Húsavík - Húsavík

Húsavík - Porto
Time zone
Map of Iceland
Institutional website

Húsavík is a center inNorthern Iceland.

To know

Whale spotted off Húsavík in 2003

Once a whaling port, Húsavík now appears devoted to tourism and offers its guests the possibility of sea excursions, promising close encounters with the cetaceans that populate this area of ​​the Greenland Sea.

Húsavík also offers very interesting excursions inland, just over 60 km from the canyon of Ásbyrgi, where the entrance and the visitor reception center are located Jökulsárgljúfur National Park.

By itself, Húsavík is a pretty village with just over 2000 inhabitants. It counts some museums among which one dedicated to the phallus, probably the only one of its kind in the whole Old World.

How to orient yourself

How to get

By bus

Buses of the bus lines Trex connect Húsavík to Akureyri. There are several trips a day but on holidays they are reduced to one.

How to get around

What see

Events and parties

What to do

Tourists looking for whales to photograph

For those interested in whale watching the following agencies offer boat excursions:


How to have fun

Where to eat

Where stay

Moderate prices

Average prices


How to keep in touch


  • Botnsvatn
  • Tjörnes
  • Ásbyrgi (65 km east along the state road 85) -


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Húsavík
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Húsavík
1-4 star.svgDraft : the article respects the standard template contains useful information for a tourist and gives brief information on the tourist destination. Header and footer are correctly filled out.