Gozo - Gozo


Gozo is the second largest island in the republic Malta and is north of the main island. About 31,000 people live on Gozo.


Map of Gozo
  • 1  Victoria. Victoria in the Wikipedia encyclopediaVictoria in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryVictoria (Q752348) in the Wikidata database.also called Rabat, is the capital of the island with a citadel as the main attraction. Among other things, there are 3 walk-in granaries carved into the rock. From the citadel you can see almost the entire island.
  • 2  Xlendi. Xlendi in the Wikipedia encyclopediaXlendi in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsXlendi (Q670218) in the Wikidata database.former fishing village, now a crowded tourist place. The beach here is small but trapped between tall spectacular cliffs, which makes Xlendi one of the best spots in Gozo.
  • 3  Marsalforn. Marsalforn in the Wikipedia encyclopediaMarsalforn in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryMarsalforn (Q907635) in the Wikidata database.A popular seaside resort on the northwest coast of Gozo. The famous salt pans are located here.
  • 4  Xaghra. Xaghra in the Wikipedia encyclopediaXaghra in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryXaghra (Q605343) in the Wikidata database.The Ġgantija Temple is located here.
  • 5  Qala. Qala in the Wikipedia encyclopediaQala in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsQala (Q1088033) in the Wikidata database.where 'ebla l-Wieqfa' (another prehistoric dolmen) is located. Other interesting things in Qala are Ħondoq Bay, 'Belvedere' with a beautiful view of the main islands of the Maltese archipelago and a small fortress.
  • 6  Xewkija. Xewkija in the Wikipedia encyclopediaXewkija in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsXewkija (Q919921) in the Wikidata database.with an impressive large rotunda church, which is visible from almost all villages and towns of Gozo.

Other goals

  • 1  Ramla Bay. Ramla Bay in the Wikipedia encyclopediaRamla Bay in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryRamla Bay (Q909059) in the Wikidata database.- the most beautiful sandy beach in Gozo. The name means red sand and refers to the beautiful reddish color of the sand. The bay has been completely spared from development, so that the beach remains relatively little visited. This site also claims to be where the Cave of Calypso is, the cave referred to in Homer's Odyssey.
  • 2  Mgarr Ix-Xini. Mgarr Ix-Xini in the Wikipedia encyclopediaMgarr Ix-Xini in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryMgarr Ix-Xini (Q1213450) in the Wikidata database.- rocky bathing place in the south of Gozo with crystal clear water.
  • 1  Ta'Pinu. Ta'Pinu in the Wikipedia encyclopediaTa'Pinu in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryTa'Pinu (Q248511) in the Wikidata database.Pilgrimage church at Gharb.


Sometimes you get the feeling that Gozo is what Malta could have been. With the exception of Marsalforn and Xlendi, it was largely spared short-sighted overdevelopment, the traditional way of life and society survived better, and the land was better preserved, resulting in more fertile soil. Buildings and houses on Gozo are built primarily with natural materials, unlike many of the concrete and windsock structures found on the mainland.

The history of Gozo is closely related Malta connected. It shares its megalithic culture, and with the Ggantija temples it is officially home to the oldest structure in the world. Interestingly, Gozo was inhabited in the same way as Malta, being until the end of the Middle Ages Marr and Victoria / Rabat for Gozo that's what Vittoriosa and Mdina for Malta are: the main port and the main settlement, consisting of a citadel and the surrounding suburbs. In the Middle Ages, the inhabitants of Gozo were legally obliged to return to the Citadella every evening to stay overnight in order to prevent pirates from kidnapping them. These measures proved necessary when the Turks attempted their first invasion of Malta in 1551. When they failed, they attacked Gozo and took the entire population on ships to sell them into slavery.

getting there

Of Cirkewwa On the north coast of Malta there are regular ferries to Mgarr from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. (see: Gozo Channel Company). In summer it runs every 45 minutes and in winter almost as often, at a lower frequency in the evening (and even lower at night). A round trip costs € 4.65 (from 2016) and takes about 25 minutes. Bus stops are outside the ferry terminals and the buses are synchronized with the arrivals and departures of the ferries. The bus ride to Victoria takes approximately 20 minutes. On the Maltese side, buses run from the Valetta bus stop to Ċirkewwa and take around 75 minutes (with line 222).


See also:Mobility in Malta

  • There are buses to Victoria every 30 minutes from the port in Mgarr. From there buses run regularly to all parts of the island.
  • Gozo can also be explored on foot. Every place on the island can be reached in an hour and a half from Victoria.

Tourist Attractions

Blue window on Gozo before the 2017 collapse
  • 2  Azure Window. Azure Window in the Wikipedia encyclopediaAzure Window in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryAzure Window (Q794354) in the Wikidata database.English: Blue window, was a rock arch protruding into the sea, about 20 m high. Some tour operators promised that you can walk on the rock at the top. On site, however, signs indicated the danger. Despite the ban, some visitors were not deterred from such an exploration tour. Boat trips under the rock arch were also offered. You could spend more than an hour at the Azure Window. Unfortunately, this rock gate collapsed on March 8, 2017 during a storm.
  • 3   Ġgantija. Ġgantija in the Wikipedia encyclopediaĠgantija in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsĠgantija (Q216862) in the Wikidata database.With approx. 5600 years one of the oldest known megalithic temples and therefore much older than z. B. Stonehenge. Exhibits and display boards are set up in the entrance area. Visit takes about 15 to 60 minutes.Price: Adults 9 euros (2015).Unesco World Heritage Sites in Europe
  • 4  Inland Sea (Dwejra). Inland Sea in the Wikipedia encyclopediaInland Sea in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsInland Sea (Q1639436) in the Wikidata database.The Inland Sea is a typical Maltese name as it slightly exaggerates its size (Mdina is referred to as a city of 400 inhabitants). It is actually a small lake that is connected to the sea by a tunnel about 100 meters long through the cliffs.
  • The 5  Rotunda Church. Rotunda Church in the Wikipedia encyclopediaRotundkirche in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsRotundkirche (Q18391229) in the Wikidata database.in the village of Xewkija is a wonderful place to visit. The church was built in honor of John the Baptist (each village has a saint they honor) and is the largest in Gozo.
  • Among the attractions of the 6  citadel (Ċittadella). Citadel in the Wikipedia encyclopediaCitadel in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsCitadel (Q867647) in the Wikidata database.belongs to a part of the bastions, which consists of a gunpowder magazine, a lower battery, three silos and some air raid shelters. The first three were added in the early 17th century after the devastating siege of Gozo by Turkish pirates in 1551. Graffiti on the walls also testify to the French occupation of Gozo. During the British occupation, the grain silos were converted into water reservoirs. Some of the air raid shelters were dug by Gozitan families. These locations are from Host Gawdex - a non-governmental environmental organization.
  • Host Gawdex The organization also manages Mġarr ix-Xini Tower, one of the Knights' coastal towers in Gozo. Entry to the tower can be made by appointment.
  • Currently one can also view the Gozo boat known as id-Dgħajsa tal-Latini, which was restored by the Gozo Channel Company and is now managed by Wirt Għawdex Organization. This boat is now being unveiled to the public at Mġarr Harbor, Gozo's main port. This boat was used to transport Gozitans and Maltese between the islands [1] to transport.
  • The one in the country Ta 'Pinu Basilica' is an important place of pilgrimage as miracles are said to have taken place here. The interior of the Basicila is rich in decoration. From outside the church[2] you can enjoy the view of the open landscape.


  • Gozo has some very impressive dive sites, this is one of the most popular 7  Blue HoleBlue Hole in the Wikipedia encyclopediaBlue Hole in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryBlue Hole (Q885728) in the Wikidata database. The underwater geography is very interesting, as is the marine life. The diving centers in Gozo range from garage operations to fully equipped 5-star IDC centers.
  • Outside of the busiest areas and out of peak season, hiking is popular and can lead to unexpected social interactions and plan changes.
  • Gozo has one of the most remarkable churches in the archipelago, which is located in Ta'Pinu and was visited by Pope John Paul II in 1990. A record of his visit is on the back of the church.


It should also be noted that when learning some Maltese there are different dialects in different parts of the country. The people of Gozo speak Maltese with a slightly different accent than the main Maltese islanders, and people from the various Gozitan villages each have their own dialect.

Like the main island, English is an official language of Gozo.




  • 1  It tokk, Pjazza l-Indipendenza, Ir-Rabat Għawdex - Independence Square, Victoria. Tel.: 356 2155 1213. Restaurant right on the main square of Victoria with a beautiful roof terrace. Maltese cuisine, the rabbit stew "Chef's special Rabbit Stew" is recommended.
  • Oleander restaurant, Xaghra, Gozo (square in front of the church). Tel.: 356 21557230. Small, cozy restaurant in the center of Xaghra. There are tables inside and outside. The menu is not very large, but there should be something for everyone, especially Maltese specialties.Open: Tue - Sun 12 p.m. - 3 p.m. 7 p.m. - 10 p.m.


  • Ta'Frenc, Ghajn Damma Street, Xaghra, Gozo (off the Victoria-Marsalforn road). Tel.: 356 21553888. Stylish restaurant with a large terrace, very clean, very good but expensive food. The flambées are prepared and flambéed right at the table. Very large wine list.Open: January - March Fri - Sun 12 p.m. - 2 p.m. / April - December Wed - Mon 12 p.m. - 2 p.m. 7 p.m. - 10 p.m.Price: Menus 10 - 16 lm (23 - 40 euros).




  • Hotel Cornucopia, Gnien Imrik Street, Xaghra XRA102. Tel.: 356 2155 6486. Rooms, suites, bungalows, pool. Cozy, clean hotel on the edge of Xaghra with lots of plants.Price: approx. 70 euros (double room).




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