Korat - Korat

Korat (Nakhon Ratchasima) is a city in Nakhon Ratchasima Province, Thailand. It is located about 250 km From Bangkok northeast.

In the vicinity of Korat one can see many ruins exuding the ancient splendor and wisdom of Khmer culture. Korat has been the abode of many ancient cultures.


  • Thao Suranaree Monument (is located quite in the middle of the city of Korat, right next to the city gate). Every tourist should remember that it is customary here to reach Korat, to visit that monument to take flowers and incense, and to perform a small-scale tribute to this woman who once saved the city.


  • Thao Suranaree Festival. An annual event celebrated in honor of Thao Suranare’s victory over the Laotians. The festival is held at the turn of March-April.
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