Cape of Good Hope - Kap der Guten Hoffnung

left: Cape of Good Hope, in front: Cape Point

The Cape of Good Hope (English Cape of Good Hope) is located on the southern tip of the Cape Peninsula.


Map of Cape of Good Hope
View from the old light tower to the Cape of Good Hope

The cape, as it is also abbreviated by the locals, is the southern onewestfurthest point in Africa. The southernmost point is near Cape Agulhas (Cape Needle) Bredasdorp. Experts from all over the world are still arguing whether the Atlantic Ocean and the Indian Ocean meet at the Cape of Good Hope or at Cape Agulhas. The Cape Town residents are of course convinced that this place can only be with them and this argument cannot be completely dismissed. On the west side of the Cape Peninsula the water is ice cold (around 14 ° C), while on the east side you can spend hours in the warm water without freezing.

The cape is part of the Table Mountain National Park.

getting there

By plane

By train

By bus

In the street

By boat


Tourist Attractions

View from the old lighthouse on Cape Point

Cape of Good Hope

The "most south-westerly point of Africa" ​​is an unspectacular stone beach; Cars and buses stop at his parking lot (especially in southern summer) every minute so that tourists can have their pictures taken in front of the sign: Location: 34 ° 21 ′ 25 ″ S18 ° 28 ′ 26 ″ E. They are watched by countless cormorants and other sea birds that like to fish in the water of the cold Benguela Current.

Cape Point

Much more worth seeing is the lighthouse high on the cliffs of the Cape Point, which rises at an altitude of 249 above sea level. The tower was put into operation in 1860. The situation turned out to be unfavorable. In 1911 the Portuguese ship crashed Lusitania on the cliffs of the cape because the tower could not be seen in the thick fog. Therefore, the current lighthouse was put into operation in 1919, it is located at a height of 87 m on Dias Point, named after Bartolomeu Diazwho discovered the Cape of Good Hope in 1488.

Central place at Cape Point

The partially paved path from the central car park is ideal for hikers (34 ° 21 ′ 24 ″ S18 ° 29 ′ 51 ″ E) at the Cape Point to the ledge above the cape. If this is too stressful for you, you can also use the funicular Flying Dutchman use, round trip 45 Rand (as of 2011). On the way you can spot hyrax, lizards and other animals, with a little luck you can see ostriches and antelopes during the hike.


  • Research and weather observation station. Housed in the buildings below the old lighthouse.
  • Buffelsfontein Visitor's Center. Visitor center at the entrance to the cape, surrounded by typical Fynbos-Vegetation. In this environment, baboons can often be seen eating the sweet flower buds of protea bushes. The following applies to all animals, especially baboons: Do not feed. The animals get used to eating, then tend to be aggressive towards other visitors and then have to be killed for safety reasons.









In this area of ​​the Table Mountain-National parks there are baboons and ostriches. The rules of conduct in the national park - especially how to deal with baboons - are explained in a brochure that is handed over upon entry.


Practical advice



Web links

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