Table Mountain - Góra Stołowa

Table MountainAfrikaans Tafelberg, English Table Mountain is the most famous tourist attraction Cape Town, her artistic image is on the city flag.


Due to the uniqueness of nature, this area is under strict protection and is called the Table Mountain National Park. On both sides of the Table Mountain, there are Lion's Head and Devilspeak (Diabli Peak). According to legend, on the Devil's Peak the devil made a bet with a Van Hunk, a former pirate, who would smoke more pipes. The result of their competition is best seen in the summer, when a layer of clouds, commonly known as "tablecloth", rises above the mountain.

The most characteristic part of the Table Mountain is the plateau with an area of ​​about 3 km², ending with steep banks. The highest point of the Table Mountain is a stone mound called Maclear's Beacon (Maclear Lighthouse) built in 1865 by Thomas Maclear for the purpose of surveying. It towers over Cape Town's Newlands and is taller than the cable car station on the west side of the plateau. The steep shores of Table Mountain are divided by the gently rising Platteklip Gorge ("Flat Stone Gorge"), allowing easy access to the summit. It was this way that the first documented European, António de Saldanha, who in 1503 sailed to this area and climbed the Table Mountain, climbed.




The flat top of the Table Mountain is very often sheltered by white clouds formed as a result of the meeting of warm but humid air carried by the south-eastern wind with the cold air at the top of the mountain. The water vapor contained in the warm air condenses, creating the so-called "tablecloth", i.e. a white fog that reduces visibility. This is a great difficulty for tourists planning a trip to the top of the Sołowa Mountain because the cable car is closed at that time. Cold wind often blows at the top, so it is advisable to wear warm clothes.


The vegetation of Table Mountain and the Cape of Good Hope (Cape Floral Kingdom CFK) is called fynbos (small bushes from Afrikaans). It is characterized by an extremely rich number of species. The local fynbos includes as many as 1,500 species of plants, including 50 endemic or endangered. Fynbos is the equivalent of a plant formation, similar to the vegetation in France called maca, and in Mexico - chaparral. The most famous species belonging to the fynbos are rooibos tea and royal protea, which is by the way the national flower of South Africa. There are more plant species on Table Mountain than on the entire British Isles. Cape Floral Kingdom CFK is the smallest of the six floristic countries on Earth but considered the richest. The floristic kingdom is the highest-ranking unit in the phytogeographic division, and in addition, it is the only floristic kingdom located in the territory of one country. As a result, it is one of eight South African protected areas inscribed on the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage List. Those wishing to get to know the Cape Flora Kingdom should start their tour of Table Mountain from the Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden on the eastern slopes. In the area of ​​560 ha, over 5,000 species of South African flora, including fynbos, have been collected there. Noteworthy is the natural fynbos with silverfish and a forest of larvae.


There are definitely fewer animals in the Table Mountain National Park than in other parks in South Africa. The most popular among tourists are the tamed Cape hyraxes and the herds of chacma baboons who are used to seeing people. Remember, they must not be fed or approached. They can be dangerous. Mongooses, porcupines, snakes and turtles also live there, and with a bit of luck you can meet caracals.



The station of the cable car to Table Mountain is on Tafelberg Road. Construction of the cable car began in 1926, the first person went up in 1929. Since then, more than 18 million people have used this mode of transport. Today's cable cars were built in Switzerland. There are as many as 65 people in them and they transport about 1,500 people a day. The floor of the cable car turns slowly around its axis to facilitate observation of Cape Town's surroundings. The ride upstairs only takes 6 minutes. As a curiosity, it should be added that under the cableway's floor there are tanks with as much as 4,000 liters of water used as ballast in the event of strong south-eastern winds. This water is available for drinking. The top of the Table Mountain offers majestic views. You can clearly see the landmarks of Cape Town such as Robben Island, the harbor wharf and of course the Green Point Stadium built for the 2010 FIFA World Cup. There is also a bustling restaurant and cafe, the highest in South Africa.

Walking on foot

About five hundred roads lead to the top of the Table Mountain. One of the easiest is the hiking trail that starts in the Kirstenbosch Botanical Garden. A person with average physical condition needs about 3 hours to overcome it. Longer routes lead through the Back Table. The route through the Skeleton Gorge to the Maclears Beacon is called the Smuts Track. Bridle Path or Jeep Track lurk into Constantia Nek and have a gentler angle and follow the roads used for servicing there has the Back Table. There are many other very popular routes starting from Constantia Nek, Cecilia Forest, Kirstenbosch, Newlands Forest and Rhodes Memorial. The Kasteelspoort Basin has a gentle route overlooking Camps Bay, which is the side of the Atlantic Ocean. Pipe Track is a flat route that is very popular with hikers. Hoerikwaggo Trails, these are four routes lasting from four to six days run by SANPark.Park Góra Stołowej National Park 27 (0) 21 701 8692


Climbing Mount Solowa has long been a popular pastime, and there are well-documented descriptions of routes of varying degrees of difficulty. The most important routes are on rocky slopes below the cable car station. Only the traditional type of climbing is allowed for environmental reasons. There is also an organized descent down the rocks under the cable car station.

Fees / Permits

From December 16, 2009 to January 15, 2010, it is open from 8.00 to 21.00 on other days from 8.00 to 20.00. Fare: Adults, $ 10 one way, $ 20 return. Children $ 5-5.


Worth seeing

It is worth a try



At the top of Table Mountain, next to the cable car station, there is a lively restaurant and cafe, located the highest in South Africa.





Hiking trails of varying difficulty lead to the top of the Table Mountain. Regardless of the route you take, you should always walk in a group as the weather conditions change very rapidly here. Follow the beaten paths, many tourists have fallen into steep gaps while looking for shortcuts. It is very important to have water and warm clothes with you. As soon as the cloud covers the higher parts of the mountain, the temperature drops very quickly, even in summer. Then you should turn back quickly. A well-charged cell phone is also recommended.

Lifeguards on the Table Mountain Tel 27 (0) 21 948 9900


External links

This website uses content from the website: Table Mountain published on Wikitravel; authors: w editing history; Copyright: under license CC-BY-SA 1.0
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