Lindos - Lindos

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Lindos (Greek: Λίνδος, Líndos) is a place on Rhodes.


Lindos is one of the main attractions of Rhodes, the second most important after Rhodes town. Thousands of tourists come to Lindos every day during the summer months to see the Acropolis and the city. Lindos is one of the three founding towns on Rhodes. Due to the unbelievable number of tourists who want to and must explore the place within an hour, the flair has deteriorated a bit. The streets are lined with shops, fast food restaurants, bars and shops.

If you go far into the village, you can also find a few alleys that have not been destroyed by tourism, because the visitor usually has just one hour to explore Lindos. This also includes the ascent to the Acropolis. So the normal guest disappears again very quickly.

The time slot in which the buses arrive is between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. If you come sooner or later, you have a good chance of exploring Lindos on your own. The dealers in the alleys are not intrusive even during peak times. One is not spoken to.

Lindos was founded by the Dorians under the leadership of King Tlepolemus of Rhodes, who arrived around the 10th century BC. It was one of six Doric cities in the area known as the Doric Hexapolis. The eastern location of Rhodes made it a natural meeting point between the Greeks and the Phoenicians, and in the 8th century Lindos was a major trading center. Its importance declined after the city of Rhodes was founded in the late 5th century.

In the classical period, the Acropolis of Lindos was dominated by the massive Temple of Athena Lindia, built around 300 BC. Reached its final form. During the Hellenistic and Roman times, the temple precinct grew as more buildings were added. In the early Middle Ages, these buildings were no longer used and in the 14th century they were partially overlaid by a massive fortress, which the Knights of the Order of St. John built on the Acropolis to defend the island against the Ottomans.

getting there

By plane

By bus

Street in Lindos

The easiest way to get here is by bus. A public bus from Rhodes arrives here at regular intervals; But there is a summer and winter timetable that you should definitely pay attention to. The second option is an excursion, which is usually quite well managed. You get a lot of information about the place and its history. If you come with the rental vehicle, you should park it upstairs, because there are almost no parking spaces in Lindos and the few taxi drivers are shared.

It's not that bad, because there is an inexpensive bus shuttle that you can use. It always leaves when it is full or could get full at the other station, so almost always. You arrive at a place in front of Lindos, which has a beautiful tree in the middle, under which you can relax a little. Price: 50ct (as of Oct. 17)

In the street

If you come to Lindos with a rental vehicle, you should definitely not miss out on the small parking lot of Lindos from the northwest and enjoy the wonderful view over the place and the Acropolis. You can take the pictures here that millions of people took before you. You definitely shouldn't miss it.

By boat


The Lindos taxi

In addition to the shuttle bus, which runs continuously between the parking lot above the city and the entrance square, there is the so-called Lindos taxi. These are donkeys that take visitors from the valley base close to the entrance to the village to the Acropolis. The prices should fluctuate in the season depending on demand. 6 euros was the daily rate. This is not the world and you have a nice experience. The service threatens to deteriorate because of the masses of tourists. (Price Oct. 17)

Tourist Attractions

Lindos streets

Lindos itself is the attraction - together with its Acropolis. If you come to Lindos very early or very late, you can really enjoy the place, which is actually still inhabited. The alleys and alleys are incomparable, the radiant white of the houses gives the place an incredible flair. In addition, there is the incredible acropolis over the place. Here you always wonder how you managed to build such a temple without a crane.


You should allow yourself more than the hour that the bus trips offer for Lindos. The harbor and the beach can also be visited. Here you can get nice impressions and see from below how the place winds around the mountain. The Acropolis, an amazing structure, can be explored extensively on foot. In the shops in Lindos you can also find one or the other souvenir. There are not only the tourist shops, but also shops with local culture, which is also somewhat geared towards tourists.


The port of Lindos

In the alleys of Lindos you can buy pretty much anything a tourist on Rhodes wants to buy. From the worst kitsch to fake clothes, to booze and good wine to high-quality things. When you run out of money, ATMs donate new euros, which is not a matter of course in Greece. But you should also really keep an eye on what you are buying. A tip: the further you get into Lindos, the better the shops get. The shops at the beginning of the village siphon off the masses' money. Many tourists don't get any further and that's why it's much easier inside Lindos.



Due to the incursion of tourists, Lindos is clearly committed to fast food. You can buy the standard dishes anywhere. But if you search a little, you will also find a nice tavern where you can eat typical food. Again, the tip: Not too close to the entrance to the village and, if possible, not in the main time. Then a nice meal here is a nice experience.


There are a number of bars and pubs in Lindos that attract people with loud music even in the evening. People laugh and dance, they are mostly very rustic taverns that invite you to stop for an ouzo. But at midnight it's all over. Then all the shops close. If you haven't had enough of partying, just head for the beach, there are still a few bars and discos. You can continue celebrating here.


Finding your own accommodation in Lindos is very difficult. You have to move to the neighboring areas. Both north and south of Lindos there are numerous holiday complexes with a beach and pool. As is generally the case on Rhodes, the beaches are not so very beautiful, but they are also ideal for sunbathing. The hotels are tailored to mass tourism and offer the normal program. But all of this is close to the Acropolis of Lindos, and you can even see some of it from the beach.


Practical advice



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