Grytviken - Grytviken

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Grytviken is the capital of the British overseas territory South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands in the South Atlantic. It is located on the north coast of the main island South Georgia. However, the area is administered by the Falkland Islands out. The tiny place that today has only two permanent residents - apart from researchers in the base King Edward Point - is the gateway for the few tourists who dare to venture into the remote, wild archipelago. The only halfway developed port of the archipelago is located here.


Grytviken Church

Grytviken was founded in 1904. It flourished briefly in the first half of the 20th century when it became the center of whalers on the islands and at times had a population of almost 1,000. From that time there is still a church that has been renovated and is now used by some eccentrics for getting married.

The King Edward Point research station was built to study the consequences of overfishing. It was the residence of the administrator of South Georgia during the town's heyday. Between 1982, when the station was occupied by the Argentines in the Falklands War, until 2001, the station was almost orphaned. Today she is active again and devotes herself to fishery research.

getting there

By plane

Grytviken does not have a runway for airplanes. Only helicopters and seaplanes can land here, but there are no tourist services.

By boat

For the most part, the only way to get there for "normal tourists" is by cruise ship or private boat.


Everything worth seeing is within walking distance.

Tourist Attractions

  • 1  South Georgia Museum. E-mail: . Archipelago History Museum.
  • 2  Whalers Church (Norwegian Anglican Church, until 2013 "Norwegian Lutheran Church"). Opened in traditional Scandinavian style in 1913 after the church had previously been pre-constructed in Norway. Renovated 1996-1998.
  • graveyard. There is the polar explorer's grave Ernest Shackleton who lived for a while in South Georgia and died there.
  • King Edward Point Research Base. It is 1 km from Grytviken, can be reached via a footpath and is open to visitors as long as they do not disturb the work.


Hiking and mountaineering are possible if the tour operator allows this. Since there is no ambulance service, you have to be very experienced.


There is a souvenir shop in the museum. There is also a post office at the research station, where you can buy coins and stamps.


There are no supply options, you have to bring everything yourself.


Although there is a bar at King Edward Point, it is only open to researchers.


You have to organize the accommodation yourself, so either sleep in the ship or bring a tent. There are no guest beds in Grytviken or at King Edward Point - researchers are an exception.


Practical advice


On a nearby hill there is a small lake from which you have a good view of the bay.


Web links

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