leads from the viewing platform down to the ruins of the city located on a rock ridge Gamla. From the end of the "Service Road" the city can be seen from the view of the besieging Romans with their catapults.
The City fortification wall, which closes the rock ridge in the east, is crowned at the top by a round tower. The circular path leads through the gate into the city on the left. In addition, the part of the city wall is preserved, into which the Roman besiegers with rams one breach to get into town. From the inside, the double structure of the wall can be seen, the city wall was reinforced after the first attacks.
The path leads past one Mikveh, a Jewish ritual bath to which steps lead, and the 7 synagogue. This from the 1st century. B.C. The original synagogue is possibly the oldest in Israel, the 22 x 17 m building was surrounded by Doric columns.
Passing residential areas, further down to the left are the ruins of a flour mill and oil press, you get to the ridge. A narrow path leads to an exposed one 8 Lookout point The terrain slopes steeply over rock faces on both sides.
Allow a good 1 1/2 hours for the descent / ascent and the tour through the ruins.
  • Dolmen Trail / Gamla Falls (approx. 1½ hours): The leads even further north Not barrier-freeNot barrier-freeDolmen Trail past numerous 9 Dolmen from the Canaanite period to the Gamla Falls, which are the highest waterfalls in Israel with a height of 51 m. The Nahal Gamla is on one 10 bridge crossed by one 1 Observation point on the western bank you can find the waterfall and the Birds of prey view on the cliffs of Nahal Gamla.
  • 11 Daliyot Falls Trail (approx. 2 hours one way, 4 hours with the way back): the way leads along the slope of the Nahal Daliyot to the rear entrance of the park, on the way there it leads over the cut of the Nahal Bezelet (a tributary to the Nahal Daliyot) with a waterfall and Nahal Daliyot. On the way there you pass one memorial for fallen soldiers and victims of terrorism.


  • Hikes to Gamla or Daliyot Falls.


Snacks, drinks and ice cream are available at the shop at the park entrance.



It is not allowed to stay overnight in the Gamla Reserve, in the nearby Yehudiya Reserve there is a campsite.


The security situation in the central Golan is harmless; It is advisable to stay on the footpaths, on the one hand there are mined areas and military restricted zones ("Firing Areas") in the vicinity, a real threat is lack of fluids on hot summer days and the danger of falling off steep edges.



  • brochure the Gamla nature reserve, with plan, hebr.
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