Josefov - Josefov

Josefov is a district in Prague.

Facts about Josefov

Josefov, located north of the Old Town Square, is a district that was once one of the most important Jewish communities in the east. Europe. It was during the latter part of the 11th century that the Jewish congregation was founded. The Jews were for centuries accepted and rejected for various reasons, but one thing remained; they were forbidden to live anywhere other than in Josefov.

Getting to / from Josefov


To see


In Josefov there are several synagogues, including Europe's oldest preserved, the Old New Synagogue. Its original name is the New Synagogue, but after a new synagogue was built, it was renamed the Old Synagogue. The newer synagogue no longer exists. The old synagogue's rival Pinkassynagogue has engraved in its walls the names of all Czech victims of the Holocaust.

In the Klausen Synagogue there are many objects that have to do with the history of the Jews. The chisel synagogue has treasures displayed, such as unusual religious objects. The original building was destroyed in a fire in 1689.

The Spanish synagogue is renovated and will resemble a palace in Spain with generous decoration, which is a big difference to the Old Synagogue. Next to the Old New Synagogue is the Jewish town hall where the chief rabbi lives. The old Jewish cemetery has an estimated 12,000 tombstones erected between 1429 and 1787. The same site was used by a family for several generations.

To do



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