Greenland - Grönlanti

Flag of Greenland.svg
General information
State form
Parliamentary monarchyView and modify data on Wikidata
Danish kroneView and modify data on Wikidata
2,166,086 km2View and modify data on Wikidata
56 081 ()View and modify data on Wikidata
GreenlandicView and modify data on Wikidata
230 V (50 Hz), Europlug, suko, Type E, Type K
Area code
299View and modify data on Wikidata
Emergency number
112View and modify data on Wikidata
Domain name
.glView and modify data on Wikidata
on the rightView and modify data on Wikidata

Greenland is To Denmark Autonomous Community of the North Atlantic.


Greenland is divided into four municipalities:

  • Kujalleq
  • Qaasuitsup
  • Qeqqata
  • Sermersooq

In addition, the National Park in the north of Greenland and Thule Airport do not belong to any municipality.


Other items


Most of Greenland is covered in ice. The population is largely concentrated in the communities of the western and southern parts of Greenland. Greenland is strengthening its self-government and seeking to secede from Denmark.


Greenland's climate is arctic. Thanks to the cold sea current in East Greenland and the ongoing ice age, the heat limit can be kept at 15 C. In the south, the temperature in the fjords of the fjords can rise by more than 20 degrees. At the height of Ilulissat, the sun can warm the tent in early August so it is better to look for a shady place for the evening. It is worth preparing for rain, but just as well the sun can shine from the cloudless sky for a week. In some places the climate is dry, which means it is likely to rain when you are there.


By plane

Air Greenland [1] fly KangerlussuaqiinFrom Copenhagen. During the summer, SAS also has a connection from Copenhagen. Air Icelandilla [2] is a year-round connection Reykjavik and Kulusuki and flights during the summer season Narsarsuaqiin and To Nuuk (From Keflavik).

By boat

Forget it. But If you find a spot, you can buy a Greenland cruise from Hurtigruten or other tour operators. Large cruise ships sail along the coast, call at ports, and if the ferry doesn’t fit on the dock, passengers are transported ashore in inflatable boats. There is a few hours on land and you can watch icebergs and whales from the ship. Ilulissat is visited by cruise ships throughout the summer. After the trip, no more spots can be found. Of course, the adventurer can sail to Greenland in his own ocean-going boat, and remember to stare at the icebergs. Cargo ships can also be boarded as passengers, depending on the captain and the shipping company.


Greenland does not have a road or rail network. An airplane is the fastest and often the only way to move from one city to another. Air Greenland [3] fly to all Greenland airports. Canadian DASH-7 SHTOL (Short take-off and Landing) aircraft are used as aircraft. Smaller villages have at least a helipad. On foot you can move between nearby villages if a route exists. In winter, the routes are carried by dog ​​sleds. From the ports you can inquire about rides for ships.Arctic Umiaq Line [4] operates ship connections between West Coast destinations. Discoline [5] operates in the Ilulissat area.


The official languages ​​of Greenland are Danish and Greenland. In tourist destinations, English is excellent.


If you are interested in sealskin, buy it here. Souvenir shops are bursting with sealskin accessories, gloves, handbags, etc. A single treated leather costs 100-200 euros (2008). The money also gives you art, walrus bone sculptures, whale teeth, model kayaks, Greenland jewelry, gems or gold. You can find cheap gifts in the grocery store; shipwrecks or dried fish. Greenland T-shirts and the like were probably printed in Denmark and sewn in India.

Price level

The Nordic price level prevails here as well. Everything you see on the store shelf is imported goods. Local produce, fish, perhaps a seal or even a whale, can be found in the freezer. The goods and food are mainly from Denmark and the price level is tolerable. Fruits and vegetables are expensive and often pre-shredded. Accommodation is expensive. You can budget according to the Norwegian price level, for example, and add a little extra. You should bring camping food from home.


Greenland's culture is firmly based on seal and whaling and fishing. Buy a mat in the supermarket's freezer. It is a proteinaceous whale skin, like a hard egg. Serve the Greenlanders, you get instant friends.


Excessive alcohol consumption causes problems here as well. Water, on the other hand, is usually potable in the terrain if it looks like it. Stagnant water or turbid meltwater from glaciers should be avoided.


There is a supply of hotels and hostels, but at a rather affordable price. The hostel can be found e.g. From Narsarsuaq, Kangerlussuaq and Ilulissat. It is worth remembering that almost all building materials and energy must be chartered to Greenland from elsewhere. Although Denmark pays for the violins, it does not change the fact that buildings, for example, have to be heated almost all year round.

The most affordable accommodation is your own tent. You can camp in virtually anywhere on the outskirts of the villages or further afield. Problems can be caused by strong winds or dogs wandering around in summer. There are no dogs further south. It is a good idea to look for a wind-protected rock hole or notch, even if the weather is calm when setting up a tent. The tent should also be windproof.

When all of life in Greenland is based on wilderness and outdoor activities, thoughtful camping is not considered bad. Everyone camps on their fishing trips sometimes somewhere. If the ship happens to come into town in the drizzle at 3:30 a.m., you may be able to camp behind the harbor’s oil tanks and look for a better place later in the daylight.

There may be cabins on the shores of larger lakes or along wilderness routes, they can be used in an emergency even if they are not for tourists. The cabin often has an oil stove as a heater, but the oil must be brought to the site itself. No fuel is provided by the environment unless it is driftwood.



International Labor Camp Organization [6] organize labor camps in Greenland to renovate buildings or Viking ruins.

Stay safe

Although every gun can be found in every barn, you can be in Greenland and move with confidence. Small communities do not have the same urban problems as big cities. There is no escaping anything, no road leads very far and everyone knows each other. Greenlanders kill themselves more often than each other, and are drunk from the morning just like in any other city. Normal caution.

On the other hand, there are many risks associated with the weather and the environment. At sea, tidal currents in the fjords are strong. Icebergs, though seemingly unshakable, can unexpectedly swing to another position when melting and topple a kayak or small boat. Fog can take away visibility and the weather can change any time at any time. The cold air flowing from the glacier, the piteraq, has become the fate of many. It is difficult to imagine conditions when the -30 C wind blows at 30 m / s. Wind and rain can also lead to hypothermia in summer if the equipment is not in place. Collapses near glaciers and the waves they cause, as well as the running sand of river valleys, can be dangerous. A musk ox can get nervous if you approach it from above. Polar bears, although more thriving in the north, rarely roam elsewhere in Greenland or drift with icebergs from the east coast all the way to the southern tip of Greenland. The normal risks of a hiker exist here as well, orient yourself correctly, take care of the equipment, choose a safe route, make a return, communicate your plans, evaluate your strength and abilities correctly.

The terrain in Greenland is generally difficult to navigate. Buy a map from the airport where the routes are described and marked. There are no signs in the terrain. Walking is made difficult by stoniness and elevation differences. The route is often indicative, but by following it you will not end up in impossible places, such as cliffs, but only in awkward or very awkward places. There are safety instructions on the back of the maps.

Remember that the cell phone stops behind the first hill. You can get connected from higher peaks even further away, but the base station network is sparse and only covers populated areas. The use of a mobile phone can become surprisingly expensive, in August 2008 the call price from Ilulissat to Finland was about 3 eur / min.

Note the compass deviation. In some areas, it can be very difficult to distinguish landmarks from the terrain.

Stay healthy


Ancient monuments, Viking ruins, graves, churches, the elderly, handmade kayaks, prey, seals, walruses, whales, icebergs, continental ice, piteraqia, weather, sea, tides.

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