Makhtesh Gadol - Makhtesh Gadol

The Makhtesh Gadol (also Great crater, Hebrew הַמַּכְתֵּשׁ הַגָּדוֹל) is an erosion crater in the central Negev, its area is protected as a national park.


Bird's eye view of Makhtesh Gadol

The Makhtesh are a geological phenomenon typical of the Negev desert (and the Sinai), which - although they look like meteorite impact or volcanic craters - arose in a completely different way.

The erosion craters were all created in the same way: the primordial sea deposits a sediment that turns into limestone, the sand below is compacted into sandstone. As a result of a folding, elevations have formed in a northeast - southwest direction, which rise up as islands in the primordial sea and erode, exposing the sandstone. With the opening of the Jordan Rift and the rise of the plateau, the sea level receded, the streams running to the Jordan Rift washed away the soft sandstone for millions of years, the crater edges, protected from erosion by the limestone cover, remained and developed into the mountains on the crater rim.


Plan of the Makhtesh Gadol

The Makhtesh Gadol is the second largest of the erosion craters, it measures 14 km in length and is 5.8 km wide, the difference in altitude between the level bottom of the crater (approx. 350 m) and the surrounding mountain cliffs (approx. 700 m above sea level). M.) is about 350 m.

The highest peaks on the crater rim are the Mount Avnon in the north (roughly in the middle of the crater, where the serpentine road leads down to the bottom of the crater) and the Mount Karbolet in the south; the road leaves the Makhtesh in the south, where the watercourse leaves the dry in summer Nahal Hatira the crater.

The street 225 leads from Yeroham in a south-easterly direction through the Makhtesh, the gravel road of the Avraham Ascent leads from the main road in a south-westerly direction and rises to the crater rim in the west, it is only accessible with off-road vehicles.

Flora and fauna

In the dry crater floor (in the Nahal Hatira, which drains the crater, water only flows during the time of rain in the winter months), some desert vegetation (Saharo-Arab flora) only grows in the winter / spring months, next to some bushes there are only a few trees Crater.


The Makhtesh has an arid desert climate, the annual rainfall is very low here in the northern Negev.

getting there

Makhtesh Gadol in the evening light

By public transport

The place Yeroham is the closest place to be reached by bus and is connected to the Israeli railway network in Beer Sheva.

In the street

Makhtesh Gadol: slope to Avraham Ascent

The well-developed road 225 crosses the Makhtesh Gadol in a northwest - southeast direction, it leads from Yeroham through the crater and after the outflow canyon reaches the road 206going east to the main road 25Dimona - Arava Depression continues, in a westerly direction this road ends after a short distance at the Oron works.

Fees / permits

Access to the entire Makhtesh Gadol is free, the protected areas may only be visited from sunrise to one hour before sunset.


In order to reach the various sights in Makhtesh, the use of your own vehicle is almost essential. The gravel road to the Avraham Ascent is reserved for four-wheel-drive off-roaders, hiking trails mainly run along the southern cliff.

Tourist Attractions

Petrified trees in Makhtesh Gadol
View from Mount Avnon into the great Makhtesh
Colored Sands in Makhtesh Gadol
  • 1 Fossilized trees ("Petrified Trees"): Not far from the main road 225, a short footpath (blue and white marking) leads from a parking lot to the enormous ruins of petrified trees. The fallen petrified trees look like rubble from ancient columns, the bark and annual rings are partly still to be guessed. The blue and white marked path leads along a gorge to the switchbacks of road 225 to Yeroham.
  • from road 225 you can go to the Makhtesh, which is located above the Makhtesh 2 Mount Avnon drive up, there is a great panoramic view from the parking lot. A path circles the summit in the south and allows ascent from the west on a partly slippery path (starting in the area of ​​the ruins). The ruins from the Mandate period testify that under British rule the search for oil was unsuccessful here.
  • 3 Colored Sands ("Bunter Sand"): in the area easily accessible from a parking lot near the south-eastern exit of the Makhtesh, there are different colored sandstone types in a narrow area, the sand here can be white, different ocher yellows and red.
  • after the exit of the Makhtesh lies the hill 4 HaSnapir which can be climbed from different directions.
  • close by is the waterhole of 5 A yorqe'am: The waterhole under a cliff is quickly reached from the hiking car park and many Israelis like to go swimming and splashing around on weekends in spring.



The next options for shopping for everyday items are in the town Yeroham.


There are no places to stop off at Makhtesh Gadol, snack bars and restaurants can be found in Yeroham.



  • on the 1 A Yorqeam Campground east of the intersection of the streets 225 and 206 After Nahal Hatira emerges from the crater, it is possible to spend the night freely on a site without any additional infrastructure.


  • Crime is not a problem in the Negev desert, although it is advised against obviously leaving valuables in the vehicle. In the desert, there is more danger from heat and lack of fluids, the article provides information on safety measures Hiking in Israel.



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