Gran Chaco (Paraguay) - Gran Chaco (Paraguay)

Gran Chaco (Paraguay)
Landscape of the Chaco. In the foreground palm trees of caranday (Copernicia alba)

Gran Chaco is a region of Paraguay.

To know

The Gran Chaco, sometimes referred to simply as Chaco, (probably from the Quechua term 'chaku», Hunting area) is one of the main geographic regions of South America.

When to go

The Gran Chaco is a moderately humid region and in some semi-arid areas, not always suitable for the proliferation of urban life and settlements.


The Gran Chaco was a disputed territory since 1810, not including the entirety of the physical region of the same name. Officially, it was probably part of the Bolivia, but the Paraguay it began to drive out the native populations and to establish settlements there while Bolivia did not care about this practically uninhabited area. Subsequently this territory became disputed by the two states until it resulted in the Chaco War (1932-1935). Probably the real cause of the war was the suspicion of the presence of oil in the Chaco Boreale.

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

  • Philadelphia - Capital of the department of Boquerón.
  • Loma Plata - Important commercial and industrial center in the department of Boquerón.

How to get

How to get around

What see

What to do

At the table


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