Laguna Grande - Laguna Grande

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Laguna Grande
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Laguna Grande is a nature park 6 km southeast of Baeza in the Andalusian province Jaén.


Laguna Grande consists on the one hand of the agricultural homestead already built by the Jesuits Hacienda Laguna Grande and on the other hand from the nearby eponymous Natural park.

Hacienda Laguna Grande

The hacienda was built by Jesuit padres in the 17th century to enable the cultivation and processing of olives on a larger scale. Later ownership passed into private hands. Because of the beginning of industrial processing in the 19th century and the corresponding additions and modifications, the entire complex can be regarded as an important monument of the agricultural industry. Like hardly anyone else in the entire region, he clearly shows the beginnings of how structural arrangements have been adapted to the requirements of an increasingly industrialized process organization. In the 20th century, the cultivation areas were partially divided up again, the large-scale use fell into disuse and the facility was abandoned. Shortly before it finally fell into disrepair, it was bought up by the public sector with private support from the Baeza community and has since been rebuilt.

Today, in a very well renovated condition, it houses a state hotel management school with an attached hotel and two restaurants as well as a small swimming pool. In addition, one of the most famous museums on the subject of cultivation and processing of olives has been integrated into the complex. The efforts to create a center that can also be used for tourism while respecting the old buildings should not be overlooked. Any form of infrastructure is available.

Laguna Grande Natural Park

The nature park arises indirectly from the mentioned efforts of the last centuries. In order to ensure the irrigation of the olive groves, a water basin was created here in a depression, which is fed by the Rio Torres in the valley of the Guadalquivir. A sophisticated system of dams, earth walls and underground pipes ensures that one of the few lake areas in the province of Jaén remains here that does not usually dry out even in summer.

As a result of the declining intensive use of the lagoon by agriculture, a biotope has developed here, especially for rare bird species. In the meantime, the agricultural use of the basin has been suspended and the entire area has been placed under nature protection. It therefore derives its particularity mainly from the possibility of being able to observe very rare water birds at their nesting sites. In particular, the rare bag tit, which hangs its nests in the trees, can be observed from specially equipped shelters.

Laguna Grande Natural Park


The entire landscape is dominated by the checkerboard-like olive groves that are common in the province. Appropriate wet plants are only found in the depressions. The surrounding mountain ranges of Baeza and the Sierra Magina embed the ambience.

Flora and fauna

As in every nature park, there is also a rich collection of wild animals here, but these will remain hidden from almost every visitor. The focus for visitors interested in this is likely to be the opportunity to observe rare bird (or) duck species.

getting there

Structural arrangement of the hacienda in the model

At Puente del Obisco behind the Jaén-side end of the bridge over the Guadalquivir, it is well signposted Laguna Grande well signposted the branch Camino de la Laguna of the as Autovia del Olivar designated A-316 (Jaén-Baeza-Úbeda) westward. The one-lane road, well-equipped with passing points, leads straight to the Hacienda, where the car can be conveniently parked. Important: After the Guadalquivir Bridge in the direction of Jaén, the provincial roads JF-3021 and JF-3022 branch off in both directions at a first traffic junction. This lead Not to the Laguna, but only the next junction of the 1 Caminho de Laguna towards Jaén.

The local bus operator ANSA serves the 2 Puente del Obisco bus stop with all its overland lines. The remaining approx. 3 km distance to the hacienda must be bridged on foot or by taxi. The nearest train station is Linares-Baeza (approx. 15 km).

Fees / permits

Access to the nature park is free.

Tourist Attractions

  • 1  Museo de la Cultura del Olivar, Hacienda Laguna Grande, Puente del Obispo, Baeza (Jaén). Tel.: 34 953 765 142, Fax: 953744370, Email: . Insight into the cultivation and processing of the olive. The entrance is on the northwest front of theHacienda Laguna Grande, which as a whole complex already represents a monument of agricultural industrial development.Open: daily 10.30am-1.30pm, afternoons. Depending on the season 16: 00/17: 30 to 18: 30/20: 00.Price: adults € 3.60, children € 1.80 (2013).


The olive museum
  • 1 Hiking trail to the Laguna Grande or bike tour (1 km). Hobby ornithologists can watch the water birds from small shelters.
  • Walks in the olive groves around the hacienda, swimming pool.
  • Smaller, more private 2 petting zoo Petting zoo below the olive museum.(Follow the path outside around the hacienda, past the former servants' houses to the northwest)

Obviously, the hacienda will continue to be gently developed into a tourist magnet, even if it has so far been traded as an insider tip among locals. In this respect, the range of activities can also expand in the near future.


Drinks and snacks are in the 1 Hotel cafeteria available. Otherwise in Puente del Obisco.


The restaurants of the hotel management school located here ultimately reflect the standard of modern Spanish gastronomy. So you can definitely get high quality too. offer low prices, which also applies to the local top wines. The cards can be viewed on the website.

  • 2  La Campana. Tasteful cuisine with a focus on local specialties such as olive ice cream and bacalao baezana.Open: Dinner daily from 8:00 p.m., daily at noon during school hours, otherwise Fri-Sun 1.30 p.m.-4 p.m.
  • La Capilla. Playground for innovative Spanish cuisine, an extremely inexpensive opportunity for gourmets who like to experiment to try out new trends in Spanish cuisine.Open: Mon-Fri 1.30pm-3.30pm only during school hours, may vary.

Accessibility through the hotel.


Hotels and hostels

The hotel management school located here runs a hotel with restaurant (s) that can offer astonishing quality at relatively low prices. Visitors who prefer quiet residential areas outside of cities will find an alternative here, from which the twin cities of Baeza and Úbeda can be easily reached (with their own car).


and all other activities that could disrupt the protection of bird species are prohibited. Bathing only in the Hacienda's swimming pool. The camping area within the hacienda facility indicated in the OSM map in spring 2012 not be verified, in any case there were no facilities for this.



Laguna Grande is just a few kilometers by car from Baeza and Úbeda away, just as practically at the foot of the nature park Sierra Magina. The provincial capital is also easily accessible Jaén or the Sierra de Cazorla.


Web links

  1. Community portal by Baeza (Spanish)
  2. Detailed presentation and explanation of the building layout on the Spanish Wikipedia
  3. Media of the Andalusian Conservation Authority(Spanish / English)
  4. Travel report of the first author
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