Laguna Mar Chiquita - Laguna Mar Chiquita

Sunken forest on the bank at Miramar

The 6,000 km² Laguna Mar Chiquita is the second largest lake in South America and the largest Argentina. The salty lake together with the shore region is under nature protection and is one of the so-called RAMSAR sites, particularly valuable habitats. It is best known for its animal world, its bizarre coastal landscapes and the swimming opportunities.

This article covers the region around the lake and thus the northeast of the province Cordoba, the for Argentine Chaco belongs.


  • Morteros, 20,000 inhabitants, the largest city in the Mar Chiquita region, a lively industrial center
  • Miramar, 2,500 inhabitants, the only resort that is directly on the lake. A part was flooded in the 1980s, from 1992 the place was rebuilt
  • La Para on the south coast
  • Marullus on the south coast, 3,000 inhabitants


Lake Mar Chiquita drains a large part of northwest Argentina. Since it has no drain, it is salty, but not as strong as it was before its great expansion after 1970. At that time it had a salt content similar to that Dead sea and was therefore a popular health resort travel destination. Today the salinity has dropped to a level similar to that of sea water.

A special feature of Mar Chiquita is its strongly fluctuating surface. In times of flooding, it has an area of ​​up to 10,000 square kilometers and then even exceeds that Lake Titicaca. In the event of a drought, however, it can drop to less than 2,000 square kilometers. This is due to the very flat banks, especially in the north, and the fluctuating amounts of precipitation in their catchment area, in which there is a significant rainy season in summer and a dry season in winter. To this day, this peculiarity represents a challenge for the people who live around the lake, especially for the farmers who have to create their fields depending on the water level. In the south and east, the situation is less changeable because of the relatively high banks there.


Beach at Miramar

Lake Mar Chiquita and especially the place Miramar on its south bank was one of the main tourist centers of Argentina until about 1975 because of the salinity of the water. In the mid-1970s, however, the lake expanded greatly to its present size. Much of Miramar was flooded and finally abandoned and blown up in 1992. Today, nature conservation is in the foreground, even if bathing tourism has revived somewhat. But because of the greater extent and the associated lower salinity, the lake is no longer important as a Kurziel.

The luxury hotel is testimony to the history of Miramar Hotel Viena. Numerous conspiracy theories have grown up around this, in particular it is said to have served as a hiding place for high-ranking Nazis after the Second World War.


The coast is flat in the north and characterized by swamps, in the south and especially in the east it is slightly wavy. In the northwest there are some very large islands.

Flora and fauna

Geographically, the area is part of the Gran Chaco. Grass areas dominate with smaller forest areas. Agriculture is practiced on the south bank, which is why the natural landscape has largely given way to cultivated land. In the south-west, on the other hand, near the village Playa Grande, there is an almost desert-like section, which was created by the high salinity of the soil.

Mar Chiquita is best known as a stopover for migratory birds. These include numerous species that move seasonally from the coasts of Patagonia to Central and North America. In particular, flamingos and various types of herons can be found at the mouth of the Río Xanaes (8 km west of Miramar) watch well, there is also an observation tower.

getting there

The best developed place Miramar is by bus from Cordoba about 5 times a day. With the car - and even better with the bike - the possibilities are far more diverse, so there is a very narrow network of paths around the entire east and south coast. It is different in the swampy north and west, which can only be reached by boat.

Other possible starting points are Marullus and La Para, each about 10 km from the south coast and closer to Córdoba, as well Morteros and Ceres, 15 and 25 km from the east coast.

Fees / permits

Entry to the reserve is free where permitted. Only a few places, where e.g. important breeding colonies of flamingos exist, are cordoned off. No special permit is required for boating either.


There are two main traffic axes, both of which keep a proper distance of at least 5 km from the lake: the Ruta Provincial 17 parallel to the south bank and the Ruta Provincial 1 parallel to the east bank. On the RP 17 the buses run between Córdoba and Miramar or Córdoba-Morteros, while on the RP 1 most of the buses between San Francisco and Ceres (via Morteros).

Tourist Attractions

  • Hotel Viena, in Miramar. The old luxury hotel, now half submerged in water, is shrouded in myths. Today it houses a small museum and can be visited.


The best way to see the landscape is by bicycle explore. The dirt roads around the south and east banks can get muddy after rainfall, which is why a mountain bike or an all-terrain trekking bike are very useful. In addition, you have to note that there are no other places with supply options next to Miramar directly on the shore.

A Boots- or Canoe tour on the lake is a real adventure, but can also be exhausting because of the noticeable swell when the wind is blowing, so you should bring enough fitness, especially if you plan to explore the islands and areas on the west bank.


There are several nutria farms in Miramar. Products made from the skins of this species are very popular with buyers. Another popular souvenir is salt mud for spa use, which is dredged out of the central part of the lake.


In addition to fish, nutria meat is also offered in Miramar's restaurants. In addition, of course, you can also find fast food, Italian cuisine or beef.


Hotels and hostels

There are a few middle-class hotels in Miramar as well as numerous hostels (hospedajes). Also offer Morteros and Ceres (on the east coast) as well La Para and Marullus simple accommodations.

  • Hotel Miramar, Miramar. 3 stars.
  • Hostería Portal del Mar, Miramar. 3 stars.


Only in Miramar as well as on a beach in between La Para and Marullus there are campsites right on the lake. The other places are out of the way.

  • Camping Don Osvaldo, 1 km west of Miramar. Very shallow beach.
  • Camping Portal de Ansenuza, 1 km east of Miramar.
  • Camping Bahía de los Sanavirones, 1 km east of Miramar.


The climate of the area is subtropical with hot, humid summers and mild, dry winters, between the two main seasons there are very steep transitions without long autumn or spring. You can swim in the lake about 9 months a year, with the exception of the winter months between June and August. The water temperature is around 25 ° C in summer and rarely below 15 ° C even in winter.


You don't have to worry about your belongings in the region. At most, in the high season, a few crooks can appear in Miramar.

Rowers and canoeists should not underestimate the swell in the often strong winds and currents.


  • The northeastern Sierras de Córdoba have their own character with their barren, relatively low peaks. They can be reached from the lake via the RP 17. Villa Tulumba is a quiet small town with 19th century flair about 100 km west of the lake. Cerro Colorado with its archaeological sites and cave paintings is about 30 km north of Villa Tulumba.
  • San Francisco, lively city on the border between Cordoba and Santa Fe with 80,000 inhabitants, 60 km south of Morteros


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