Le Pin-la-Garenne - Le Pin-la-Garenne

Le Pin-la-Garenne
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Le Pin-la-Garenne is a community in French Department Orne in the region Normandy. The place is in Regional Natural Park of Perche.


getting there

By plane

The place does not have its own airport. The nearest public airport is the Aérodrome de Mortagne-au-Perche (Code OACI: LFAX) at the place of the same name, 10 km north, to be reached via the D938. However, this airport is not used by holiday pilots. The next airports with European or non-European destinations are in Paris.

By train

The place has no railway connection. The nearest train station is in Alençon, from where the train connection via Le Mans (change) to Paris-Montparnasse takes around 2 to 3 hours, depending on the departure time. However, if you drive straight to Le Mans, the train journey takes 55 minutes.

In the street

In this case, all (car) routes (from Germany) lead over Paris. From Paris-Center the journey goes over the Quai Voltaire along the banks of the Seine to the Pont Mirabeau in the 15th arrondissement. The Autoroute will be on Boulevard Pérphérique A13 reached, of which after about 14 km the A12 branches off and after about 6 km into the N 12 transforms. This road leads directly to the destination, about 160 km west of Paris.


Map of Le Pin-la-Garenne

The place has a small area of ​​about 200 x 300 m and is easy to explore on foot because the terrain is flat.

Tourist Attractions

L'église Saint-Barthélémy
  • 1  Église Saint-Barthélémy, 10 Place Robert Drouin, 61400 Le Pin-la-Garenne. The church from the 15th century has a few sights, e.g. a wall plate (bas-relief) depicting the entombment of Jesus from the 1st quarter of the 16th century; an 18th century painting depicting a hermit praying in a rural setting; an altar from the 2nd half of the 18th century; a 17th century altarpiece depicting the Virgin Mary of the Rosary; various stained glass windows from the end of the 15th and 16th centuries; a wooden chest from the 16th century; the main altar from the 17th / 18th centuries Century with the altarpiece "Annunciation".
Château de la Pellonnière
  • 2  Château de la Pellonnière, La Pellonnière, 61400 Le Pin-la-Garenne. The castle from the 15th / 16th centuries Century has been a since June 29, 1967 Monument historique.


The place has a football club and a tennis court.


There is a small supermarket "Gisèle Maillard" at 12 Rue Montgacel and a butcher right next to it. A little further out of town there is the bakery "Boulangerie Daniel Vily".


  • 1  La Croix d'or, 6 rue de la Herse, 61400 Le Pin-la-Garenne. Tel.: 33(0), Fax: 33(0) Open: Thursday to Monday from 11:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. Closed Tuesday and Wednesday.
  • 2  La Petite Vallée, La Petite Vallée, 61400 Eperrais. Tel.: 33(0)
  • 3  Restaurant de la Herse, La Herse, 61400 Eperrais. Tel.: 33(0)



  • 1  La Croix d'or, 6 rue de la Herse, 61400 Le Pin-la-Garenne. Tel.: 33(0), Fax: 33(0)
  • 2  Château de Blavou, Château de Blavou, 61400 St Denis sur Huisne. Tel.: 33(0) Small castle hotel with 5 spacious suites and 2 holiday apartments around 4 kilometers outside of Le Pin-la-Garenne.


There is no doctor in town. There are doctors and a hospital north of Le Pin-la-Garenne in Mortagne-au-Perche and south of the place in Bellême.

Practical advice

  • 1  Mairie (Mayor's office), 11 Rue de la Herse, 61400 Le Pin-la-Garenne. Tel.: 33(0), Fax: 33(0), Email: . Open: Monday to Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
  • 2  La Poste, 11 Rue de la Herse, 61400 Le Pin-la-Garenne. Open: Tuesday to Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.


Excursions are worthwhile after (kilometers of road):


Web links

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