Ko Samet - Ko Samet

On Ko Samet

Ko Samet(เกาะ เสม็ด) is an island in the Gulf of Thailand in the province Rayong. The island has some lovely beaches and is also a popular weekend destination for day trippers Bangkok. Accommodation is also available - even camping is possible.


Has Sai Kaeo

Large main beach in the north with many restaurants, quite overcrowded.

Ao Cho

Ao Wongduan

Ao Wai


The beach Ao Phai on Ko Samet

Since October 1st, 1981, the island has been part of the Khao Laem Ya National Park - Mu Ko Samet(อุทยานแห่งชาติ เขา แหลม หญ้า - หมู่ เกาะ เสม็ด).

getting there

There is a ferry between Ban Phe and Ko Samet (Na Dan Pier), which takes about half an hour for the journey. Ban Phe itself has direct bus connections to all major cities in the region and to Bangkok. From Ban Phe there are also some speedboats going to the island, these drop their passengers directly on the beach of the hotels (wet feet included).


Most of the back roads on the island are not paved. The main road from north to south (Nadan Pier to Ao Toel) is sufficiently developed, at least for mopeds.
Shared taxis operate on the island, so-called Songthaeo. They are dark green and contrary to the customary way without a roof in the "passenger area". A lettering was also not made out. The fare is stated on some websites as 20 ฿ - 50 ฿ (according to distance), which is quite expensive for Thailand.

In many places you can rent motorbikes or scooters (300 300 a day).

In general, all traffic on the island is designed for scooters, there is almost no car traffic. You can get to the beaches in the south quite easily with the scooters.

Tourist Attractions

Island is mainly suitable for beach vacations. Besides a Buddhist wat there are no sights.


Beach on Ko Samet


  • The island offers some very beautiful diving areas. There should be one on the "Ao Prao" beach in the Hotel Le Vimarn PADI diving school give.


There are all kinds of food, restaurants on the beach are accordingly more expensive. The locations on the main road from Nadan Pier to Hat Sai Kaeo Beach are cheaper.


There are many bars on Hat Sai Kaeo Beach in the north. These offer various entertainment programs such as fire shows. WS deliberately does not have any night clubs or discos.


  • Samed Resorts Hotels
  • Samed Villa Resort
  • Samed Cliff Resort
  • Silver Sand Samed


All pretty sure. There are doctors and the tourist police on the island.


The island is rather drier than the average in Thailand.


Web links

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