Youth hostel - Jugendherberge

International logo, individual associations change this, a conifer next to a house is the common characteristic and is often also shown on signposts and door signs.
Particularly nice youth hostel room in Japan.

Youth hostels (JH; English “Youth Hostel”) as a concept emerged in the early 20th century around young “wandering birds” and the like. To offer inexpensive, safe accommodation. The idea quickly spread around the world with the establishment of relevant associations.

The equipment of the accommodations is highly country-specific. The primary target group are still young people and school groups. Traditionally, house rules stipulate smoking and alcohol bans. In smaller towns in particular, the houses do not open until 5 p.m., and there is almost always a fixed closing time, usually between 10 p.m. and midnight. Most of the approximately 4,500 YH are in Europe, but there is also a YH in the Khartoum, the capital of Sudan.


Israeli youth hostel card from 1965.

The low membership fee is a worthwhile investment, especially for longer individual travelers.

In the 1980s, various associations still had an age limit of mostly 26-30 years for individual travelers. Bavaria was the last club to abolish this about ten years ago. In case of doubt, however, young members often still have priority and often pay a lower overnight stay fee.

In Germany, the fee in 2015 is € 7 for “juniors” up to the age of 26 and € 22.50 for “families / senior citizens.” The ID cards are valid until the end of January of the following year. A family traveling together with the same place of residence only needs an ID. In Switzerland, juniors up to 18 pay CHF 22, adults CHF 33 and families CHF 44. In Austria, between 16 and 26 years old you pay € 15, older people € 25.
In some countries it is possible for non-members to acquire a short-term membership, partly by purchasing individual brands, which can be converted into full membership after a certain number has been accumulated.


Standard German youth hostel bunk bed.
Inhabited youth hostel room in Gualdalajara.
The typical Nessel youth hostel sleeping bag (approx. 1970), including folding instructions from the 1950s.

The houses are very differently equipped and some are only open seasonally. In Asian countries (except Japan) it can happen that simple hotels are included in the association as "youth hostels", a uniform minimum standard is then not given.

Accommodation is traditionally in dormitories or shared rooms. Beds are usually made by yourself, but sheets can be rented for a small fee or the "youth hostel sleeping bag", which is now out of fashion, must be brought with you. Down sleeping bags are prohibited in principle. Toilets and washing facilities are usually on the floor. Washing utensils and towels must be brought with you. Many YHs now also offer family rooms or smaller rooms at higher prices, some even have their own bathrooms and toilets.

A more or less large communal lounge is also common.

Up until around twenty years ago, it was customary to assign each guest a morning job, mostly cleaning. This task, which is particularly notorious as “chore” in the British Isles, is practically nowhere required since the rise of private hostels.

Rooms in youth hostels
The Oldenburg Youth Hostel opened in 2019.


In Europe, breakfast is almost always included in the price or has to be booked at a low cost. The formerly notorious German YH breakfast consisting of two slices of brown bread, one slice each of sausage and cheese or artificially tasting strawberry jam has given way to a mixed buffet with 2-3 jams without hot dishes almost everywhere (Bundeswehr team rank).

A lunch package or evening group catering is often available on request. The quality often reaches that of better company canteens. There are self-catering kitchens in particular in the Anglo-Saxon and Scandinavian countries.


As the level rose, the accommodation costs were also adjusted. In 2016, the average price in youth hostels run by the German Youth Hostel Association for an overnight stay with breakfast and bed linen was 21.50 euros. Reduced rates apply to children. A warm meal costs between 4 and 5 euros, a packed lunch less.

Web links

The associations in developed countries now operate all websites, often with a booking function.

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