Jabugo - Jabugo

City is a city of name of the region / state / province.

To get

The town of Jabugo is located in the Natural Park of Sierra de Aracena and Picos de Aroche, province of Huelva. It can be accessed by several National Roads, one of them would be the N-435, which is the one that comes from Huelva, which passes through San Juan del Puerto, Trigueros, Beas, Valverde del Camino, Zalamea la Real, Santa Ana la Real, Castaño del Robledo until we reach the town of Jabugo.If we come from Portugal, we will take the N-433 road, which we will pass through the towns of Rosal de la Frontera, Aroche, Cortegana, El Repilado, once we have passed El Repilado we turn to Turn right along the HU-8112 road, which will take us to the town of Jabugo, and if we come from Seville, we will take the N-433 road, which is the same road that takes us towards Portugal, if we come from the Seville highway, the A -66, we will turn right and take the N-433, and we will pass through the towns of El Garrobo, El Castillo de las Guardas, Higuera de la Sierra, Aracena, Los Marines, Fuenteheridos, Galaroza, once we pass Galaroza we we will deviate to the right and take the N-433 towards Huelva, returning or to take a further right on the San Juan del Puerto road and we will arrive in Jabugo.


To circulate through Jabugo, if we come from Seville, we enter the San Juan del Puerto road, if we turn left we enter Doctor García Sánchez street, thus arriving at the Plaza del Jamón where the Jabugo City Hall is located in the center If we come from Portugal, we would enter through Calle Talero, thus surrounding the Church of San Miguel Arcángel, which would take us back to Plaza del Jamón.If we came from Huelva, we would enter through the San Juan del Puerto highway, and we would continue along Avenida del Jamón, where you can find Sánchez Romero Carvajal's company, we enter through Calle del Barco, surrounding the Church of San Miguel Arcángel, which will place it in the center of town.