Hundested - Hundested

Hundested is a small city in the far North Western corner of North Zealand in Denmark. For many years the city blossomed as an important harbor with ferry connections across the Isefjord and more importantly to Grenå in Jutland. With the demise of the ferry to Jutland in 1996, the commotion of the once lively harbor has withered away for much of the year, but there is still traces of it during the height of summer, when vacationers flock to the ferry to carry them to the many vacations homes on the Odsherred peninsular.

Get in

Hundested Rørvig ferry

There is train from Hillerød (1 hour) once or twice an hour [1], with an extra express train running between 6am and 5pm. There are good connections with the S-train system in Hillerød, with departures and arrivals timed with those of the S-train. If in a car, just follow route 16 (Hillerødmotorvejen) all the way from Copenhagen, though be mindful that route 16 breaks from the highway just east of Hillerød (Frederiksværk exit).

The ferry [2] across the Isefjord to Rørvig takes 20 minutes, service is scaled back considerably (06-18) outside the busy summer season. There is also a ferry from the small hamlet Sølvager south-east of the city to Kulhuse on Hornsherred[3] - at a mere 8 minutes it claims to be the shortest ferry crossing in the country.

Get around


  • 1 Økosamfundet Dyssekilde (Ecovillage Dyssekilde), Solen 15, Torup, Hundested (Private Hunsted railway from Hillerød, get of at the Dyssekilde stop.), 45 47 98 70 26. Tours: April 1st - October 1st, every Saturday in even weeks 3AM. Is a small village with around a 100 residents, in the Northern part of Zealand, where you can see some exciting architecture based on energy neutrality and sustainability.
  • 2 Kikhavn. A small idyllic fishing hamlet, one of the oldest in the area, with half timbered buildings and a relaxed atmosphere.
  • 3 Knud Rasmussens Hus, Knud Rasmussens Vej 9, 45 47720605. Easter to end of week 42 Tu-Su 11:00-16:00 (open Mo if public holiday). The home of the arctic explorer Knud Rasmussen. DKK 50.
  • 4 Skansen, Skansen. On the cliffs high above the coastline, with some nice views, are the remains of the 1807 redoubt and other entrenchments build to protect the entrance to the fjord during the privateering wars with Britain.






  • 1 Byaasgaard Camping, Ellinge, Amtsvejen 340, Hundested (Take the S-tog to Hillerød, change to the local train to either Frederiksværk or Hundested, and then bus 326 to Ellinge Stop), 45 4792 3102, . Site with kitchen, laundry, bathing and toilet facilities as well as a small shop. Adults 67 DKK, cottages from 200 DKK.
  • 2 Rosenholm Camping, Torpmaglevejen 35, Hundested.
  • 3 Hundested Harbour Cabins (Hundested Havnehytter), Kajgaden (right at Hundested Havn), 45 21 29 24 25. Open Sep to May. The cabins have room for four people. They have a terrace and a kitchen DKK 550.
  • 4 Bokildegårds Camping, Lindebjergvej 13, Melby.
  • 5 Sølager Strand Camping, Kulhusvej 2, Sølager.
  • 6 Lynæs Campingplads, Søndergade 57, Hundested.
  • 7 Liselængen, Liselejevej 62, Liseleje, 45 21268540.
  • 8 Lynæs Kro, Frederiksværkvej 6, Hundested, 45 47980181.
  • 9 Hundested Kro & Hotel, Nørregade 10, Hundested.

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