Greek - Greco


Spread of the Greek language
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Greek is one of the oldest and best documented Indo-European languages.

Modern Greek settles on medieval or Byzantine Greek. The first literary document consists of the poem Erotokritos, written by Vincenzo Cornaro, a Hellenized Venetian native who lived in Crete during the 17th century. Some, however, want to recognize the first narrative text in modern Greek in "Digenìs Akrìtas", an anonymous 11th century poem that glorifies the exploits of Byzantine heroes against the Arab threat. The fact is that the Ottoman conquest of Constantinople in 1453 extinguished all types of literature for almost four centuries during which the Greek language was handed down from one generation to another only in oral form. To safeguard the Christian language and traditions were the klèftes, populations of Greek origin who took refuge in the mountainous areas of the country to escape Ottoman harassment. After the establishment of the kingdom of Greece in 1832, the authorities tried to purge the language of any foreign influence, especially Turkish. Thus an artificial language called pure (katharevousa) was born. The pure language was taught in schools and was used by the press but the people continued to speak dimotikì. Thus a diglossia was created which was accused of creating a gap between the upper class and the poor. Katharevousa was abolished in 1976. From that year the Demotic language assumed the rank of official language. There remains the declared attachment of the Greek people to their own language which, like the Orthodox religion, is seen as an element of national identity.

Modern Greek, even in its demotic version, remains more faithful to classical Greek than Italian is to Latin. Nevertheless, the verbal form has undergone a considerable simplification. The infinitive mood has disappeared and verbs are indicated in dictionaries with 1to person singular present indicative. Periphrastic forms are used to form the future tense. The fact remains that the medium-passive form occurs without the help of the verb to be and is monoleptic as in ancient Greek and Latin. Nouns, adjectives, pronouns are declined, which can be an obstacle to learning the language. Even in this field, however, there has been a notable example. The ablative no longer exists, the dative case survives only in stereotyped forms and the genitive is often avoided. Spirits which on the initial vowel indicated the presence of a consonant which has fallen into disuse have also been abolished. The distinction between acute, grave and perispomene accents and the complex rules that determined their choice also disappeared. The only accent left in use is the acute one.

A little grammar

  • The point "." and the comma "," have the same function as Italian
  • The Greek question mark is expressed with a semicolon ";"
  • The top point corresponds to our semicolon

Guide to transcription

There are several official systems of transliteration of the Greek language into Latin characters. Some of these are ELOT 743 elaborated in 1987 and ISO 843 of 1997, all of which can be found at this website address in PDF format.

Pronunciation guide


There are no closed and open sounds of vowels; all vowels have an exaggeratedly open sound and this also applies to diphthongs. The open pronunciation of vowels can be a difficulty for us Italians. For example, observe how the Greeks pronounce the vowel "a" and try to imitate them. Modern Greek is characterized by iotacism, meaning many vowels and diphthongs are pronounced / i /.

  • α / A (Άλφα, Alpha; transcribed "a"): a very open sounding "a".
  • ε / Ε (Έψιλον, Èpsilon; transcribed "e"): it has a very open sound as in the Italian word "è" (3to person singular of the verb to be).
  • η / Η (Ήτα, Ita; transcribed "i"): like the corresponding Italian vowel "i".
  • ι / Ι (Ιώτα, Iota, transcribed "i"): like the corresponding Italian vowel "i".
  • ο / Ο (Όμικρον, Òmicron; transc. "O"): very open sound even more than in the Italian word "uòvo".
  • υ / Υ (Ύψιλον, Ipsilon; transcribed "y"): like the Italian vowel "i".
  • ω / Ω (Ωμέγα, Òmega; transcribed "o"): open sound as in the Italian word "game".


The accent, if marked, is always on the second vowel of the diphthong. If, in place of the accent, an umlaut appears (two dots above the second of two vowels), this indicates that the vowels must be pronounced separately and that they do not constitute a diphthong; for example, λαϊκός ("popular, secular") is pronounced /la.i.còs.

  • αι: pronounced "and" open (eg .: λαιμός (neck) is pronounced: lemòs. αίμα (blood) is pronounced èma).
  • ει: pronounced "i".
  • οι: pronounced "i" (eg: το πλοίο [to plìo] the ship).
  • υι: pronounced "i".
  • ου: pronounced "u".
  • αυ: pronounced "af" if it precedes a consonant (eg: aftì); instead it is pronounced "av" if it precedes a vowel (eg: dawn).
  • ευ: pronounced "ef" if it precedes a consonant (eg: èfkolo); instead it is pronounced "ev" if it precedes a vowel (eg: evritmia).


  • β / Β (Βήτα, Vita; transcribed "v"): pronounced as in the Italian word "veil". Ex .: η βάρκα (i vàrka) the boat.
  • γ / Γ (Γάμμα, Ghama; transcribed "gh"): pronounced in the throat and without moving the lips if followed by the vowel sound "a", "o", "u"; it is pronounced as in the Italian word yesterday if followed by the vowel sound "i", "e" (eg .: o γέρος (oièros) the old).
  • δ / Δ (Δέλτα, Dhelta; transcribed "dh"): it is always pronounced as in the English word "that".
  • ζ / Z (Ζήτα, Zita; transcribed "z"): the "z" in Greek always has the sonorous (or sweet) sound as in the Italian words "zona", "azalea" but more prolonged as in the Roman dialect, or as in the partola Italian "rosa". Ex .: ζώνη (cinta) zòni.
  • θ / Θ (Θήτα, Thita; transcribed "th"): as in the English word "thing".
  • κ / Κ (Κάππα, Kapa; transcribed "k"): if it precedes vowel sounds "a", "o", "u", the Kapa is pronounced as in the Italian words "casa", "costa", "cuore" (ex. : καλαμιές (reeds): kalamiès; κουμπιά (buttons): kubià); followed by the sound "e" or "i" is pronounced as in the Italian word "cleric" (eg: κέρδος (gain): kièrdhos).
  • λ / Λ (Λάμδα, Lamdha; transcribed "l"): it has a palatal sound as in Italian only if it is followed by a vowel sound [i]. In all other cases it is classified as an alveolar atheral consonant and is pronounced roughly like in the Italian word "bed".
  • μ / Μ (Μι, Mi; transcribed "m"): classified as a labiodental nasal consonant.
  • ν / N (Νι, Ni; transcribed "n"): alveolar nasal consonant.
  • ξ / Ξ (Ξι, Csi; transcribed "x"): as in the Italian word "xenophobia".
  • π / Π (Πι, Pi; transc. "P")
  • ρ / Ρ (Ρω, Ro; transcribed "r"): classified as a vibrating alveolar semiconsonant.
  • σ, ς / Σ (Σίγμα, Sigma; transcribed "s", "z"): the sigma corresponds to the deaf (or harsh) Italian consonant "s" as in the word "sun". It takes on the sound of sweet z as in the Italian word "zona" when it precedes a voiced consonant (β, γ, δ, μ, ν). Examples: σβήνω, σγουρός, κόσμος, Ισραήλ. At the end of a word, the sigma takes the spelling "ς" and is pronounced as sweet z. If intervocalic is pronounced double.
  • τ / Τ (Ταυ, Taf; transc. "T")
  • φ / Φ (Φι, Fi; transcribed "f")
  • χ / Χ (Χι, Chi; transcribed "ch", "h"): has an aspirated sound like the word "home" in the language of Florence or like the German "ich".
  • ψ / Ψ (Ψι, Psi; transcribed "ps"): pronounced as in the Italian word "psychology".

Consonant groups

Unlike Italian, double consonants are pronounced as if they were one (for the Greeks it is very difficult to pronounce the word "mamma" for example, and they say "mama").

  • μπ: pronounced "b" as in the Italian word "balla", if initial of a word (eg: μπελάς (belàs), woe); it is pronounced "mb" if the group is in the middle of the word (eg: αμπέλι (ambèli), pergola).
  • ντ: pronounced as Italian "d" if the group is the initial of a word (eg: νταλίκα (dalìka), van); it is pronounced as "na" to "go down" if in the middle of word.
  • γκ: pronounced as the hard "g" of the Italian word "cat" (eg Παγκόσμια ημέρα εθελοντισμού, World Volunteer Day).
  • γγ: it is pronounced, sometimes, "ng" in a similar way to the Italian word "angle"; at other times it is pronounced as a normal gamma.
  • τσ (transcribed "ʦ"): it is pronounced more or less like in the Italian word "pizza". More precisely, the group "τσ" is classified as a voiceless alveolar affricate consonant (eg: κορίτσι, girl).
  • τζ: it has an intermediate sound between "g" of "yellow" and "z" of blue (eg: Τζαμί (mosque) is pronounced "tzamì").

Other notes on pronunciation

Pay close attention to where the accent falls, which is always marked except for monosyllables and enclitics. Unlike Italian, there are many words with the accent on the third last and if it is pronounced with the accent on the wrong syllable our interlocutor will not understand. For example the word "Χάρισμα" is pronounced "Chtoream "and not" Carthesma "as in Italian. Likewise, the Italian word charismàtico is pronounced in Greek charismatikòs, with the accent on the last one. In this phrase book, the Greek syllable carrying the accent is always highlighted in bold.

Monosyllabic words are written without an accent.

Proclitic are those words that have no proper accent and rely on the word that precedes. A classic example is constituted by the pronominal particles, similarly to what happens in Italian. Example: Give it to me = δώστο μου (pronunciation: dòstomu)

Enclitic are those words that have no proper accent and rely on the word that follows. A classic example is the forms of the definite article in the nominative case.


Basic words
  • Yup : Ναι (pron .: Neither)
  • No : Όχι (pron.:Òchi)
  • Help : Βοήθεια (pron .: Voìthia)
  • Attention : Προσοχή (pron .: Prosochí)
  • You are welcome : Παρακαλώ (pron .: parakaló)
  • Thank you : Ευχαριστώ (pron .: Efcharistó)
  • Do not mention it : Να 'σαι καλά (pron.:na 'se kalá)
  • No problem : Κανένα πρόβλημα (pron.:kanéna próvlima)
  • Unfortunately : Δυστυχώς (pron.:Dhistichós)
  • Here : Εδώ (pron .: Edhó)
  • There / there : Εκεί (pron .: Ekí)
  • When? : Πότε; (pron.:póte)
  • Thing? : Τί; (pron.:ti)
  • Where is it? : Πού (pron.:pú)
  • Why? : Γιατί; (pron .: Yiatí)
  • Welcome : Καλώς ορίσατε (pron.:kalòs orìssate)
  • Open : Ανοιχτό (pron .: Anichtó)
  • Closed : Κλειστό (pron.:klistó)
  • Entry : είσοδος (pron .: ìsodhos)
  • Exit : έξοδος (pron.:èxodhos)
  • To push : ΩΘΗΣΑΤΕ (pron.:othísate)
  • Pull : ΕΛΞΑΤΕ (pron.:élxate)
  • Toilet : τουαλέτα (pron.:tualèta)
  • Free : ελεύθερο (pron .: eléfthero)
  • Busy : πιασμένο (pron.:piasmèno)
  • Men : άνδρες (pron.:ándres)
  • Women : γυναίκες (pron.:yínékes)
  • Forbidden : Απαγορεύεται (pron .: Apagorèvete)
  • Smoking prohibited : Απαγορεύεται το κάπνισμα (pron.:Apagorèvete to kàpnisma)
  • Hello : Γειά σας / σου (pron.:Yásas/Yásu)
  • Good morning : Καλημέρα (pron .: Kalimèra)
  • Good evening : Καλησπέρα (pron .: Kalispèra)
  • Good night : Καληνύχτα (pron .: Kaliníchta)
  • How are you? : Τι κάνετε; (pron.:Ti kánete?)
  • Fine thanks : Καλά, ευχαριστώ (pron .: Kalá, efcharistò)
  • And you? : Και εσείς; (pron.:Kesís?)
  • What's your name? : Πως σε λένε; (pron.:Pos se lène?)
  • My name is _____ : Με λένε _____ (pron .: Me léne _____)
  • Nice to meet you :   ( )
  • Where do you live? : Που μένετε / μένεις; (pron.:Pu mènete / mènis?)
  • I live in _____ : Μένω στη (ν) _____ (pron .: Méno sti (n) _____)
  • Where do you come from? : Από που είστε / είσαι; (pron.:Apo pu íste / íse?)
  • How old are you / are you? : Πόσο χρονών είστε / είσαι; (pron.:póso chronón íste / íse)
  • Excuse me (permission) : Συγ (γ) νώμη (pron.:Sygnòmi)
  • Excuse me! (asking for forgiveness) : Με συγχωρείτε (pron.:Me sichoríte)
  • As he said? : Πώς είπατε; (pron.:Pos ípate)
  • I'm sorry : Λυπάμαι πολύ (pron.:Lypáme polí)
  • See you later : Αντιο (pron .: Adío)
  • See you soon :   ( )
  • We feel! :   ( )
  • I don't speak your language well : Δεν μιλώ καλά ελληνικά (pron.:Dhen miló kalá eliniká)
  • I speak _____ : Μιλώ _____ (pron.:miló)
  • Is there anyone speaking _____? : Μιλά κανείς εδώ _____; (pron .: Milá kanís edhó _____?)
    • ...Italian : ... ιταλικά (pron.:italiká)
    • ...English : ... αγγλικά (pron.:aggliká)
    • ...Spanish : ... ισπανικά (pron.:ispaniká)
    • ...French : ... γαλλικά (pron .: ghaliká)
    • ...German : ... γερμανικά (pron.:ghermaniká)
  • Can you speak slower? : Μπορείτε να μιλήσετε πιο αργά; (pron.:boríte na milísete piò argá)
  • Could you repeat that? :   ( )
  • What does it mean? : Τι σημαίνει; (pron .: tí siméni)
  • I do not know : Δεν ξέρω (pron.:Dhen xèro)
  • I do not understand : Δεν καταλαβαίνω (pron.:Dhen katalavèno)
  • How do you say _____? : Πως λέγεται _____; (pron .: pos léghete)
  • Can you spell it for me? :   ( )
  • Where is the toilette? : Που είναι η τουαλέτα; (pron.:Pu íne i tualéta?)



  • I've lost my purse :   ( )
  • I've lost my wallet :   ( )
  • I was robbed :   ( )
  • The car was parked in the street ... :   ( )
  • I haven't done anything wrong :   ( )
  • It was a misunderstanding :   ( )
  • Where are you taking me? :   ( )
  • Am I under arrest? :   ( )
  • I am an Italian citizen :   ( )
  • I want to speak to a lawyer :   ( )
  • Can I pay the fine now? :   ( )

On the telephone

  • Ready :   ( )
  • A moment : Ενα λεπτό (pron.:Èna leptò)
  • I dialed the wrong number :   ( )
  • Stay online :   ( )
  • Sorry if I disturb, but :   ( )
  • I'll call back :   ( )


  • leave me alone :   ( )
  • Do not touch me! :   ( )
  • I'll call the police : Θα φωνάξω την Αστυνομία (pron.:tha fonáxo tin astynomía)
  • Where is the police station? : Που είναι το αστυνομικό τμήμα; (pron.:pu íne to astynomikó tmíma)
  • Police! : αστυνομία! (pron.:astynomía!)
  • Stop! Thief! :   ( )
  • I need your help :   ( )
  • I'm lost : χάθηκα (pron.:cháthika)


  • It's an emergency :   ( )
  • I feel bad : Αισθάνομαι άσχημα ()
  • I am hurt :   ( )
  • Call an ambulance : φωνάξτε ασθενοφόρο (pron.:fonáxte asthenofóro)
  • It hurts here :   ( )
  • I have fever :   ( )
  • Should I stay in bed? :   ( )
  • I need a doctor : χρειάζομαι γιατρό ()
  • May I use the phone? :   ( )
  • I am allergic to antibiotics :   ( )


At the airport

  • Could I have a ticket to _____? :   ( )
  • When does the plane leave for _____? : Τι ωρα φεύγει το αεροπλάνο γιά _____; ()
  • Where does it stop? :   ( )
  • Stops at _____ :   ( )
  • Where does the bus to / from the airport leave from? :   ( )
  • How much time do I have for check-in? :   ( )
  • Can I take this bag as hand luggage? :   ( )
  • Is this bag too heavy? :   ( )
  • What is the maximum weight allowed? :   ( )
  • Go to exit number _____ :   ( )

Bus and Train

  • How much does the ticket cost for _____? :   ( )
  • A ticket to ..., please : ενα εισητήριο γιά _____ ()
  • I would like to change / cancel this ticket :   ( )
  • Where is this train / bus headed? :   ( )
  • Where does the train to _____ leave from? :   ( )
  • Which platform / stop? :   ( )
  • Does this train stop at _____? :   ( )
  • When does the train leave for _____? : Τι ώρα φεύγει το τραίνο γιά _____; ()
  • When does the bus arrive in _____? :   ( )
  • Can you tell me when to get off? :   ( )
  • Sorry, I booked this place :   ( )
  • Is this seat free? :   ( )


  • Taxi :   ( )
  • Take me to _____, please :   ( )
  • How much does it cost up to _____? :   ( )
  • Take me there, please :   ( )
  • Taximeter :   ( )
  • Turn on the meter, please! :   ( )
  • Stop here, please! :   ( )
  • Wait here a moment, please! : Περιμένετε λίγο (pron.:Perimènete ligho)

To drive

  • I would like to rent a car :   ( )
  • One way street :   ( )
  • No parking :   ( )
  • Speed ​​limit :   ( )
  • Gas station :   ( )
  • Petrol :   ( )
  • Diesel :   ( )
  • Traffic light :   ( )
  • Street :   ( )
  • Square :   ( )
  • Pavements :   ( )
  • Driver :   ( )
  • Pedestrian :   ( )
  • Pedestrian crossing :   ( )
  • Overtaking :   ( )
  • Fine :   ( )
  • Deviation :   ( )
  • Toll :   ( )
  • Border crossing :   ( )
  • Border :   ( )
  • Customs :   ( )
  • Declare :   ( )
  • Identity card :   ( )
  • Driving license :   ( )

Orient yourself

  • How do i get to _____? :   ( )
  • How far away ... :   ( )
    • ...The train station? : ... ο σιδηροδρομικός σταθμός; ()
    • ... the bus station? :   ( )
    • ...the airport? : ... το αεροδρόμιο; ( aerodhròmio?)
    • ...the center? :   ( )
    • ... the hostel? :   ( )
    • ... the hotel _____? :   ( )
    • ... the Italian consulate? : ... το ιταλικό προξενείο; ( italikò proxenìo?)
    • ... the hospital? : ... το νοσοκομείο; ( nosokomìo?)
  • Where there are many ... :   ( )
    • ... hotel? :   ( )
    • ... restaurants? :   ( )
    • ...Cafe? :   ( )
    • ...places to visit? :   ( )
  • Can you point me on the map? :   ( )
  • Turn left :   ( )
  • Turn right :   ( )
  • Straight ahead :   ( )
  • To _____ :   ( )
  • Passing through _____ :   ( )
  • Front _____ :   ( )
  • Pay attention to _____ :   ( )
  • Crossroad :   ( )
  • North :   ( )
  • South :   ( )
  • East :   ( )
  • West :   ( )
  • Upward :   ( )
  • Over there :   ( )


  • You have a free room? : Εχετε δωμάτιο; (pron.:Echete dhomàtio?)
  • What is the price of a single / double room? :   ( )
  • The room has ... :   ( )
    • ...the sheets? :   ( )
    • ...the bathroom? : ... η τουαλέτα; (pron.:...i tualèta?)
    • ...the shower? :   ( )
    • ...the phone? :   ( )
    • ...TV? :   ( )
    • Can I see the room? :   ( )
    • You have a room... :   ( )
    • ...smaller? :   ( )
    • ... calmer? :   ( )
    • ...bigger? :   ( )
    • ...cleaner? :   ( )
    • ...cheaper? :   ( )
    • ... with a view of (sea) :   ( )
  • OK, I'll take it :   ( )
  • I will stay for _____ night (s) :   ( )
  • Can you recommend another hotel? :   ( )
  • Do you have a safe? :   ( )
  • Do you have key lockers? :   ( )
  • Is breakfast / lunch / dinner included? :   ( )
  • What time is breakfast / lunch / dinner? :   ( )
  • Please clean my room :   ( )
  • Can you wake me up at _____? :   ( )
  • I'd like to check out :   ( )
  • Common dormitory :   ( )
  • Shared bathroom :   ( )
  • Hot / boiling water : ζεστό νερό / (pron .: zestò nero /)

To eat

  • Trattoria :   ( )
  • Restaurant :   ( )
  • Snack bar :   ( )
  • Breakfast : πρωινό (pron .: proinò)
  • Snack :   ( )
  • Starter :   ( )
  • Lunch : δείπνο (pron.:dìpno)
  • Dinner :   ( )
  • Snack :   ( )
  • Meal :   ( )
  • Soup :   ( )
  • Main meal :   ( )
  • Sweet : Γλυκά (pron.:glykà)
  • Appetizer :   ( )
  • Digestive :   ( )
  • Hot :   ( )
  • Cold :   ( )
  • Sweet (adjective) :   ( )
  • Salty :   ( )
  • Bitter :   ( )
  • Sour :   ( )
  • Spicy :   ( )
  • Raw :   ( )
  • Smoked :   ( )
  • Fried :   ( )

The bar

  • Do you serve alcoholic beverages? :   ( )
  • Do you serve at the table? :   ( )
  • One / two beers, please :   ( )
  • A glass of red / white wine, please :   ( )
  • A large beer, please :   ( )
  • A bottle, please :   ( )
  • water :   ( )
  • Tonic water :   ( )
  • Orange juice :   ( )
  • Coca Cola :   ( )
  • soda :   ( )
  • One more, please :   ( )
  • When do you close? :   ( )

At the restaurant

  • A table for one / two people, please :   ( )
  • Can you bring me the menu? :   ( )
  • Can we order, please? :   ( )
  • Do you have any house specialties? :   ( )
  • Is there a local specialty? :   ( )
  • Is there a menu of the day? :   ( )
  • I am a vegetarian / vegan :   ( )
  • I don't eat pork :   ( )
  • I only eat kosher food :   ( )
  • I just want something light :   ( )
  • I would like to _____ :   ( )
    • Meat : κρέατα (pron .: Krèata)
      • Well done :   ( )
      • To the blood :   ( )
    • Rabbit :   ( )
    • Chicken : κοτόπουλο (pron.:kotòpulo)
    • Turkey :   ( )
    • Bovine : βοδινό κρέας (pron.:vodinò crèas)
    • Calf : μοσχαρίσιο κρέας (pron.:moscharìssio crèas)
    • Pig : χοιρινό (pron .: chirinò)
    • Ham :   ( )
    • Sausage : Λουκάνικο (pron.:loukàniko)
    • Fish : ψάρια (pron.:psària)
    • Tuna :   ( )
    • Cheese :   ( )
    • Eggs :   ( )
    • Salad :   ( )
    • Vegetable : λαχανικά (pron .: lachanikà)
    • Fruit : Φρούτα (pron.:Frùta)
    • Bread :   ( )
    • Toast :   ( )
    • Croissant :   ( )
    • Krapfen :   ( )
    • Pasta : πάστα (pron.:pàsta)
    • Rice :   ( )
    • Beans :   ( )
    • Asparagus :   ( )
    • Beet :   ( )
    • Carrot :   ( )
    • Cauliflower :   ( )
    • Watermelon : καρπούζι (pron .: karpùzi)
    • Fennel :   ( )
    • Mushrooms : Μανιτάρια (pron .: humanity)
    • Pineapple :   ( )
    • Orange : πορτοκάλι (pron.:portokàli)
    • Apricot : βερύκοκο (pron .: verìkoko)
    • Cherry : κεράσι (pron.:keràsi)
    • Berries :   ( )
    • Kiwi : ακτινίδιο (pron.:aktinìdhio)
    • Mango :   ( )
    • Apple : μήλο (pron.:mìlo)
    • Aubergine : μελιτζάνες ()
    • Melon : πεπόνι (pron.:pepòni)
    • Potato : πατάτες (pron.:patàtes)
    • Chips :   ( )
    • Pear : αχλάδι (pron.:achlàdhi)
    • Fishing : ροδάκινο (pron.:rodhakino)
    • Peas :   ( )
    • Tomato : Ντομάτες (pron .: Domàdhes)
    • Plum :   ( )
    • Cake : τούρτα (pron.:tùrta)
    • Sandwich :   ( )
    • Grapes : σταφύλι (pron.:stafìli)
  • Can I have a glass / cup / bottle of _____? :   ( )
    • Coffee :   ( )
    • You :   ( )
    • Juice :   ( )
    • Sparkling water :   ( )
    • Beer : μπίρα (pron .: beer)
  • Red / white wine : κρασί ... (pron.:krasì ...)
  • Can I have some _____? :   ( )
    • Spices :   ( )
    • Oil : λάδι (pron.:làdhi)
    • Mustard :   ( )
    • Vinegar :   ( )
    • Garlic :   ( )
    • Lemon : λεμόνι (pron .: lemòni)
    • salt :   ( )
    • pepper :   ( )
    • Butter :   ( )
  • Waiter! :   ( )
  • I finished :   ( )
  • It was great :   ( )
  • The Bill please :   ( )
  • We pay each for himself (Roman style) :   ( )
  • Keep the change :   ( )


  • Credit card : πιστωτική κάρτα (pron.:pistotikì kàrta)
  • Money :   ( )
  • Check :   ( )
  • Travel checks :   ( )
  • Currency :   ( )
  • To change :   ( )
  • Do you accept this currency? :   ( )
  • Do you accept credit cards? :   ( )
  • Can you change my money? :   ( )
  • Where can I exchange the money? :   ( )
  • What is the exchange rate? :   ( )
  • Where is the bank / ATM / exchange office? :   ( )


Useful words
  • To buy :   ( )
  • Do the shopping : κάνω ψώνια ()
  • Shopping :   ( )
  • Shop :   ( )
  • Library :   ( )
  • Fishmonger :   ( )
  • Shoe shop :   ( )
  • Pharmacy : φαρμακείο (pron.:farmakìo)
  • Bakery :   ( )
  • Butcher's shop :   ( )
  • Post Office :   ( )
  • Travel agency :   ( )
  • Price :   ( )
  • Expensive :   ( )
  • Cheap :   ( )
  • Receipt :   ( )
  • When do the shops open? :   ( )
  • Do you have this in my size? :   ( )
  • Does he have it in other colors? :   ( )
  • Which color do you prefer? :   ( )
    • Black : Μαύρο ()
    • White : λευκό ()
    • Grey :   ( )
    • Red : Κόκκινο ()
    • Blue : Μπλε ()
    • Yellow : Κίτρινο ()
    • Green : Πράσινο ()
    • Orange : Πορτοκαλί ()
    • Violet : Μωβ ()
    • Brown :   ( )
  • How much? :   ( )
  • Too expensive :   ( )
  • I can not afford it :   ( )
  • I don't want this :   ( )
  • Can I try it on (dress)? :   ( )
  • You want to cheat me :   ( )
  • I'm not interested :   ( )
  • Do you also send abroad? :   ( )
  • OK, I'll take this :   ( )
  • Where do I pay? :   ( )
  • Can I have a bag? :   ( )

  • I need... :   ( )
    • ...toothpaste :   ( )
    • ...toothbrush :   ( )
    • ... tampons :   ( )
    • ...soap :   ( )
    • ...shampoo :   ( )
    • ...painkiller :   ( )
    • ...medicine for colds :   ( )
    • ...blade :   ( )
    • ...umbrella :   ( )
    • ... sun cream / milk :   ( )
    • ...postcard :   ( )
    • ...stamp :   ( )
    • ... batteries :   ( )
    • ... books / magazines / newspaper in Italian :   ( )
    • ...Italian dictionary :   ( )
    • ...pen :   ( )


1ενας / μια / ενα(EH-nahs / MEE-ah / EH-nah)21εικοσι ενας(ee-KOSS-ee EN-ahs)
2δυο(DHEE-oh)22εικοσι δυο(ee-KOSS-ee DHEE-oh)
3τρεις / τρια(trees / TREE-ah)30τριαντα(triànda)
4τεσσαρες / τεσσαρα(TESS-a-ress / TESS-a-rah)40σαραντα(willnda)
Useful words
  • zero :   ( )
  • number :   ( )
  • half :   ( )
  • double :   ( )
  • less than :   ( )
  • more than :   ( )
  • same :   ( )
  • comma :   ( )
  • point :   ( )
  • more :   ( )
  • for :   ( )
  • less :   ( )
  • divided :   ( )


Time and date

  • What time is it? :   ( )
  • It is precisely one o'clock :   ( )
  • Quarter to _____ :   ( )
  • What time do we meet? :   ( )
  • At two o'clock :   ( )
  • When will we see you? :   ( )
  • See you on Monday :   ( )
  • When are you leaving? :   ( )
  • I'm leaving / leaving tomorrow morning :   ( )


  • _____ minute / minutes (ago) :   ( )
  • _____ hour / hours (ago) :   ( )
  • _____ day (s) (ago) :   ( )
  • _____ week (s) (ago) :   ( )
  • _____ month / months (ago) :   ( )
  • _____ year / years (ago) :   ( )
  • three times a day :   ( )
  • in an hour / in an hour :   ( )
  • often :   ( )
  • never :   ( )
  • always :   ( )
  • rarely :   ( )

Common expressions

  • Now :   ( )
  • Later :   ( )
  • Before :   ( )
  • Day :   ( )
  • Afternoon :   ( )
  • Evening :   ( )
  • Night :   ( )
  • Midnight :   ( )
  • Today : σήμερα (pron .: yes)
  • Tomorrow : αύριο (pron.:àvrio)
  • Tonight :   ( )
  • Yesterday : χτες / χθες (pron.:chtès/chthès)
  • Yesterday night :   ( )
  • The day before yesterday : προχθές / προχtές ()
  • Day after tomorrow :   ( )
  • This week :   ( )
  • Last week :   ( )
  • Next week :   ( )
  • Minute / I. : λεπτό (pron.:leptò)
  • hour (s) : ώρα (pron.:òra)
  • day (s) : ήμερα (pron .: imèra)
  • week (s) : εβδομάδας (pron.:evdhomàdha)
  • month (s) : μήνας (pron.:mìnas)
  • year / s : έτος (pron.:ètos)


The days of the week
Pronunciation(Dheftèra)(Trìti)(Tare you)(Pèmbti)(Paraskevì)(Sàvato)(Kiriakì)

Months and Seasons

Χειμώνας (chimònas)
άνοιξη (anicsi)
καλοκαίρι (kalokèri)
φθινόπορο (fthinòporo)

Grammatical appendix

Basic forms
he / she / it
Flexed forms
lo / la-gli / le-ne-si
them / ne

to know more

A word you will hear very often in Greece is oρίστε (orìste). It is the second person plural of the imperative of the verb orizomai and means "take a seat" but also "you're welcome", "That's it", "Do you want?", "Commands!". So, for example, if you are seated at a restaurant table, the first word that the waiter will utter when he approaches you will be "Oriste" which we can translate as "Commands" or even "Go ahead". Likewise, if you ever knock on any door, the person who opens it will say "Oriste?" which in this case we can translate as "Want?" but also with the usual "go ahead". Again when the reception clerk returns your passports after registering them he will tell you "Oriste" which in this case means "here it is served" or more simply, "please". That's not all. During a conversation, if your interlocutor suddenly utters the word "oriste" in a questioning and quite surprised tone, it means that he has not understood some word well and wants you to repeat it, often to avoid a misunderstanding. In this case it corresponds to our "What did you say, sorry?".

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Greek
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Greek
  • Collaborate on WikiquoteWikiquote contains quotes from or about Greek
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