Kampinoski National Park - Kampinoski Park Narodowy

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Kampinoski National Park - Polish national park located in the central one Poland, in the Mazowieckie voivodship, several kilometers west of Warsaw. Most of the areas occupied by the park are located in the Kampinos Forest, which lies in the western part of the Warsaw Basin. The park was established in January 1959, and the headquarters is located in Izabelin. It is one of the most visited places in the country (about one million tourists a year).

A chapel in Bromierzyk


Stefan Wyszyński Oak in Kampinos


Weasel canal

The areas of the Park have a rich history related to the struggle for independence. There were insurgent fights in 1794 and 1863, fights of the Poznań army in September 1939, and fights in 1944. There are: the graves of insurgents from 1863, partisans' cemetery, as well as the cemetery in Palmiry, where Poles who were shot by the Germans in the years 1944 are buried. 1939–1944.

After the war, the areas of the forest were bought up and afforested, and the settlement was heavily limited. As a result, cutting out of many forest areas was avoided, and the restoration of rare environments began. Such a situation took place until the 1970s. Around 1992, experiments related to the introduction of the former predator of these areas - the lynx were carried out. These activities were successful as early as 2 years later. In 2000, KPN, together with its buffer zone, was entered into the list of biosphere reserves as the "Kampinos Forest" Biosphere Reserve. Moreover, the area of ​​the park has been recognized by the European Parliament as a bird sanctuary of European rank.

Forest road in Truskavets


Cemetery in Palmiry

The park is located in a temperate climate zone and is subject to transitional maritime and continental influences. The location in the river valley and the area covered with forests, meadows and swamps mean that the local climate is distinct from the neighboring areas. Cool air masses flow into the valley and stay longer than in the surrounding area. The vicinity of a large water reservoir, which is the Vistula River, the buildings of Warsaw, and the contrasts in the shape and cover of the forest area cause the diversity of the climate inside the park.


By plane

The park is located close to two large Warsaw airports. The first one is located in Modlin (Warsaw-Modlin Airport), about 33 km from Izabelin C - the park's seat. The second one is located 23 km south in Warsaw-Ochota (F. Chopin Airport). Access by car from both takes practically the same time - from 30 to 40 minutes.

By car

Several roads lead to the park, incl. DW 575, DW 579, DW 580, DW 705, DW898, as well as national road 7 (Gdańsk - Warsaw - Kraków - Rabka-Zdrój). Transport is very well organized here, there are rarely problems with getting there. Most of the roads leading to the park are run from the surrounding villages, eg DW 579 (Leszno - Sowia Wola), Kaliszki - Kiścinne road.


In the park, hiking, cycling and horse riding are allowed. It is served by marked tourist routes with a length of about 360 km and the Kampinoski Bike Trail with a length of 144.5 km. In the spring and summer period, the historic Sochaczew Museum Railway is a very attractive way to get to the north-west edge of the park, to Wilczy Tułowskie.

In addition, in the vicinity of the park, we can find: the Museum of the Sochaczew Region, the Łuszczewski Palace in Leszno, the Fryderyk Chopin Manor in Żelazowa Wola and numerous war monuments (Cemetery in Palmiry, Cemetery in Wiersze, Cemetery in Granica, Cementary in Laski, Grave in Zaborów, Uroczysko Opaleń) .

There are 6 agritourism farms in the immediate vicinity of the Forest, in the communes of Czosnów, Kampinos and Leszno.

There are 12 recreational clearings in the park where it is possible to organize picnics. Due to the fact that the Kampinos National Park is highly exposed to fires, each use of fire requires the consent of the park director. The clearings are equipped with sheds, benches and benches. There are also playgrounds for children in the Jakubów and Lipków clearings.

Nearest neighborhood

  • Sochaczew
  • Izabelin C.
  • Kampinos
  • Łomianki
  • Brochów
  • Palmyra
  • Leszno

tourist information

Education Center of the Kampinos National Park - ul. Kazimierz Tetmajera 38, Izabelin

Tourist Information Point at Polana Opaleń - Warsaw / Wólka Węglowa