Ha Giang - Hà Giang

Location of Ha Giang in Vietnam

Ha Giang[1] is a province in the northeastern region of Vietnam.


Ha Giang is located in the northernmost part of Vietnam, this province has many high rocky mountains and rivers and streams. The topography of Ha Giang province is quite complicated, it can be divided into 3 regions. The northern rocky highlands are located close to the Tropic of Cancer, with quite steep slopes, and many valleys and streams are divided. Located in a humid subtropical climate, but due to the high terrain, Ha Giang's climate has many temperate nuances. The western highland area belongs to the massif upstream of the Chay River, steep slopes, high passes, valleys and narrow stream beds. The lowland areas in the province include hilly areas, Lo river valley and Ha Giang city.

Ha Giang has many majestic mountains, with Tay Con Linh peak (2419 m) and Chieu Lau Thi peak (2402m) being the highest. In terms of flora, Ha Giang has many primeval forests, many precious woods, and up to 1000 kinds of medicinal plants. Animals have tigers, peacocks, pheasants, pangolins, and many other rich species of birds and animals.



Flora and Fauna


How come?

If you ride a motorbike: I will admire you very much! Ride a motorbike to Ha Giang Not a short journey. Is your reason to conquer the road or surpass yourself? This stretch of road is about 300-320km long. And there are two routes to choose from.

The first way: (I go this way)

Start from Hanoi - Son Tay (take street 21 in Co Nhue) - then go straight to Trung Ha bridge (At the intersection of Son Tay town, turn right. Or go straight through to see La Thanh) ~> Co Tiet ~> Bridge Phong Chau (cross Phong Chau bridge, you turn left, follow the Thao river) - to Phu Tho town - Doan Hung and then turn to Tuyen Quang - Tuyen Quang, you do not go through the city but choose the direction of Highway 2 straight forward to Ha Giang.

Going to Ha Giang in this second direction, the road is empty, saving about 30km, there are not many police. I took this road for nearly 9 hours to Ha Giang city. (from 12h40 to 21h25 be in the city - including the break - eat and take pictures)

Second road:Start from Hanoi – Take Thang Long Bridge – turn to Vinh Phuc – Viet Tri – Phu Tho – Tuyen Quang – Ha Giang

This route has passenger cars, so the road is more crowded than the above route.

There is a third line: Nhat Tan Bridge - Noi Bai Lao Cai Expressway - Tam Dao (Vinh Yen) - Son Nam - Tuyen Quang - Ha Giang. Near, absent, and fast.



Traveling Ha Giang by bus

To catch a bus to Ha Giang. You arrive at My Dinh bus station. The advice of my friends when choosing a bus to Ha Giang is to book tickets in advance to have a seat and avoid being stuffed. You can reserve in many ways: come directly or call the garage.

After taking a bus to Ha Giang, you rent a car at Tripbike For convenient travel when visiting the beautiful spots here, or you can also rent a tour and take a passenger car to Dong Van. But I recommend you to ride a motorbike in Ha Giang.


Ha Giang tour schedule Summary: TP. Ha Giang - Quan Ba ​​- Yen Minh - Sa Phin - Royal Palace - Lung Cu - Dong Van - Ma Pi Leng - Meo Vac - Bao Lam - Bac Me - Ha Giang.


Ha Giang is home to many unique cultural products from the long traditions of more than 20 ethnic groups, a memorable tourist destination because of the natural landscape and people here. Unlike any other tourist destination in Vietnam, coming to Ha Giang, visitors can see products crystallized from the unique cultural traditions of the mountainous people, which are embroidered towels, cloth bags. , dresses with brilliant patterns. Visitors will attend the poetic highland markets.

New house celebration of Lo Lo ethnic group: New house celebration lasts about 2 days and 2 nights in the new house of Lo Lo ethnic group. The whole village came to celebrate the new home. The shaman went to sing, then ate, drank, played, played on flute and sang the love relationship between men and women.

Spring Festival: This is a happy spring festival of the H'mong and Dao ethnic groups, usually held in the days after the Lunar New Year and lasts from 3 to 7 days. The festival is a synthesis of congratulation, praying for rain and praying for a son. The festival features a crossbow shooting contest, a love song, a papa throwing, a drink, and a reception for guests.

The butt-slapping festival of the Mong ethnic group: On the 5th day of the Lunar New Year every year, boys and girls flock to Meo Vac to find themselves a wife (husband). When participating in the festival, boys and girls find the object that they feel is suitable for them, then pat the object's butt and wait for the "opponent" to respond. Sadly, the custom of child marriage continues during this festival.


  • Mint honey
  • Ancient Shan Tuyet tea


Some famous dishes in Ha Giang: egg rolls, Thang Co, Bac Me Lam rice, Au Tau porridge (this is special), five-color sticky rice, beef - buffalo guarding the kitchen and corn wine.

Trung Lan roll cake, quite famous, is located near the city square. This shop sells at night. In Dong Van, you should eat at Xuan Bang restaurant. In the morning, eat banh cuon at the "grandmother" restaurant located in Dong Van old town.

To drink


  • Huong Tra Hotel - Km 17, Dao Duc Commune, Vi Xuyen District
  • Xuan Hac Hostel - Meo Vac town
  • Highland Stone Hotel - Dong Van town



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