Hygiene - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Hygiène — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

Medical disclaimerWikivoyage is not a doctor: the medical information provided on Wikivoyage is general in nature at best and cannot substitute for the advice of a legally authorized healthcare professional.

Depending on the countries visited, you must adopt rules ofhygiene Consequently.

Hygiene levels

  • Level 0: No precaution
  • Level 1: Western Europe
  • Level 2: Eastern Europe
  • Level 3: Africa

Food hygiene


Level 2
avoid raw fruits and vegetables, sometimes sprinkled with questionable water at the market.
Level 3
limit fruits to fruits "to be peeled" (pineapple, watermelon and banana).

To drink

Level 1
take water from the tap, dilute chlorine (hydrochlorazone type)
Level 3
drink bottled water or herbal teas (after boiling the water for five minutes)

Personal hygiene

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