Marquesas Islands - Islas Marquesas

The 'Marquesas Islands' are an archipelago of about a dozen islands in the French polynesia, most mountainous.


Marquesas del Norte

  • Nuku Hiva - The largest island in the Marquesas is known for its towering needle-shaped peaks; isolated and lush valleys; ancient religious sites; fjord-like bays; and waterfalls so high that most of the falling water evaporates as it descends.
  • Ua Pou
  • Ua Huka
  • Uninhabited - Eiao, Hatutu, Motu Iti, Motu Oa, Motu One,

Marquesas del Sur

  • Hiva Oa - Paul Gauguin's Island. This majestic and historic island is known for its wild and untamed landscape, its gigantic stone tiki, its endless and unearthly sights, and as the final resting place of poet Jacques Brel and artist Paul Gauguin.
  • Fatu hiva
  • Tahuata
  • Uninhabited - Fatu Huku, Mohotani, Motu Nao, Terihi.


There are 14 Marquesas Islands. The Marquesas Islands are a group of volcanic islands, the northernmost of the overseas territory of French Polynesia, of which they are one of the 5 administrative divisions.

These islands are more suitable for hiking enthusiasts than those who prefer sea bathing.

Geographical Notes

They are located south of the equator in the Pacific Ocean. The highest point is Mount Oave on the island of Ua Pou, at 1,230 m above sea level.

The largest island in the archipelago is Nuku Hiva.

The southern equatorial current batters the islands mercilessly, and this has led to the formation of sea caves along the coasts. The islands are estimated to be between 1.3 million years old (Fatu Hiva) and 6 million years old (Eiao).

Historical notes

It is estimated that man reached the islands of the Marquesas archipelago around 100 BC. C., from the islands of Tonga and Samoa. So the first colonization was of the Polynesian type.

The Spanish explorer Álvaro de Mendaña de Neira, believing he had reached the Solomon Islands, landed on July 21, 1595.

They finally came under the crown of France in 1842, and the French established a settlement on the island of Nuku Hiva, later abandoned in 1859. Control was restored in 1870, when the archipelago was incorporated into the territory of French Polynesia.

The archipelago, since the arrival of the white man, suffered one of the most devastating demographic collapses in the history of the Pacific. Diseases brought by Europeans decimated the estimated population of around 100,000 in the 16th century, bringing it to less than 20,000 in the mid-19th century, only to drop back in the early 20th century to just over 2,000. Only during the last century there was a slight recovery, so much so that it settled at 8,700 inhabitants at the beginning of the 21st century.

Culture and traditions

Anthropomorphic and naturalistic sculptures are widespread, among which the tiki , which is a human representation enclosed in a geometry of curves.

In this area, a peculiar art form is the tattoo, called moko that comes to decorate the entire body, including the inside of the mouth and genitals.


Most people can speak the Marquesan language and most can speak French. Two-thirds speak more than the Marquesan at home, and one-third speak more French.

To get

Getting to Marquesas and its surroundings is a unique experience.

Operating seven days a week, Air Tahiti provides Nuku Hiva a flight of 3.5 & nbsp; h from Tahiti. Weekly service is also offered to Nuku Hiva from Bora Bora and Rangiroa. On some days there is a direct flight from Tahiti to Hiva Oa.

The Aranui III It is a mixed passenger ship that operates between Tahiti and the Marquesas. On his 14-day trips, once or twice a month, he visits Tuamotus Atolls and 6 inhabited Marquesas islands.


You can connect Nuku Hiva to Hiva Oa with several weekly 35 minute flights. Several inter-island vessels are in operation, however they are rarely used by visitors. Travel to and from the airport should always be scheduled by your preferred travel professional or hotel. Depending on road conditions and the location of your hotel, airport transfers can be by boat, on horseback, in a 4x4 truck.

The Aranui 3 and several inter-island ships offer service between the main islands.

Traveling around the islands also requires planning. Although 4x4 rental vehicles are available, it is wise to hire a guide to navigate the rugged, rugged, and unfamiliar roads occasionally used by herds of wild horses. Around the islands, motorboat rentals offer a fun way to explore the bays and dramatic coastline.


  • Grave of Paul Gauguin and Jacques Brel.
  • Ancient and sacred sites with petroglyphs.
  • Archaeological Sites of the Taaoa Valley
  • Puamau Stone Sculptures & Tiki


For the adventurous visitor, the simple atmosphere of the Marquesas creates unique experiences.

  • Exploring high mountains, remote beaches, hidden waterfalls, and deep forests by 4x4 safari truck, sailboat, or even on horseback.
  • Discovery of the archaeological sites of tiki stone, ancient dwellings and petroglyphs.
  • Simple and warm Marquesan town charm with a history unique among any civilization on earth.
  • Enjoy sculpture shopping at small studios and craft centers.
  • Relaxation with the tranquil atmosphere and delicious cuisine found in the simple but elegant cabins on the slopes overlooking the bays.

Some of the most popular activities and sites for visitors include:

  • The Paul Gauguin Cultural Center - This museum opened in 2003 on the centenary of Gauguin's death. Located on land purchased by Gauguin, the exhibition of reproductions of the center takes the visitor through three thematic sections that are attributed to the artist: "escape to achieve art", "the right to dare anything in art" and " be part of a primitive culture. "