Itutinga - Itutinga

Itutinga is a city located in the south of the state of Minas Gerais.


The municipality of Itutinga has two hydroelectric plants that were installed in its territory in the 1950s and that put it in evidence among the cities of Minas Gerais, since the Itutinga Hydroelectric Plant was the first plant of the newly created Companhia Energética do Estado de Minas Gerais - CEMIG, by the then governor and later president, Juscelino Kubitscheck. The plans for Itutinga included the construction of a Ferrovia do Aço terminal, which did not happen due to budget cuts by the military government. The waters of the dams and the contour of the Grande and Capivari rivers make Itutinga a pleasant city for visitors and for its small population, of about 4,000 inhabitants. The BR 265 and MG 451 highways make Itutinga an alternative for tourists looking for the nearby cities of Carrancas, São João Del Rei and Tiradentes, located less than of 70 kilometers.


The European exploration of the region, carried out in 1760 by pioneers from Taubaté in search of gold, marked the beginning of a village that gave rise to the Arraial de Santo Antônio da Ponte Nova – the name given to the construction of a wooden bridge over the River Great. The first building that is known on the site was a chapel, erected in 1794 under the invocation of Santo Antônio. The district of Santo Antônio da Ponte Nova became part of the parish of São Gonçalo do Ibituruna, until it gained the degree of parish on November 30, 1880. In that same year (1880), the district was integrated into the municipality of Lavras. On September 9, 1923 (or 1924, no one knows for sure), the district was renamed Itutinga, which, in the Tupi language, means "white waterfall"). Itutinga joined the municipality of Itumirim on this date. Emancipation took place under Law 1 039, on December 12, 1953. The installation of the municipality took place on January 1, 1954, with the only district in the seat. Its first mayor was Prudente Leite de Carvalho.

To arrive

By plane Itutinga is located less than 60 kilometers from the airports of the neighboring cities of São João Del Rei and Lavras. The Prefeito Octávio de Almeida Neves Airport, in São João Del Rei, has lines from the company Trip, while the Airport of Lavras (Vanilla) has a 1500m paved and signposted runway, but without any airline operation. Upon arriving in these cities, tourists must seek other means of transport in order to reach Itutinga.

By bus

By car





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