Italian phrasebook - Itala frazlibro

Italian phrasebook

La Italian language is spoken especially in Italy and Switzerland.



Vowels are similar to Esperanto: a, e, i, o, u. The vowels / e / and / o / have two different pronunciations, closed (/ e /, / o /) and open (/ ɛ /, / ɔ /). (The Italians, however, are not at all aware that they have two different pronunciations of E and O, and they understand just as well even if someone sounds "exotic").

Although sometimes vowels may sound longer or shorter, the difference does not matter to Italian speakers, (the meaning of the words does not change because of this).


B, C, D F, G, H, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, V, Z

(J, K, X, Y W, are not in the Italian alphabet, but may appear in words "borrowed" from other languages).

of the Italian consonants the following are pronounced differently than in Esperanto:

C, it is pronounced K before the vowels A, O, U and before H or consonant. but it is pronounced Ch before the vowels E, IG, it is pronounced G before the vowels A, O, U and before H or consonant. it is pronounced Ġ before the vowels E, I
the group SC is pronounced SK before the vowels A, O, U and before H or consonant. but it is pronounced Sh before the vowels E, IH in itself is not pronounced, but is used to change the sound of C, G and SC; it is also written in some forms of the verb "avere" (to have), but is not pronounced there either.Q, it is pronounced K. It is used only before the vowel U, when it is unaccented and followed by another vowel in diphthongs, for example, "Quadro" is pronounced "Quadro", "Quindi" is pronounced "Kwindi".S, it is pronounced S or Z, (in the words)Z, it is pronounced C or, (in the words), also by a sound non-existent in Esperanto that approaches DZ.

Common diphthongs

The diphthongs that in Esperanto are formed with J or Ŭ are made in Italian by I and U. (So in Italian I and U have the sound of the Esperanto I, U, when they are simple vowels, and J and Ŭ when they are, unaccented, in diphthongs).

List of sentences


Usual inscriptions

OPEN (a'pɛrto)
CLOSED (kjuso)
ENTRY (en'trata)
OUTPUT (u'šita)
PUSH ('spinĝere)
PULL (ti'rare)
(Informal) CABINET (gabi'netto); (Formally (euphemistically)) BATHROOM (banjo)
(OF) MEN (('delji)' womini)
(OF) WOMEN (('of)' women)
ATTENTION (attention)
PROHIBITED (vje'tato)

In Italian there are two ways to address others: formal and informal. The boundary between the two is not precise, so when in doubt don’t worry too much.

Formal speech requires the use of the pronoun Lei / lɛj / (= you, to one man); informal speech uses the pronoun you / tu / (= ci / vi, to one person). Both are used you / voj / (= you) with two or more people. There are also other differences between formal and informal speech.

Hello. (Formal)
Good morningbŭɔn'jorno, morning and afternoon)
Good eveningbŭɔna'sera, in the evening and early at night)
Good nightbŭɔna'nɔtte, fully at night or saying goodbye in the evening).
Hello. (Informal)
Hello ('chao)
Hello ('Hello, semi-formal)
How are you
How are youcome, informal to one person)
How are you (kome'sta, formal to one person)
How are you (kome'state, formal and informal to two or more people)
I'm fine, thank you.
I'm fine, thank you (I'm fine)
What's your name?
(Formal to one man) What is it called? ('Kome si 'kjama?)
What's your name?
(Informal to one person) What's your name? ('Kome ti 'kjami?)
What's your name?
(Formal and informal to two or more people) What is your name? ('How are you kja'mate?)
My name is ______.
My name is ______. (mi'kjamo ______.)
I'm glad to meet you!
Pleasure (pja'ĉere)
Please (perfa'vore)
Thank you.
Thanks ('grace)
Thank you.
Please ('prɛgo)
Nothing (of nothing)
Yes (yes)
No (no)
Forgive me.
I'm sorry (I'm sorry, formal), Sorry ('sorry, informal)
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry (I'm sorry); also like "Forgive me"
Goodbye (arrive'derĉi, formal), See you (ĉive'djamo, informal)
Goodbye ('goodbye), not usual.
I don't speak Italian.
I do not speak Italian (I don't speak Italian)
Do you speak Esperanto / English?
Do you speak Esperanto / English? ('parla / 'parli / par'late espe'ranto / in'gleze) formal / informal / to several
Is there anyone here who speaks Esperanto / English?
Is there anyone here who speaks Esperanto / English? (ĉɛ kŭal'kuno kŭi ke 'parla espe'ranto / in'gleze)
Help (a'juto)
Good morning.
Good morninggood morning, morning and afternoon)
Good day.
Good morningbŭɔn'jorno, morning and afternoon)
Good evening.
Good eveningbŭɔna'sera)
Good night.
Good nightbŭɔna'nɔtte)
I don't understand.
I do not understand (nonka'pisko)
Where is the toilet?
Where is a bathroom? (do'vɛ um'banjo) (the sound of gn, which is similar to Esperanto nj, is however equal to Spanish ñ).


Leave me.
You leave meI let go)
Don't touch me.
Don't touch me (Non mi 'tokki)
I'll call the police.
I'll call the police (Kjame'ro the police)
Police! (police)
Stop! Thief!
Alt! To the Thief! (Alt! To the Thief)
I need your help.
I need your help (or bi'zonjo of your help)
There is an emergency / crisis situation.
It is urgent / an emergency (E ur'ĝente / 'una emer'ĝenca)
I'm lost.
I got lost (I'm lost)
I lost my suitcase.
I lost my suitcase (o'perso lava'lija)
I lost my wallet.
I lost my wallet (o'perso ilporta'foljo)
I'm sick / I'm sick.
I'm sick (I'm sick) or: I feel the opposite (I feel bad).
I was hurt.
I was injured (I hurt myself)
I need a doctor.
I need a doctor (o bi'sonjo di un 'mediko )
May I use your phone?
Can I use your phone? (I can use his phone )


one ('one)
two ('two)
three (three)
four ('quattro)
five ('in Chinese)
sei ('sɜj)
seven ('sɜtte)
eight ('ɔtto)
nine ('new)
ten ('djɜchi)
eleven ('to unite)
twelve ('twelve)
thirteen ('thirteen)
fourteen (squat twist)
fifteen (quin'dichi)
sixteen (se'diĉi)
seventeen (diĉjas'sette)
eighteen (di'ĉjotto)
nineteen (diĉjan'nove)
twenty ('twenty)
twenty one (twenty-one)
twenty twotwenty-two)
twenty three (twenty-three)
thirty ('thirty)
forty (croaking)
fifty (chin'kwanta)
sixty (ses'santa)
seventy (set'tanta)
eighty (so much)
ninety (no'vanta)
hundred ('ĉɜnto)
two hundred (two hundred)
three hundred (three hundred)
mille ('a thousand)
two thousand (two thousand)
one million (a million)
one billion (a thousand)
billion ('mille mi'ljardi)
line / number _____ (train, bus, etc.)
line / number _____ ('line / number _____)
half (me'ta)
less (much) ('less ('a lot))
more (much) (pju (very))


ora ('now), now (a'desso)
after ('after)
first ('first)
soon ('soon); coming soon (tra 'poko); soon (between not 'much)
morning / morning (ma'ttino / mat'tina)
before noon ('prima di 'medzo'jorno)
afternoon (pome'riĝĝo)
sera ('sera)
night ('night )

Clock time

at one o'clock in the morning
at one o'clock at night (at one o'clock at night)
at two o'clock in the morning
at two in the morning ('at two in the morning)
noon ('midday)
at one o'clock in the afternoon
at one in the afternoon (all'una del 'pome'riĝĝo)
at two o'clock in the afternoon
at two in the afternoon ('alle 'due del' pome'riĝĝo)
midnight ('midnight)


_____ minute (s)
_____minute (minutes) (_____ minutes (minutes))
_____ hour (s)
_____hours (hours) (_____ 'hour (' hours))
_____ day (s)
_____day (days) (_____ 'day')
_____ week (s)
_____week (weeks) (_____ 'setti'mana (' setti'mane))
_____ month (s)
_____month (months) (_____ 'measure (' measure))
_____ year (s)
_____year (years) (_____ 'year (' years))


today ('today)
yesterday ('jeri)
the day before yesterday
the other day (the other 'jeri)
tomorrow (do'mani )
the day after tomorrow
the day after tomorrow ('dopodo'mani)
this week
this week ('cuesta 'setti'mana)
last week
last week (la 'setti'mana pas'sata )
next week
next week (the 'next' week)
Monday (Monday)
Tuesday (marte'di)
Wednesday (merkole'di)
Thursday (Thursday)
Friday (vener'di)
Saturday ('Saturday)
Sunday (do'menika)


January (annoyance)
February (feb'brajo)
March (frame)
April (a'prile)
May ('magic)
June ('June)
July ('luljo)
August (in August)
September (September)
October (October)
November (November)
December (in December)

Write time and date

05/03/2021 at 14.40 

you can write:

on the fifth day of March in the year two thousand and twenty-one, at fourteen and forty, (more formal). on the fifth day of March in the twenty-first, at three minus twenty in the afternoon, (less formal).

which read:

il ĉinkŭe marco duemilaven'tuno, alle ore quat'tordici e qua'ranta, (more formal) .il ĉinkŭe marco del ven'tuno, alle tre meno venti del pome'riggio, (less formal).


in Italian the adjectives, and therefore also the colors, can be grammatically in-gendered (ending in -a) or malin-gendered (ending in -o); some, however, have only one form:

black ('black)
white ('bjanko / a)
gray ('gray )
red ('red )
blue (blue); blue (a'zzurro / a)
yellow ('ghjallo / a)
green ('green)
orange (aran'ĉone)
purple ('purple)
bruno / a ('brown)


Bus and train

How much is a ticket to _____?
how much is a ticket to _____? ('how much does a ticket cost per _____)
I would like a ticket to _____.
I would like a ticket for _____. ('vorrej a ticket for _____)
Where is this train / bus going?
where does this train / bus go? ('dove va 'box' train / 'bus)
Where is the train / bus to _____?
where is the train / bus to _____ (where is the train / bus to _____)
Will this train / bus stop in / at _____?
this train / bus stops in _____ ('box 'train /' bus' closed a / in _____)
When will the train / bus leave for _____?
when does the train / bus leave for _____? ('when 'part of the' train / 'bus by _____)
When will this train / bus arrive at _____?
when does this train / bus arrive in _____? ('kwando ar'riva 'box' train / 'bus a _____)


How can I reach ______?
how can i get to _____? ('how can i get to _____)
... the train station?
the train station (the railway station)
... the bus station / stop?
the bus station / bus stop (the sta'zione 'degli' bus / the fer'mata dell'autobus)
... the airport?
the airport (the airport)
... downtown?
the city center (il 'center ĉit'ta)
... the youth hostel?
the youth hostel (l'os'tello 'della ĝoven'tu)
... the hotel ______?
the hotel _____ (the hotel _____)
... the _____ consulate?
the consulate _____ (the consulate _____)
Where are many _____?
where is most of _____ (where is most of _____)
... hotels?
hotels (to the hotels)
... restaurants
restaurants (risto'ranti)
... bars
bar (bar)
... sights
tourist attractions (tu'ristike attraction)
Can you show me on the map?
can you show me on the map? (can you see me on the map?)
via (via)
Turn left.
turn left (turn to si'nistra)
Turn right.
turn right (turn right)
on the left
on the left (to the left )
the right (to the right)
straight ahead
forward straight (straight ahead)
to the ______
to _____ ( to _____)
beyond the ______
over _____ (over _____)
before the ______
in front of the _____ (in front of the _____)
Look at the ______.
look at the _____ (look at _____)
crossing (hook)
north (north)
south (south)
is (is)
the west
west (o'vest)


taxi! ('taxi!)
Please drive me to ______.
please take me to _____ (please take me to _____)
How much does a trip to ______ cost?
how much does the ride up to _____ ('how much does the 'corsair' end a _____)
Please drive me there.
please take me there (please bring me the)


Do you have a room available?
do you have a room available? (do you have a room available? )
How much is a room for one person / two people?
how much is a room for one person / two people? ('how much does a ka'mera cost per 'una per'sona /' due per'sone?)
Is the room with _____?
the room has _____? (the camera has _____)
... litotuko?
sheets (len'cŭola)
... bathroom?
bathroom ('banjo)
... phone?
phone (phone)
... television?
television ('televi'sore)
Can I see the room first?
can I see the room first? ('can i see the camera first)
Do you have any _____
you have a _____ (do you have a _____)
... quieter?
quieter (pju silen'cioza)
... more extensive?
more spacious (more spacious)
... cleaner?
cleaner (pju pu'lita)
... cheaper?
cheaper (pju a bŭon mer'kato)
Okay, I take it.
well, i take it ('Well, I'll take it)
I will stay for _____ night (s).
I will stay for _____ night (s). (I will stay for _____ 'night (' nights).)
Can you suggest me another hotel?
can you recommend me another hotel? (can you advise me to go to another hotel? )
Do you have _____
you have _____ (a'vete _____)
... safe?
safe (kas'setta of siku'recca)
... a key?
Does the price include breakfast / dinner?
does the price include breakfast / dinner? (il 'precco kom'prende la kola'cjone /' ĉena )
When is breakfast / dinner?
what time is breakfast / dinner (a ke 'ora e la kola'cjone /' chain)
Please clean my room.
please can you clean my room (to make it possible for you to read 'my' camera)
Could you wake me up at _____?
could you wake me up at _____? (can you wake me up at _____?)
I want to get out of the hotel.
I leave the hotel ('Lax lal'berg)


Can I use US / Australian / Canadian dollars?
can I pay with US / Australian / Canadian dollars? ('posso pa'gare kon 'dollari ameri'kani / australjani / kanad'ezi?)
Can I use the euro?
can i pay in euros? ('posso pa'gare kon euro?)
Can I use Japanese yen?
can i pay with japanese yen? ('posso pa'gare kon jen ĝappo'nezi?)
Can I use a British pound?
can i pay in pound sterling? ('can i pay with ster'line in'glezi? )
Can I use a Swiss / African / Pacific franc?
can I pay with swiss francs / african / pacific? ('posso pa'gare kon 'franki svic'ceri / affri'kani / del Pa'ĉifiko?)
Can I use a dinar?
can i pay with dinars? ('can I pay for money?)
Can I use a credit card?
can I use a credit card? ('can I use a credit card? )
Can you change my money?
can you change my money (How can I make money? )
Where can I change my money?
where can i change money? ('where can i kamb'jare dej 'money?)
Can you change my traveler's check?
can you change me a traveler's check? (pŭo kamb'jarmi un 'travel'ĉek?)
Where can my traveler's check be exchanged?
where can I change a traveler's check? ('dove 'posso kamb'jare un' travel'ček?)
What is the exchange rate?
what is the exchange rate? (What is the exchange rate?)
Where is an ATM?
where is an ATM? (where is an ATM?)


A table for one person / two people, please.
a table for one person / two people, please (one table for one person / two for one person, please)
I ask for the menu.
the menu, please (the mine, to please)
Can I look in the kitchen?
can i see the kitchen ('posso ve'dere the couch?)
Can you recommend me?
can you advise me? (can i advise?)
Do you have a local specialty?
do you have a local specialty? (do you have a lo'kale specialty?)
I am a vegetarian.
I am a vegetarian ('sound vegetarian'rjano)
I'm vegan.
I'm vegan ('they are ve'gano)
I only eat kosher.
I only eat kosher ('something ‘food’ solo ‘kosher)
I don’t eat _____.
I don't eat _____. (non 'food )
... meat.
meat (karne)
... fish.
fish (fish)
... sea animals.
seafood ('seafood)
... an egg.
omelette ('frit'tata)
... dairy.
dairy products (latti'chini)
... gluten.
gluten ('gluten)
... wheat.
farinacei (farina'čej)
... nuts.
nuts ('notch)
... peanuts.
peanuts (ara'kidi)
... soy.
soybean ('soy)
Please do not use oil / butter / grease.
please, without oil / butter / lard (per fa'vore, 'senca' oljo / 'burro /' strutto)
common meal
food according to the card
eat a la carte (man'ĝare 'alla' card)
breakfast (kola'cjone)
lunch ('lunch)
snack (me'renda)
dinner ('chain)
_____, please
... please _____ (for fa'vore)
Food containing _____, please.
food containing _____, please. (chibo conti'nente _____, per fa'vore.)
chicken / n
chicken ('chicken)
beef / n
beef ('beef meat)
fish / n
fish ('fish)
ham / n
ham (pro'ŝutto)
sausage / n
sausage (salty)
cheese / n
cheese (for'majage)
ovo / n
egg (egg)
salty / n
salad (sins)
(raw) vegetable
raw vegetables (ver'dura 'raw)
(raw) fruit
fruit ('fruit)
pano / n
bread ('bread)
toasto / n
toast (toast)
noodle / n
noodles ('talja'tella)
rice / n
rice (rice)
fazeolo / n
bean (fa'golo)
I ask for one glass of _____.
please a glass of _____ (for fa'vore, a bik'kjere of _____)
I ask for one cup of _____.
please a glass of _____ (per fa'vore, a cup of _____)
I ask for one bottle of _____.
please a bottle of _____ (for fa'vore, 'a bot'tilja of _____)
coffee (kaf'fe)
ground (te)
juice ('sukko)
water ('aqua)
tap water
tap water ('aqua del rubi'netto)
sparkling water
sparkling water, sparkling water ('aqua ga'sata, 'aqua fric'cante)
free water
natural mineral water, non-aerated water ('akkwa mine'rale natu'rale, 'akkwa' non ga'sata)
beer ('beer)
red / white wine
red / white wine ('vino 'rosso /' bjanko)
I ask for some _____.
please a little _____ (for fa'vore, a little _____)
sale ('sale)
pepe ('pepper)
Excuse me, waiter?
sorry, waiter ('sorry, come on)
I finished eating.
I finished eating (o fi'nito di man'ĝare)
It was delicious.
it tasted good (a'veva un bŭon sa'pore)
Please take the plates away.
please take the dishes away (per fa'vore, 'porti' via i 'pjatti)
I want to pay. / The bill, please.
I want to pay. / the bill, please. ('voljo pa'gare. / il 'konto, per fa'vore.)


Do you serve alcohol?
do you serve alcohol? (ser'vite al'koliĉi?)
Do you serve a table?
do you serve at the table (will you come to the table?)
Beer / Two beers, please.
beer / two beers, please. ('birra / dŭe 'birre, by fa'vore.)
One glass of red / white wine, please.
a glass of red / white wine, please. (a bik'kjere of 'red wine' / 'bjanko, please.)
One pitcher, please.
a jug, please. ('a brokka, please)
One bottle, please.
a bottle, please. ('a bot'tilja, to fa'vore.)
_____ and _____, please.
_____ and _____, please. ()
whiskey / n
whiskey ('whiskey )
vodka / n
vodka ('vodka)
rumo / n
rum (rum)
water / n
water ('aqua)
mineral water / n
mineral water (aqua mine'rale)
sodakvo / n
tonic water / n
tonic water ('aqua tonic)
orange juice
orange juice ('juice da'rancha)
kolao / n
cola ('kola)
Do you have bar snacks?
do you have any snacks? (a'vete 'delji stucci'kini?)
One more, please.
one more, please. (an'kora 'uno, per fa'vore. )
One more row, please.
When is closing time?
what time does it close (a ke 'ora si' kjude?)
to health! ('alla sa'lute!)


Do you have this one in my size?
do you have this in my size? (a'vete 'box' nella 'my' waist?)
How much does it cost?
how much does it cost ('how much does it cost)
It's too expensive.
costs too much ('it costs too much )
Do you accept _____?
do you accept _____? (to buy )
dear ('karo )
cheap (a bŭon mer'kato )
I can't pay the cost.
I can't pay that price (non 'posso pa'gare kŭel precco )
I don't want it.
I don't want it (I don't want it )
You are defrauding me.
it's a fraud (It's a fraud )
I'm not interested.
I'm not interested (I'm not interested )
All right, I'll buy it.
well, I'll buy it ('well, I understand )
I ask for a bag?
can you give me a bag (can I have a bag? )
Can you send it (abroad)?
can you ship it (abroad)? (can you tell me (abroad)? )
I need _____.
I need (o bi'zonjo )
... toothpaste / n.
toothpaste (toothpaste )
... dentbroso / n.
toothbrush (spacco'lino )
... tampons.
... sapo / n.
soap (sa'pone )
... shampoo.
shampoo (shampoo )
... medication for pain.
pain medication; painkiller ('drug for pain; antidolo'rifiko )
... medicine for colds.
cold medicine (drug for colds )
... medicine for the stomach.
stomach medicine (drug for the stomach )
... razilo / n.
razor (razojo )
... umbrella.
umbrella (omb'rello )
... sunscreen / oil.
sunscreen / tanning oil / sunscreen ('sunscreen / sunscreen / sunscreen )
... postcard.
postcard (karto'lina )
... stamp.
stamp (franko'bollo )
... batteries.
batteries (battery )
... writing paper / n.
writing paper ('paper for writing )
... pen / n.
pen ('pen )
... book / s in the _____ language.
book in language _____ ('book in language _____ )
... newspaper in the _____ language.
language magazine _____ (ri'vista in 'language _____ )
... newspaper in the _____ language.
language newspaper _____ (newspaper in language _____ )
..._____- Esperanto dictionary.
vocabulary _____- Esperanto (vocabularies _____- Esperanto )


I want to rent a car.
I want to rent a car ('voljo noleĝ'ĝare 'una' makkina)
Can I get insurance?
can I take out insurance? ('can i make an insurance policy?)
stop (sign)
alt ()
one-way street
one-way street ('a one-way street)
slowly / slowly ('pjano / lenta'mente)
do not park
do not park (don't park there)
speed limit
speed limit ('limite di veloĉi'ta)
gas station
petrol / fuel dispenser (ben'dzina / karbu'rante distributor)
petrol (ben'dzina)
diesel ('diesel)


I did nothing wrong.
I didn't do anything wrong (he did nothing wrong)
That was a misunderstanding.
it was a mistake (si e trat'tato di un e'kŭivoko )
Where are you taking me?
where are you taking me ('where are you taking me)
Am I under arrest?
are they under arrest? ('am I under arrest?)
I am a citizen of _____.
I am a citizen of _____ ('I'm a citizen of _____)
I want to talk to the _____ embassy / consulate.
I want to talk to the embassy / consulate _____ (voljo par'lare kon lamba'ŝata / konso'lato _____)
I want to consult a lawyer.
I want to consult a lawyer ('I want to consult a lawyer)
Will I just pay a fine now?
do I just have to pay a fine now? (Do I just have to pay a fine?)

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