Merijärvi - Merijärvi

Merijärvi Church

Merijärvi[1] is a municipality In Northern Ostrobothnia.


Merijärvi is one of the most old-fashioned municipalities in Finland. This is reflected, for example, in the large number of large families with children and the fact that there is no bar in the locality. Not all people drink or swear. Merijärvi is also a municipality that receives its bread from agriculture. Merijärvi was for a long time a distinctively central municipality, but today there are also basic Finns in the council.


The Ostrobothnian Railway brings trains to Oulu. Kasitie transports you to Pyhäjoki. Then there is the dilemma of how to get to Lake Merijärvi.


By road

You can get an overview of the municipality, for example, by driving between Kirkonkylä-Männistö-Kalapudas-Ylipää-Pyhänkoski-Kirkonkylä.

By bus

Buses rarely travel in Merijärvi. Oulainen Train Station is just over 20 km away.


In the center of Merijärvi you can get to know the surroundings of the church, the beautiful library and take a walk on the shores of Lahdenlampi.

By underground

The nearest metro is in Helsinki. Merijärvi hardly knows what a metro is. Merijärvi is also a metro-free zone.


Pyhänkoski Pyhänkoski has some of the most beautiful rapids in Northern Ostrobothnia. It is also a well-known fishing spot in summer.


Merijärvi Homeland Week in July offers a program. If you want to move, Pyhänkoski has a small Ristivuori ski slope and cross-country ski trails. In the center of Merijärvi you can play tennis. There is also a modern gym in the city center.


Merijärvi has only one shop, Sale, which is located in the municipal center. There is also a summer kiosk in the center of the municipality, as well as in Pyhänkoski. The municipality also has a gas station; however, the owners of the gas station have changed quite frequently.


With good luck, the community gas station is open for food. Otherwise, go buy a sausage and fry it by the fire.


Not all people use alcohol in Merijärvi. You can get one from the store, though.


The gas station has a cafe if it is open.

Bars & pubs

Beer has sometimes been sold at a gas station. However, you will probably need to head to a neighboring town.


Navigate to neighboring locations. Pyhäjoki has Dado, Oulu has Medusa and Kalajoki has a Dune.


The state of Puhkarila, a few kilometers from the city center, offers a high standard but affordable accommodation.

Stay safe

Merijärvi has low crime compared to the national average.

Stay healthy

Merijärvi has a health station. There is a hospital in the nearby town of Oulais, as well as in Kalajoki.

Take contact

The sea lakes are happy to talk. And are usually helpful.

Continue your journey

The sandy beaches of Kalajoki are only a half-hour drive away.

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