Geneva - Genebra

Geneva (Geneva or Genf) is the second largest city in the Switzerland.

45% of its population is foreign, coming from 180 different countries, which makes Geneva a multicultural city.


The city of Geneva is divided into eight zones:

  • Pakis/Nations - The neighborhood of Pâquis is one of the most controversial in the city. Located on the right bank of Lake Léman, it is inhabited mainly by immigrants from very different countries, thus forming a very interesting mixture of cultures. It is also in this neighborhood that most bars/nigthclubs for homosexuals are located and since prostitution is legal in the city of Geneva, it is also common to find some prostitutes in the streets of Pâquis, reminding in a way, the Red Light District of Amsterdam. At night it can be dangerous due to robberies.

In Nations, we can find the most important offices of European and world organizations, such as the UN, the WHO or the International Museum of the Red Cross.

  • Servette/Petit Saconnex - Area mainly for housing, with some bars and restaurants.
  • Grottes/Saint Gervais - This area of ​​the city has some interesting bars and streets with plenty of shops. This is the case of the large Armazém MANOR, which has five floors, each one dedicated to a theme and where you can find a little of everything, from clothes to toys, through books or appliances.
  • Saint-Jean/Charmilles - This is also an essentially residential area, which has a large number of Hispanic residents.
  • Jonction - Jonction is the most alternative neighborhood in Geneva, which contains many bars and clubs capable of guaranteeing a good night of fun. Next to the lake and the Plainpalais, the biggest square in the city, the inhabitants of this neighborhood are also of enormous cultural diversity. It also has restaurants of great quality and diversity.
  • Centre/Plainpalais/Acacias - Area located in the center of Geneva, on the left bank of the lake, contains the busiest streets in the city. Shops, restaurants, bars, universities, street art, markets, libraries and many tourists fill the streets. It is also here that the "Vieille Ville", the oldest and one of the most beautiful in the city, is located.
  • Eaux-Vives - Neighborhood located on the left bank of the lake, which has many parks and walks to do.
  • Champel - The chic quartier in Geneva. The main hospital is located in this neighborhood.

To arrive

By airplane

Geneva has at its disposal a unique but very well located airport, Geneva International Airport (GVA), which also offers several accesses to the city center: - bus/bus 5, 10, 23 and 28 (ticket cost: 3 CHF / time to the center: 15/20 min) - train/train (ticket cost: 3 CHF / time to the center: 6 min) - taxi, as in all other international airports, right outside from Geneva airport there is a queue of taxis.

By train/train

Geneva's main station, which is located in the center of the city, is called Gare Cornavin. Trains arrive and depart from and to several other Swiss and European cities (ex: Zurich, Paris, Milan, Vienna, etc.), and in addition to the regular train, the TGV, high-speed train, is also available. at the station, there are several bus stops where you can go from any of them to different points of the city.

By bus/bus

The main bus/bus station in Genève, Gare Routière, is also in the heart of the city, about 500m from Gare Cornavin.


As a relatively small city when compared to large urban centers like London or Paris, walking is the most practical and also the most beautiful way to get to know this beautiful city. There are four or five bridges that can be crossed by pedestrians, which match the left and right shores of Lake Léman. Then, it's off to discover, through the streets, the boulevards, at promenades, parks and squares.

By train/subway

Geneva does not have a metro. And the train is only justified for those staying outside the city, on the outskirts.

By bus/bus/boat

The TPG (transports publics genevois) is a very good public transport network with buses, tramways/trams and mouettes. There are numerous bus lines and tramways/trams that take us to any point of the city in a few minutes and four or five ports that every fifteen minutes see the mouettes, small boats that connect the two shores of the lake. . Cost of a ticket: 3 CHF

By car

Avoid using your car in the center of Geneva whenever you can. Despite the good signaling conditions and the respect between drivers, traffic can be unbearable, especially at peak hours.

By bike/skateboard/scooter

Geneva is one of the European cities with the most users of these non-motorized means of transport. There are lanes suitable for these drivers on all streets and avenues of the city, as well as on the roads that connect to the surroundings.


  • the jet d'eau - water jet over 100m high which is one of the city's trademarks
  • the flower clock - large clock located in the Jardin Anglais, which is made of flowers and changes *every season of the year
  • The Cathedral of Saint-Pierre - the largest cathedral in the city, located in Vieille Ville
  • Le Mur des Réformateurs - large stone wall located in the Parque dos Bastions
  • Le Palais des Nations - UN Palace
  • La Place du Bourg-de-Four - the most attractive square in the city with many terraces and movement
  • Plainpalais Cemetery - cemetery with beautiful statues where some *of the most important Europeans of past centuries are buried
  • Les Schtroumpfs - very original building in homage to famous cartoons
  • Botanical Garden - always with very interesting exhibitions
  • La Perle du Lac - small island located in the middle of the lake, very pleasant
  • Plains of Plainpalais - huge square where markets take place every day and the circus every year


Bicycle: rent a bike by the lake, where there are several rental points, and ride around the city on two wheels.

Carriage: Carouge is a beautiful Italian-style village just outside Geneva and well worth a visit.

Salève: This large mountain is located a few kilometers from Geneva and can be climbed by cable car to its summit, from where you can see the entire city of Geneva.

Cruise: You can take the boat in Geneva that will take you on a tour of Lake Geneva.


Geneva offers, within its numerous boutiques and department stores, an incomparable choice of articles of all types and origins. There are many shops selling watches and bijoux, Swiss army knives, chocolates, etc. Then of course all the big brands have their boutique in the center of Geneva: from the more affordable Zara, H&M or Benetton to the most renowned Chanel stylists , Louis Vuitton or Dior.

Main trading areas:Rue du Marché and Rue de la Croix d'Or: large street where tramways, people and non-motorized vehicles such as bicycles or scooters can only circulate. On either side, dozens of stores, of all kinds.

Rue du Rhône: Parallel to the aforementioned streets, this is the street that contains the luxury boutiques.

Center Balexert: located a few minutes from the city center, this is one of the few commercial centers in Geneva.

Manor: Located in the heart of the city, large warehouse with all kinds of items.

To shop at the supermarket, most residents prefer to travel to France, which is just a few minutes from Geneva, where products are cheaper. However, in Switzerland there are some good quality supermarkets, which are not very expensive:Migros, Manor or Coop

With the

Swiss cuisine is known for being pleasant and healthy, based on dairy and vegetables. Typical dishes include Fondue (cheese, meat, vegetables, chocolate), Raclette (cheese, potatoes and bacon), gratins (oven au gratin dishes) and emancés (stews). During your stay, enjoy the cheeses, there are a thousand and one qualities, for all tastes. Taste the huge variety of chocolates that this country offers and which are on sale in stores, supermarkets or even in their own chocolate shops with guided tours and free samples at the end! boulangeries (Pastry shops) are always full due to the huge and delicious amount of cakes they offer, as in neighboring France, the croissants are wonderful.

If you're not big on spending, every 500m you come across a McDonald's or other fast-food restaurant, whose menu is around 10/15 CHF. If you want to have the luxury of going to the restaurant for dinner, expect a minimum of 30 to 40 CHF per person. With 15/20 CHF you can order a pizza, whose dough is very good. If you want to choose a specialty or more luxurious restaurant, prices can go up to 100 CHF.

drink and go out

Geneva has many nightlife spots for all tastes, ages and trends. More intimate bars, alternative clubs, nightclubs that require proper clothing, you will find a little of everything.

Bars - open until 2 am

Average price of a coffee: 3.5 CHFAverage price of a beer: 4 CHFAverage price of a white drink: 12 CHF

  • Coffee Art's (Pakis, very nicely decorated)
  • Les Brasseurs (there are several, typical beer bar)
  • Le Scandale (gay friendly)
  • Arthur's Rive Gauche (left margin, very chic)
  • alhambar (Vieille Ville, themed nights)
  • Le Nathan (gay friendly)
  • Le Phare (gay friendly)
  • Le Calamar (Plainpalais, retro style)
  • L'Ethno (Plainpalais, tribal style)
  • Barrio's Latino (Plainpalais, Brazilian and Latin music)
  • La Clemence (Vieille Ville, terrace much appreciated by students)
  • wall street cafe (right bank, American style)

Discs - open until 5 am, consumption varies from 10CHF to 50CHF

  • S.I.P (Plainpalais, all styles)
  • CREM (Champel)
  • Platinum (Saint Gervais, for people with money)
  • B-Club (Center, chic & branché)
  • The Organic Club (gay disco)
  • Le Petit Palace (striptease)
  • bypass (Acacias, must be well dressed)
  • Monte Cristo Club (Acacias, latin style)
  • Moa Club (all styles, international dj's)
  • Weetamix (techno)
  • L'Usine (Jonction, closed alternative venue with bars and clubs)
  • Artami (Jonction, open alternative venue with bars and clubs)



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