Great Kneading - Großenkneten

Great kneading
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The community Great kneading located in the northwest Lower Saxony in the district of Oldenburg (triangle Oldenburg - Bremen - Cloppenburg). The community of Großenkneten is easy to reach thanks to the ideal connections to the A 1 and A 29 as well as to the NordWestBahn route Osnabrück - Oldenburg - Wilhelmshaven. The community of Großenkneten is part of the Wildeshauser Geest Nature Park.


In today's limits there is Grossenkneten community since the regional reform in 1933. It was formed by integrating the original Huntlosen community into the Großenkneten community. In total, the community of Großenkneten consists of 19 localities or peasant communities: Ahlhorn, Amelhausen, Bakenhus, Bissel, Döhlen, Großenkneten, Hagel, Halenhorst, Haschenbrok, Hengstlage, Hespenbusch-Pallast, Hosüne, Huntlosen, Husum, Sage, Sage-Haast, Sannum, Steinloge, WestrittrumThe four major localities are Ahlhorn, Great kneading, Huntlose and legend. The municipality covers an area of ​​176.26 km².

The positive development of the community is a major concern. Politics and administration are therefore continuously working to develop Großenkneten into a modern and family-friendly community. This of course also includes the promotion of tourism.

The administration of the community of Großenkneten sees itself as a modern service company. The concerns of the residents as well as the guests from near and far are in the foreground here. Service will therefore continue to be a special focus in the future.

getting there

Großenkneten benefits from its ideal location. The A1 and A29 motorways and the Osnabrück - Oldenburg - Wilhelmshaven railway line ensure good accessibility.

By train

Railway line Wilhelmshaven-Oldenburg-Osnabrück (stations in: Ahlhorn, Großenkneten, Huntlosen)

By car

A 1, exit Wildeshausen-West, A 1 exit Ahlhorner Heide, A 29 exit Ahlhorn, A 29 exit Großenkneten

By plane

Bremen Airport (easy to reach in 30 minutes); The Hatten and Ganderkesee landing sites are available for private pilots.


Map of Großenkneten

Tourist Attractions


  • St. Briccius Church at Huntlosen. The fortified church in Huntlosen, built around 1250, has an eventful history behind it. The figure of Christ on the cross behind the altar and the shape of the tower are particularly worth seeing.
  • St. Mary's Church in Großenkneten. The old age of the original cell from which it arose cannot be seen in the church building. Current form 1819/1820. During renovation work, the remains of a stone foundation of a small church that had been built before the year 1000 were found.

Exhibitions and museums

  • 100 years of Ahlhorn Air Base
In the exhibition rooms of the Traditional community Ahlhorn Fliegerhorst e. V. an exhibition about the air base in Ahlhorn was created. The history of the air base and the town of Ahlhorn from 1915 to the present day is presented. Almost a century of history is documented through photos, texts and exhibits.
Unfortunately, the museum is currently closed. A new opening is expected in autumn 2020.
Traditional community Ahlhorn Fliegerhorst e. V., Cloppenburger Straße 2, 26197 Ahlhorn (Großenkneten). For further information: Telephone 04435 2686 or 0441 204196.

Nature reserves and natural monuments

  • Ahlhorn fish ponds
Since 1993 the Ahlhorn fish ponds under conservation. Fish ponds, Schlatts and the Lethetal extend over 485 hectares. The Ahlhorn fish ponds are of great ecological importance and are part of the FFH area "Sager Meer, Ahlhorn fish ponds and Lethe (Fauna-Flora-Habitatrichlinie). Numerous, sometimes rare, water birds, amphibian species and plants enrich the pond landscape. For long walks and hikes The area is ideal: the Ahlhorn fish ponds can be explored on six different hiking trails Ahlhorn fish ponds and jungle tree path can be purchased from the community of Großenkneten, among others.

Great stone graves - megalithic culture

The large stone graves in the Wildeshauser Geest were built around 3,500 - 2,700 BC. And are silent witnesses of the so-called "funnel cup culture" (named after the finds of numerous funnel-shaped cups). In the community of Großenkneten and the surrounding area there are numerous of these burial facilities, which are also often called Barrows or Giant bed are designated.

  • Pagan sacrificial table
The heathen sacrificial table
The Pagan sacrificial table is at Engelmannsbäke and within walking distance of the Visbek groom away. The relatively small tomb is noticeable by the large capstone. It weighs several hundred pounds and measures 5 x 3 x 1.2 meters. Due to its bizarre shape, the prejudice that it is a sacrificial altar has persisted to this day. The grave was not named until the 20th century. To date there is no evidence that rituals of animal or human sacrifice were actually held there.
  • Visbek groom
The Visbek groom With a length of 104 meters, it is the largest stone grave in Lower Saxony. Around 130 stones can still be recognized today as the stones surrounding the grave complex. Four smaller graves can be discovered in the vicinity. This also includes the bridal carriage, which is not quite as imposing, but whose chamber is not much smaller than that of the groom.
  • Visbek bride
The Visbek bride is about 4 km from the Visbek groom. It is the second longest grave in the Wildeshauser Geest Nature Park after the groom. In addition, due to its length of 80 meters, it is one of the largest large stone graves in northern Germany. By a hiking trail, Bride way called, both are connected with each other.
  • Ahlhorner cellar stones
The Ahlhorner cellar stone are located about 1 km north of the Visbek groom and are about the Bride way easy to reach. Unfortunately, one of the three cap stones was blown up at the beginning of the 20th century, but most of the wall stones are still in their original position.


The Tour guides the community of Großenkneten offer varied guided tours, (crime) walks, company tours, bus tours, bicycle tours and much more every year.

Regular events

  • The GartenKultur music festival in the community of Großenkneten always takes place in August
  • The Day of the Regions In the community of Großenkneten, its core day is always on the harvest festival
  • All year round, many different and varied events of clubs, churches, fire brigades and many more take place in the community of Großenkneten.




  • Shallot, Bahnhofstrasse 9, Huntlosen, 26197 Grossenkneten. Tel.: 49 (0)4487 15 79, Fax: 49 (0)4487 15 79, Email: . Seasonal cuisine, since 2010 one of the most vegetarian-friendly restaurants in Germany, certified organic ingredients, wines from controlled organic cultivation, large coffee garden, non-smoking restaurant (since 1994) and bowling alley.
  • Fischbeck's restaurant, Bahnhofstrasse 47, Huntlosen, 26197 Grossenkneten. Tel.: 49 (0)4487 750 403, Email: .

The under accommodation Hotels mentioned also have a restaurant.




In addition, there are:

Everything to do with confirmation camps, class trips, kids & teens group trips, youth sports clubs, excursions and seminars for young people is offered here.

Tent field, guest house and program for groups





Practical advice


Pilgrimage on the Castusweg

A journey through time through the Christian heritage

On the paths of Abbot Gerbert Castus and the former pilgrimage sites

In the region between Wildeshausen, Wardenburg and Bethen there are some contemporary witnesses from the Middle Ages. From the Christianization by Abbot Gerbert Castus, founder of the Visbek mission cell, to the Reformation, believers made pilgrimages through large stretches of the southern Oldenburg region.

There were no fixed roads, so one found ways and paths through lonely heather and moor, and one orientated oneself on the banks of the Lethe or the Hunte. The belief in a miracle or an answer to prayer gave them the strength for a long, arduous pilgrimage.

We visited the mission cell Visbek (St. Vitus), the former church in Westerstedi (Westerburg), the pilgrimage site Bethen, the Marienkirche in Wardenburg, and the only basilica in the Oldenburg region, the Alexander church in Wildeshausen.

The route is the goalThat is the motto of this pilgrimage, none of the daily routes is longer than 20 km. He not only touches the former pilgrimage sites, but also the medieval churches in Huntlosen, Großenkneten and Dötlingen, as well as churches and chapels of more recent dates. This pilgrimage route through the Wildeshauser Geest Nature Park leads through forests, meadows, along banks and is dotted with natural and cultural monuments. On the way you can enjoy giant trees, water mills and large stone graves. The top priority of the hike should be: forget the time, experience, see, taste and feel nature and stop at every opportunity and say a prayer.

Information from the community of Großenkneten, Tel. 49 (0) 4435 600-117 or [email protected], Flyer.


Web links

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