Kursi - Kursi

The Kursi National Park is a national park on Lake genezareth, today in the district of Golan Heights in the north of Israel.

Kursi National Park


The Jewish - Hellenistic developed at the scene where, according to the biblical report, the possessed Gerasener was healed and the unclean spirit drove into a herd of pigs. Here near the bank of the Sea of ​​Galilee a Byzantine monastery was built, which has attracted pilgrims over the centuries.

The place of the event, referred to in the Bible as Gerasa, Gedara or Gergasa, was given by the Church Father Origen located according to Kursi. Since then, the place has been a holy place for Christians and in the 5th century. the Byzantine monastery was built. When, after the Six Day War, the Golan Heights The leading road should be expanded and asphalted, the ruins were discovered during road construction; It is thanks to Mendel that the archaeological site was saved and the road led around it.


Aerial view of Kursi

At the place of the event, where according to biblical tradition (Mk 5,1-20 EU, Mt 8,28-34 EU, Lk 8,26-39 EU) a possessed Gerasener was healed, the unclean spirits drove at Jesus 'command into a herd of pigs that threw themselves into the waters of the Sea of ​​Galilee, a monastery was built in Byzantine times and a Byzantine - Jewish settlement with pilgrims' accommodations was built around the central monastery .

The Byzantine monastery was built in the 6th century. and soon became a destination for pilgrims who came by boat from Tiberias resp. Capernaum came across the lake. A path connected the pier on the beach with the monastery, which was surrounded by a strong rectangular wall.

In 614 the Persian Sassanids conquered Galilee and destroyed numerous churches and monasteries; after the Muslim conquest in 638/641 the monastery was allowed to continue to exist and pilgrims could continue to be received until the devastating earthquake in Galilee in 749 also destroyed the monastery of courses.

Until the 9th century the ruins were still used by Arab settlers as storage rooms and stables; then left to decay.


The Byzantine monastery is now on level ground 500 m from the beach of the Sea of ​​Galilee, a footpath leads up to a rocky cliff. A chapel had existed here and the herd of pigs should have thrown themselves into the lake from this cliff.

Kursi is on the south bank of the Wadi Semekh or Wadi Samakh (Arabic: fish river), along this important river of the Golan ran an ascent to the Golan Heights in antiquity and the alluvial land up to the delta at the mouth of the lake was extremely fertile.

Flora and fauna

In the park area there is Mediterranean flora, ornamental shrubs and bougainvilea were planted in the monastery; the focus is on the archaeological finds.


The arid Mediterranean climate in Kursi is a little warmer than in the north of Israel, as the place is the same as the Lake genezareth 200 m below sea level in a depression.

getting there

Kursi is on the 1 Road92, which the Lake genezareth circled in the east. Of Tiberias from you can walk around the lake in the north (Strassen 90, 87 and then to the 92) or drive around the southern tip (Strasse 90 south, then 92 in the direction A Gev and Qatzrin.

Fees / permits

2  Kursi National Park, near Road 92. Tel.: 972 4 6731983. Open: Summer Sa - Thu 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Fri 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.; Winter Sa - Thu 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., Fri 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. before public holidays 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.Price: 14.00 / 7.00 NIS.


The national park can be explored on foot without any problems, access to the church is possible for people with walking disabilities limited barrier-freelimited barrier-free, a footpath leads up to the chapel on the cliff Not barrier-freeNot barrier-free.

Tourist Attractions

Nave of the basilica
Baptismal font
Mosaic floor
Looking up at cliff
  • The monastery complex is surrounded by a rectangular wall, the entrance was secured by two watchtowers.
  • the church is designed in the form of a three-aisled basilica with a main aisle and two side aisles separated by rows of columns. In the side aisles, mosaic floors were uncovered. A baptismal font was found in one of the aisles Baptistery.
  • a footpath leads to a chapel on the cliff above the monastery complex. A grotto was integrated into the apse of the chapel, which, according to legend, belonged to the cave in which the possessed Gerasener is said to have lived and was the place where Jesus met.


Visit of the Byzantine monastery complex and the chapel on the cliff, approx. 1 - 2 hours.


There are no local shops.


There are no places to stop for a break on site, but if you are in the vicinity, it is worth visiting the fish restaurant at A Gev.


Accommodation options are available in A Gev or in the near Tiberias, the national park can easily be visited in the form of a half-day excursion.


The security situation is harmless.


The area surrounding the Sea of ​​Galilee offers numerous opportunities for further excursions, which are located nearby A Gev and the ruins of the Hellenistic Hippos.


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