Lotz cisterns - Lotz Cisterns

Lotz cisterns (or Loz Cisterns; Hebrew: בורות לוץ, Borot Lotz) is a national park area with ancient cisterns near the Makhtesh Ramon in Israeli Negev.

Lotz Cisterns: Central Cistern


In the area of ​​the western central Negev, on the plateau on the northwestern edge of the Makhtesh Ramon, cisterns were already built in the desert in antiquity, which enabled the local people to survive in the desert even in the months with little rain. The cisterns were first examined in the 1950s under Nelson Glik, and further archaeological investigations were carried out under Yohanan Ahariôni in the 1980s.

Seventeen cisterns were built on the high plateau, eight of which still fill with water after rains in winter. The area was placed under protection, with a gravel road as access by road 171 connected; a footpath allows the cisterns to be visited on a circular route.


Pistachio Orchard Terraces

The cisterns in the western Negev show that the area was already inhabited in antiquity; With the precipitation of the winter months and storage of the water in numerous cisterns dug into the rocky ground, agriculture in the terraced area and cattle breeding could be practiced.

The archaeologists initially assumed that the cisterns would have been dug in the time of King Solomon; the discovery of artifacts from the Canaanite period suggests that the cisterns are much older.


The reserve covers an area of ​​approx. 2 km², in which there were seventeen in ancient times in an area with gently sloping valleys, some of which were terraced for agriculture (the stone dams hold back humus and moisture so that plants can thrive here) Cisterns were created, eight of which still fill up with water in the winter months.

The cisterns resemble water holes surrounded by plants and trees, access to the deep water holes was made more difficult for wild animals.

Flora and fauna

white wild tulip
Iris regis uzziae

Around the cisterns there is evergreen vegetation of bushes and individual trees (Atlantic pistachios and almond trees), the flat valleys were terraced centuries ago, and above the small walls the vegetation is green in the winter and spring months.

In February / early March, numerous Wild tulips can be found when the rains in winter are favorable for their development. In addition to the red ones, the endemic white-yellow wild tulips (Tulipa biflora) can be found here, mostly on rocky - stony ground. Furthermore, the wild white-bluish King Usija-Iris (Iris regis uzziae, an endemic species) and a little later yellow affodilla (Asphodeline lutea) grow here at the same time. Occasionally, the red crowned anemones (Anemone coronaria) grow in the better-watered depressions.

In the orchard and in the Wadi Elot, the wild almond tree blooms at the end of February.


The Negev has an arid desert climate with hot days and cool nights, the ideal months to visit are February and March with daytime temperatures of around 18-25 ° C.

getting there

From Be'er Sheva take the main road 40which about Mitzpe Ramon through the Negev to after Eilat leads. In the north of Mitzpe Ramon the asphalt road branches off 171 to the west and runs along the plateau on the northern edge of the Makhtesh Ramon. From the one with the brown signpost Loz cisterns marked gravel road with סימון כחול. Jpg The blue and white hiking trail markings lead to the parking lot after approx. 1 km, the route is easy to drive with a normal car.

Fees / permits

No fees, stay in the parking area outside the marked camping area only from sunrise to 1 hour before sunset.


Locally one moves on foot.

Tourist Attractions

Small cistern
Threshing floor
Lotz Cisterns: Fossils

Cisterns - circular route ("Borot Lotz"), 4 km, Hiking-Sign-T1.png

  • A סימון אדום. Jpg red and white marked Flatly leads to the various cisterns. From the parking lot area one arrives in an easterly direction to the 1 Small cisternsmall cistern with a deep water hole, then to 2 Central cisternCentral cistern. Here you can take a detour to the green and white route (which continues to road 171) "Fig Orchard" The planting was created in a terraced, gentle valley, trees can thrive in the humus above the terrace walls. The red and white circular route continues to the 3 Twins cisterns and 4 Atriplex cistern (Atriplex is the Latin name for "report plants").
From the path, a path leads to the right to one 5 Treshing floorThe grain was threshed on the rock floor of the threshing floor. Back on the red and white marked main path you come to another plantation ("Pistachio Orchard") with terraces in a gentle valley and another 6 Cisternwith an old pistachio tree. In spring it is easy to see how plant growth is possible in every valley floor and above the small walls of the terraces due to the retained moisture.
The path now crosses the blue and white marked vehicle runway and leads past an acacia tree. A guide 7 FossilsNareneas - fossils draws attention to fossils, the rust-brown, helical petrified sea snails stand out against the light limestone of the subsurface.
The path continues past the sparse remains of a wall 8 Nabatean habitation (Nabatian House) to one last 9 cisternbefore reaching the starting point at the campground / parking lot again.


Map of Lotz Cisterns
  • The region is known to plant lovers (blooming of wild tulips in Feb.-March) and, due to the distance to larger settlements, to astronomers to observe the clear starry sky.

Hike to Rosh Elot ("Borot Lotz"), 7.3 km, Hiking-Sign-T1.png

  • first you take the סימון אדום. Jpg The red and white marked route of the cisterns circular path, either from the parking lot directly in a northerly direction or you can do the somewhat longer circuit (2.5 km) past the various cisterns.
  • The red and white path crosses the blue and white marked gravel road a little later after a pistachio tree, where it is easy to rest 10 branches the סימון ירוק. Jpg The green and white marked path turns off in a westerly direction, first runs through a valley floor (in spring here red crowned anemones and asphodil) and along a hillside.
  • Below the hill (the striking rock head with its 973 m is almost too low to be called a real mountain) branches off from the green marked path סימון אדום. Jpg The red-and-white marked cul-de-sac, on which one reaches the rocky hill via the western flank after a circumnavigation. The view from the {{Marker | type = forestgreen | lat = 30.52870 | long = 34.60685 | zoom = 18 | name = Rosh Elot | image =}} over the desert crossed by wadis is enormous. After a "summit rest", return to the green and white marked route and follow it west.
  • a little bit later 11 branches a black-and-white marked path to the right, you follow it סימון ירוק. Jpg Continue on the green and white marked path. After a further 1.3 km you have to decide how to proceed at an intersection.
To the south, the sign points to "Borot Lotz Campground", after about 2 km you get back to the starting point of the hike.

Hike to Horsha Wall ("Horsha Brunnen"), 10.6 km, Hiking-Sign-T1.png

The hike to Horsha Well is partly in a "firing zone", this military restricted area may only be hiked on Shabbat and on public holidays.

  • Go to the above 12 crossing can be reached from the parking lot at the "Borot Lots Campground" either on the סימון ירוק. Jpg green and white marked route (1.8 km), or you can hike on from Rosh Elot if you have enough time. Since the national park area has to be left before dusk, you should continue to hike at the crossroads in Wadi Elot by 2 p.m. at the latest, even if you are walking at a brisk pace.
  • The little committed סימון שחור. Jpg The black and white marked path leads in a westerly direction over a saddle and then to the east past a wide valley floor with transverse terraces from the Nabatean period. Even today it can be seen how the terracing of the water holds back and it turns green in spring, anemones and some grass green the desert here.
  • You can't just blindly follow the slope, it leaves the valley floor to the north. Here the black and white path leaves the piste (if you lose the path, back to the last waymark - from there you should see the next one on a stone to the left of the wadi).
The path runs on the left / south side of Wadi Horsha, opposite you can still see the remains of cisterns from the Nabatean period. Towards the end of the Israeli winter, in February - early March, you can see the rare white and yellow flowers of the wild tulips Tulipa biflora in quantities, depending on how much rain had fallen in the previous months.
  • Later the path runs along the bottom of Wadi Horsha, after 3.7 km (or a good hour's walk) is the cistern well 1 Horsha Well reached, today hardly any water collects in the walled round.
  • That continues סימון שחור. Jpg black and white marked path leads along the wadi then to the south and leaves it after 1.2 km; the path then branches off to the left (pay attention to the markings for stones) and runs upwards on a ridge along a jeep runway used by the military. On the hill you get to the 13 Gravel road and goes back on this in the direction of the starting point.
  • After a total of 4.2 km from Horsha Well (or a good half hour) 14 branches a סימון שחור. Jpg black and white marked path from the gravel road (this is marked red and white in the further course, if you see these marks you are too far). In a valley, the path leads back a good kilometer to the starting point at Borot Lots (or Lotz) Campground.


The nearest supermarket is in a supermarket Mitzpe Ramon.


You have to take care of your own food, drinking water is provided at a drinking water point.


Lotz Cisterns: Campground and parking lot

The park area includes a Camping area, where you can stay even after dusk, camping in the desert is extremely popular with many Israelis in the warm months. You spend the night in a tent or on a camping mat in the open air. Three areas with a beam construction, some of which are surrounded by a wall, make it possible to camp in the windbreak and to mount sunroofs. Sanitary facilities and a washing facility with a drinking water point are freely accessible.


The threat situation is unproblematic despite the relative proximity of the Egyptian border, more attention must be paid to the climatic conditions of the hot desert climate in summer. The cisterns are cut deep into the rock and are not easily accessible, there is a risk of drowning, which is why children should keep their distance from the unsecured water holes and not play unsupervised.


Hemet cistern
  • At the access road 171 on the way to the Lotz Cisterns it is worth stopping at the 15 Hemet cisternIn ancient times, the water was fed to the cistern through a system of dams.
  • to the near Mount Ramon with a view from the crater rim
  • in the Makhtesh Ramon and the other erosion craters in the area.


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