Hokuei - Hokuei

Hokuei (北栄町, Hokuei-chō) is a city of around 14,000 people located in Tottori Prefecture.

Get in

By train

The local train station is Yura Station on the JR San-in Line.

By car

From Okayama Prefecture, you can travel north on Route 313 to reach Hokuei. If you're traveling along the San-in Coast, you can reach it via the Hojo Bypass or the San-in Road.

Get around


  • 1 Gosho Aoyama Manga Factory (青山剛昌ふるさと館), 1414 Yurashuku, Hokuei-cho, 81 85-837-5389. Nov-Apr 09:30-17:00, May-Oct 09:30-17:30; closed Tu. A cute little museum dedicated to Detective Conan and Aoyama Gosho, the author of this famous manga. Adults ¥700, middle and high school students ¥500, elementary school students ¥300.







Go next

Routes through Hokuei
YonagoDaisen W JR San-in icon.png E KurayoshiTottori
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