Jämtland Triangle - Jämtlandstriangeln

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Jämtland Triangle (yellow triangle) on Waymarked Trails

The Jämtland Triangle is a hiking trail between the mountain stations Storulvån, Blåhammaren and Sylarna. The Jämtland Triangle is located in Åre municipality, Undersåker parish and Handölsdalen's Sami village. Some mountains you pass in the Jämtland Triangle are Getryggen (1382 m.ö.h.) which is located northwest of Storulvån mountain station. At Sylarnas mountain station, Storsylen (1762 masl) is located on the Norwegian side of the national border. Ulvåtjärn is a lake located 6 km southeast of Blåhammaren mountain station. The Jämtland Triangle is considered an easy hiking trail.

Getting to the Jämtland Triangle

Many people can see traveling to the Jämtland mountains as a long and complicated journey, at least for those who live far away. There are many options to choose from. You can get there by bus, train, car or even plane. The changes are to be reckoned with and sometimes you may have to combine bus and train.

One of the ways you can get there is by train. If you want to travel from places that are a short distance away, it is common to first take the train to Stockholm during the day and then it is convenient to take the night train to Duved. If you travel from Stockholm, you can take the night train directly to Duved and from Duved a bus to Storulvån's mountain station where you can start your hike.

You can also get to the Jämtland mountains by car, which can be convenient if you are a family. At Storulvån you have access to a car park, which gives you the flexibility to travel home whenever you want. Parking the car in the car park by Storulvån costs SEK 30 / day or SEK 150 / week, if you are going to stay at Storulvån mountain station, it is free.

The thing to keep in mind when driving to the Jämtland mountains is that there may be roads there that are closed. Between 1 / 2-15 / 4 at 22.00-08.00, the road between Handöl and Storulvån is closed. Sometimes the road can also be closed during the day if the weather is bad.

If you choose to get there by plane, the nearest airports are in Östersund or Trondheim / Vaernes airport. From Östersund airport it takes about 2 hours by train or car and from Trondheim it takes 1.5 hours to Storulvånsfjällstation.

Which alternative you choose to travel with obviously depends on where you are going from. If you live a little closer, it may be smoother by car than by train and if you live a good distance away, it may be smoother by train and it may even go faster than by car.

Accommodation and service

There are a few different accommodation options when you visit the Jämtland Triangle, depending on what you like, you can either choose to sleep in a tent or at one of the mountain stations. The advantage of sleeping in a tent is that you can sit down where you want and a big plus is that it costs nothing, but then it is important to have a really good sleeping bag that keeps the heat.

An alternative for the comfortable is to rent a room, either inside Storulvån's mountain station or outside in barracks. There are both twin and quadruple rooms and you do not need to bring sheets or clean the rooms after your stay. Toilet and shower are in the rooms, which can be nice after a long day in the mountains. In winter, the mountain station can also offer accommodation in the open air, you get your own conservatory with a three-course dinner, swimming in the sauna and much more.

It is common to go from Storulvån to Sylarna and also spend the night there. This is also a mountain station that offers many different price ranges and many different types of rooms. There is everything from single rooms to dormitories up to 16 people. At STF´'s mountain stations, there is a so-called seat guarantee, even if it is fully booked, they will arrange a seat if they should be needed with the help of extra mattresses. There are also some rooms that allow dogs. If you as a tent feel like settling down near the mountain station, you have to pay a service fee and then you get to enjoy the comfort of the mountain station. So there are a lot of different options, something that suits everyone. A proper sleep is very important, if you sleep well and are alert you have much more stamina and everything becomes much more fun. The mountain stations also rent out tents and sleeping bags if you do not want to buy a new tent.

When you go to the Jämtland mountains, access to food becomes more limited. If you are hiking, you must bring sustainable food such as freeze-dried or pasta. Canned food is also an option, although it weighs more but it becomes a contrast to the other food.

During the hike along the Jämtland Triangle, you will find three different mountain stations. One in Storulvån, one by Sylarna and one in Blåhammaren. Here you can spend the night and there is also food. If you spend the night at Sylarnas mountain station, you can enjoy the breakfast buffet, which is served between 8: 00-9: 00. During breakfast you also have the opportunity to pick up a lunch box that you can take with you on the trip.

It is also possible to pre-order a lunch bag with ingredients that you prepare yourself. The lunch box is adapted for 2 people and is available in 3 different options. If you do not want to cook your own dinner and are a group of 10-20 people, you can pre-order a two-course dinner which includes beer and wine. This dinner costs SEK 300 / person.

At Sylarnas mountain station there is also a shop that offers ready-made frozen food as well as raw materials and freeze-dried. They also have vegetarian, lactose and gluten free alternatives.

Storulvån's mountain station also offers a breakfast buffet. In the restaurant you can enjoy a dinner with both locally produced food and drinks. They also have a mountain shop where you can buy everything from sweets, food and equipment. Everything you need for a mountain hike.

Blåhammaren's mountain station also offers food and drink. After 18:00 in the evening, you can enjoy a 3-course menu with a suitable drink package that is specially selected for a dinner.

The goods to the mountain stations are delivered by helicopter every week.

Security house

Hiking guide

The Jämtland Trail is the trail that starts at Storulvån's mountain station and then crosses mountain moors, through mighty massifs and then leads to STF Ramundberget.

The Jämtland Triangle is a stage that has become a modern classic. This trail consists of Storulvån, Sylarna and Blåhammaren is the core of STF mountain world. This adventure is suitable for those who are experienced but also those who are beginners. The hike starts at Storulvån and then on to Sylarna. Arriving at Sylarna, you can do a summit climb on Syltoppen and get an alpine experience. Then the hike continues on towards the blue hammer.

The hiking trails also consist of signs, planks and bridges that will make it easier.

Winter trail instructions

This is handled by the county administrative board. There are several safety stations exposed on the hiking trail. The stations are located about 10km apart and consist of a toilet, security telephone for any emergencies and a cabin to warm up in. Here you also have the opportunity to throw the waste.

Handicap bridge

There are also winter trails and summer trails. The winter trail works great to use when cross-country skiing. Avoid walking the winter trail in the summer, as this trail crosses streams, lakes and wetlands.

At Storulvån mountain station, there is a trail adapted for the disabled that is about 1 km.

The Jämtland Triangle is easy to walk but there are some difficulties along the way. Large parts of the trail are rocky which can make your hike difficult. And if it rains, it can get very wet and slippery.

Good equipment and packing

The equipment is incredibly important when it comes to hiking. It is important to adapt the packing to the current type of trip, a tip is to make a packing list several weeks in advance and feel free to start packing, buying and borrowing things early.

The advantage of living at the stations is that you do not need as much packing. The disadvantage is that you are tied to the stations and that you can therefore not choose where you want to start and end the day. The mountain stations, on the other hand, are well located and there are many opportunities for exciting day trips. Sylarnas mountain station also has guided tours to the top, the glacier and more.

The equipment depends on the length of the trip. Good boots and clothes are the most important thing. It requires good quality clothes and well-fitted boots that are waterproof for a pleasant experience.

The following are good (/ basic) equipment to take with you on the hike:

Basic equipment Summer

  • Backpack with rain cover
  • Tent
  • Sleeping bag
  • Bedding


  • Hiking boots
  • Underwear and underpants
  • Fleece
  • T-shirt
  • Wind and rainproof jacket / shell jacket
  • Adidas trousers / Soft trousers or similar
  • Rainproof and windproof trousers
  • Hairband / hat
  • Thinner and thicker gloves
  • Good socks (preferably a pair of barrels under a pair of wool socks)

Food equipment

  • Storm kitchen
  • Matches
  • T-red / gas
  • Matkåsa
  • Lillkåsa / cup
  • Cutlery
  • Washing-up liquid
  • Dish fungus
  • Water bottles / water bags

Other equipment

  • Hygiene products
  • Sunglasses
  • Sun protection factor
  • Mosquito repellent
  • Flashlight

The food is also important to have a positive experience, for more information about food see the heading "Outdoor food during the hike" and "Accommodation and Service". things but the easiest and cheapest is to bring yourself.

Staying in the mountains in the winter is a little more complicated. However, you need the same basic equipment, but you need more special equipment such as windbreaker, ski goggles, warm clothes, gloves that can withstand real cold, reinforcement garments, shovel & probe and sleeping bag that is also windproof. Even if you do not plan to sleep in a tent, there are many more things you need to take with you on day trips during the winter to ensure safety. If you really want to go hiking in the mountains, cross-country skiing is a good tip. You get there faster and smoother and it is not as stressful for the body.

Living in a tent is the cheapest way to live in the mountains, it is important to have a good tent that is adapted to the number of people you are. For more information about living in tents resp. at mountain stations can be found under the heading “Accommodation and Service”.

If you have decided to live in a tent, the tent, sleeping pad and sleeping bag that can withstand sub-zero temperatures are the most important. Storm kitchen to cook on is necessary, dried fruit, energy cakes and sweets are good for fast energy.

Something that can relieve properly from the weight of the backpack are hiking poles. They become like two extra legs and the arms help to relieve the legs.

Basic equipment winter

You need this in addition to the summer packing list

  • Large backpack or sledge to fit everything
  • Spade
  • Probe
  • Safety line
  • Tent with snow nails
  • Sleeping bag that can withstand at least 30 degrees below zero


  • Windsock
  • Cover jacket
  • Cover pants
  • Ski gloves or similar
  • Warm hat / hair band
  • Reinforcement layer (easily accessible at break): Warm jacket, warm trousers, thick wool sweater / fleece sweater, dry socks.


  • Ski goggles
  • Thermos
  • Headlamp

Mountain safety

Outdoor food during the hike

Adventure Food freeze-dried food

Just because you are out in the mountains does not necessarily mean that the food is less good, rather the opposite. In the mountains, it is increasingly appreciated compared to at home and thus tastes better. IN Wikibooks There are various recipes for outdoor food. All recipes are different, some of them must be prepared at home and some not. They also differ in time, some take five minutes to cook while others take longer than that.

The food on the mountain should be low with GI to keep the blood sugar level as even as possible. Regarding breakfast, fresh products such as milk and filet are not recommended as they are awkward and easily risk souring. When it comes to bread, coarser breads with fiber are recommended. It is healthier and more energy-rich than light bread while keeping you full longer. Peanut butter is also something to recommend, partly to have on the sandwich instead of butter, but also to have on porridge which is also another alternative to breakfast in the mountains.

The body needs steady and extra energy to be able to exert itself. Therefore, a good tip is to eat a good and hearty meal before departure. Many mattresses at short intervals are also recommended, and always make sure to have something energy-rich easily accessible to chew on, e.g. nuts or the like, that which suits you and your body simply. By eating good food, your body has more stamina and feels better, which leads to a greater retention of the journey. Other things to keep in mind are eating before hunger strikes. This means that the energy lasts longer, and that judgment and body heat are not lost.

To recommend as food in the mountains is freeze-dried food. Freeze-dried food makes cooking smoother and packing easier while providing a good and nutritious and energy-rich meal in the mountains. Freeze-dried food you can prepare yourself at home before departure as well as buying ready-made. There are many different brands and varieties to wreck and choose from. Both Blå Band, Real Turmat and Adventure Food are examples of brands with a large selection of freeze-dried food. To prepare a meal of freeze-dried food in the mountains, you only need boiling water and a few minutes of waiting time before cooking. In addition, the packaging is made in such a way that it is perfectly possible to eat directly from it.

Nature has a lot to eat and so does the mountains. There are plenty of berries, both crowberries, cloudberries, lingonberries and blueberries are edible berries you can easily find in the mountains. A tip is to use it during your trip and use it as a snack and snack. Blueberries on porridge or lingonberries for food can e.g. never go wrong.

Natural geography

During the journey along the Jämtland Triangle, you can see a number of natural geographical objects. Below is a description of what objects you can see along the hike and also where there is a great chance to see these formations.

Death pits

Dead ice pit is a natural phenomenon that was created where a large piece of a glacier has been lying around and surrounded by sediment that comes with the water from the glacier. The sediment solidifies around the ice cube and the ice cube later melts away. This creates a dead ice pit that can usually be found in a valley or higher up areas. You can see dead ice pits along the entire Jämtland triangle and the whole of Sweden except on Öland and Gotland.

Terrace floor

Terrace plans are one of the remains that we can see today from the ice age. They formed when the ice melted and large ice rivers and ice lakes arose. Then these rivers formed the delta. It is precisely these that we can today see remnants of on the Terraces. When hiking in the Jämtland Triangle, it is difficult to miss this natural phenomenon. The place where it is most evident is the southern and eastern slopes of the mountain goat ridge.


A meander is a meandering riverbed. It is created in a way where erosion occurs in the outer curves and sedimentation in the inner curves. Meanders are not found in many places in the world and are therefore quite rare. However, there is one in the low alpine area near the mountain station Storulvån near Getryggen.


Block seas are formed by the bedrock weathering due to frost and then forming "piles" of boulders. Block seas are common in high alpine areas, which you also get proof of when you get to the area around Sylarna. There you can see a number of different variants of block seas.

Blockhav at Sylarna