Maubisse - Maubisse

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The East Timorese place Maubisse is about 70 km as the crow flies south of the state capital Dili and can be reached relatively quickly from there. Located in the center of the island, you have already made it halfway to the south coast. Maubisse is a popular destination for the few tourists in the country. The attraction lies in the surrounding mountain landscape, the colorful market and one of the few hostels in East Timor. Not far away is East Timor's highest mountain, the Tatamailau.


The Maubisse sub-district

Maubisse lies at 1,526 m above sea level and is the main town and namesake of the northernmost sub-district of the Ainaro district. Almost 5,000 people live in the center, more than 20,000 in the entire sub-district. The place consists of a loose collection of small settlements and individual houses that extend over a large area. The houses are sometimes simple huts made of clay and straw, sometimes modern houses made of corrugated iron, bricks or concrete. Often you can also see the round huts typical of this region of East Timor.

The population mostly speaks Mambai, one of the national languages ​​of East Timor, as their mother tongue. The official languages ​​Tetum and Portuguese are taught in the school. As a legacy of the Indonesian occupation, some residents still Bahasa Indonesia spoken. English is slowly playing a bigger role due to the tourists and international security forces. Coffee is grown in the region and processed in a factory of the cooperative.


Landscape around Maubisse

During the dry season, the surrounding otherwise green hills dry up. Traveling in the rainy season between December and April can be a hassle as landslides and flooding can block roads and wash away bridges. Here, too, in the highlands, it is warm to hot during the day, but at night the temperature can drop to below 15 ° C, and significantly lower at higher altitudes. In the mornings, especially in the rainy season, there is a lot of fog between the hills.

getting there

A well-developed, tarred road connects Maubisse with Aileu and Dili in the north and Ainaro, Seed, Suai and the Timor Sea to the south. Minibuses (Microlets) offer scheduled services for a few US dollars.

It takes about three hours from Dili and costs around two US dollars. If you don't start in the morning, the journey may end in Aileu. You usually drive back to Dili around noon. On Fridays and Sundays, a Mikrolét sometimes runs later. Another possibility is to go to Aileu first and look for a connection to Dili there.

The mountain bike is a tempting alternative for sporty people. Maubisse was already a stage destination for the annual mountain bike race Tour de Timor, one of the toughest in the world. But you have to bring your bike into the country yourself. Spare parts can only be found in Dili. The route Dili - Maubisse is 95 km long and should not be underestimated. After all, Dili is by the sea and the land is rising rapidly. You can go further, for example Betano drive on the south coast (70 km). The highest point of the route is 1,835 m, at that of mountain bikers after the President of East Timor Horta's Heartbreak Hill called tip.


Schuster's black horse is the locally offered option. Otherwise you have to bring your own rental car or motorcycle from Dili. Those who can communicate adequately linguistically and have a little organizational talent can try to rent a pony with a guide.

Tourist Attractions

Round hut at Maubisse
Timor ponies at the market
  • Sao Mateus Church. The outside of the church is reminiscent of a three-story house with yellow walls and timber-framed beams. The narrow, high church tower rises above the entrance portal. The tip is made of green copper sheet.
  • Praça dos Templários. Knights Templar Square and Memorial to the victims of the Japanese occupation. The village square is close to the market, below the Pousada Maubisse. The memorial here commemorates the dead between 1942 and 1945. In 1942, Japan occupied the colony of what was actually neutral Portugal. A guerrilla war between the occupiers and Australian commandos took place on the island until 1943, in which Timorese fought on both sides. The civilian population was also affected, including through forced labor for the Japanese. It is estimated that between 40,000 and 70,000 Timorese were killed by 1945. The coat of arms of the Portuguese 1st Battalion of Paratroopers (1 ° BIPara (Ref)), which served in Maubisse as part of the UN mission INTERFET and UNTAET, can also be found on the monument.
  • Old fortress. All that remains of the Portuguese colonial fortress are ruins of the walls. The view down from the slope is all the more spectacular.
  • market. Vegetables, fruits and small animals are offered at the market. Stalls, people and the Timor ponies, which are still used as a means of transport in the region, offer wonderful subjects for photography. It's busiest here on Sundays.


The surrounding mountains are ideal for hiking. For ornithologists, East Timor is generally a lot of fun. In the Important Bird Area Ten endemic or endangered bird species live around the nearby Tatamailau alone. Possibly you can also organize a horse tour.


Local agricultural products are available at the market. Some traders also offer tais, the traditional, colorful woven cloths of Timor, but they are mostly made from Bobonaro brought here and are relatively expensive. The aromatic coffee is a nice souvenir and is also available in Dili and at the airport. The coffee is grown organically and marketed by the small farmers themselves through the CCT cooperative.


  • Warung Naroma. A small food stand at the market offers local coffee and noodles (bakso).
  • Rumah Makan Sederhana and Rosa da Montanha. Small snack bars with simple dishes.
  • Small dishes can be found on the market for around one US dollar.


  • Pousada Maubisse. The hostel has been operated by Bella Galhos, a former independence activist and operator of the Leublora Green Village. This also includes a women's organic farming cooperative and an organic restaurant. The pousada is the oldest hostel in the region and used to be the residence of the local colonial administrator of Portugal. The view is beautiful, the hostel is 800 m above the market and Praça dos Templários. The swimming pool behind the hostel shouldn't be attractive, if it is filled at all. The rooms have their own simple but clean bathrooms. Hot water is available if electricity is available. The cheaper rooms are located below the main building in two bungalows. The lounge has television, a restaurant, and a bar. Large portions of chicken, beef, and sometimes fish are around $ 9. Beer and a small selection of wine are offered.
  • Compared to the church, that offers Café Maubisse Accommodations.
  • The Hakmatek Cooperative in Tartehi offers three simple huts as accommodation a little over a kilometer and a half south of the center of Maubisse. The surrounding landscape is impressive. The cooperative also includes a Uma Lulik, a holy house of the ancient Timorian religion. A guide from the cooperative will be happy to take you there. However, an additional entrance fee at the previous price has to be paid for a visit to the inside of the house.


Coffee plant by the wayside in Maubisse

There is a community health center in Maubisse. The nearest hospital is in Dili.

Practical advice

Contact points for information are the police station and the pastor of the church. The latter can possibly arrange cheaper accommodation with community members.


  • Tatamailau: The summit of East Timor's highest mountain (2,963 m) is a popular hiking destination. When the weather is clear, you can see both coasts in the north and south from here. Maubisse can serve as a base for the tour. The closest place to the start of the route is Hatu-Builico, which should also have a small hostel. The drive to Hatu-Builico takes about 45 minutes and the ascent three hours.
  • To the south of Maubisse there are several small villages where the traditional round huts of the Mambai can be found.


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