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Great Wall
Great Wall Badaling doorway view.jpg
40 ° 25 ′ 0 ″ N 116 ° 5 ′ 0 ″ E
Official site

The great Wall (长子 changcheng) stretches from Liaoning Province to the Gobi Desert. It was built by a multitude of small kingdoms that predated China. The result was several walls scattered across Chinese territory with the oldest dating back to 455 BC. During the Ming Dynasty these small walls were repaired and connected to each other by hundreds of thousands of workers. According to legend, they used, as and when they died, the bodies of workers for the construction of the wall in addition to the 180 million cubic meters of earth. It served to protect against incursions by nomads from the north and ended up being very useful as an elevated road allowing trade between mountainous regions. Subsequently, the wall was abandoned and saved by tourism.

“Whoever has never climbed the great wall is not a real man. »Máo zé dōng (" 不到 长子 非 好汉 "毛泽东)





  • 1 Simatai (司马台)  – (entrance ticket: 40 Rmb) This section can be found at 120 km northeast of Beijing, on the road heading towards Chengde. Simatai is a section linked to that of Jinshanling and Gubeikou. To get there the number 980 bus is available from Dongzhimen to Miyun, then take a taxi. It is possible to reach the wall by chairlift, there are one or two youth hostels where you can sleep on site.
  • 2 Jinshanling  – The Great Wall of Jinshanling, located at 147 km from Beijing, is much less frequented by tourists. Entrance costs 30 yuan (2004). A cable car is present (estimated time of the ascent: 10 min). Some hotels offer a tour that takes you by bus to Jinshanling and picks you up h later to Simatai. It is a 10 kilometer walk that requires good shoes, a picnic and a drink. The bus costs between 70 and 90 yuan (without the 2 entrance tickets for the walls).
  • 3 Mutianyu (慕田峪)  – tel: 6166873 (entrance ticket: 58 Rmb) at 90 km northeast of Beijing is the best-preserved section of the Ming Dynasty. It is open from h 40 at 17 h 30. It is also very visited but less touristy than Badaling. It also has a cable car (100 Rmb / person: round trip; 80 Rmb / person: one way) A slide is prepared for the descent. It is known for its preserved walls and its beautiful landscapes. To get there, the best is to take the number 936 or 916 bus which stops at 17 km of the wall. Then it is advisable to take a taxi. Some useful information: in summer, this section of the wall is very visited. In winter, it is very cold there, until −20 ° C, this is the moment when the Siberian wind blows.
  • 4 Badaling (To get there, one can join one of the tourist buses that leave from Dongzhimen or Qianmen. The easiest way is to take bus number 919 from Deshengmen 德胜 们 bus station.) – The Great Wall of Badaling: the destination is very touristy, it is a very restored piece, maybe even too much. Most tours and big buses stop there. You can also visit the tombs of thirteen of the 16 emperors of the Ming dynasty. Badaling 八达岭: (entrance ticket: 40 Rmb from Nov 1 to March 31; 45 Rmb from April 1 to Oct 31), this is the most touristic part of the Great Wall, often crowded. This portion is open from h 40 at 18 h 30 (avoid visiting on Saturday and Sunday). She is at 70 km from Beijing to the north-west starting from the city center and 1 000 m altitude. The Badaling site was restored numerous times in the 1950s and 1980s, making it less authentic. Cable cars (50Rmb / person: round trip) are provided from the wall to the main entrance for those who do not want to go on foot, otherwise a path is available. For the descent, a slide has been installed (sledges on rails).
  • 5 Shanhaiguan  – At this point, the wall empties into the sea. You have to go there by train (count h - h from Beijing).
  • 6 Juyonguan (庸关)  – tel 69771665 (entrance ticket: 40 Rmb) open from h 30 at 16 h 30. No cable car.
  • 7 Jinshanling (金山岭)  – (entrance ticket: 50 Rmb) Located at 130 km from Beijing, it is a section which has conversed well with its original style. Open from h at 16 h 50. There is a cable car (50 Rmb / person).
  • 8 Huanghua (黄花) Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element – this portion is rather wild and is found at 65 km North. A river naturally broke the wall in 3 portions, we can take very beautiful photos. It is difficult to get there, you have to go through Huairou by taking the bus line number 916 to Donzhimen. It should be noted that you are going to Huanghuacheng so that they drop you at the right place.

To go

Buses 919 & 916: Beijing bus station is the departure point for buses to the Wall and the two main sites of Badaling & Mutianyu - Duration: h. Taxis: If you go to the Great Wall on your own, you will certainly be in high demand by taxis - But beware scams are common and prices soar quickly: Sometimes even up to 500Rmb for the one way ticket ! If you choose this option two tips: Negotiate and do not pay for your return in advance ...




Have a drink / Go out


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