Merom Golan - Merom Golan

Merom Golan
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Merom Golan is a kibbutz on the Golan Heights in Israel.


Kibbutz Merom Golan was founded in 1967 after the Six Day War. It is located at the foot of the 1170 m high Ben Tal mountain, not far from the village there is also the Avital mountain, 1204 m high, on which there is a military station. Both mountains are remnants of former volcanoes, kibbutz Merom Golan is practically in a former volcanic crater. There are orchards in the kibbutz area.

getting there

By plane

By train

By bus

In the street

The village is on the road 959 just before the Syrian border


Map of Merom Golan

Tourist Attractions

View from Bental towards Syria
  • A narrow side street branches off near Merom Golan and leads to the summit of the Ben valley. From the parking lot at the end of the street you can see some rusty metal sculptures. They were created from the scrap of Syrian tanks by the kibbutz residents Johannes de Jong. It says that at the top of the summit Coffee anan (or Cafe in the clouds). Behind it is a former fortification with trenches, bunkers and machine gun towers. It gives an idea of ​​what happened here during the Yom Kippur War.
  • From the top of the Ben valley you have a good view to the north of the massif des Hermonthat is snowy in winter.
  • To the east you can see the border with Syria. You can clearly see the end of agricultural use, immediately behind are armored trenches and the no man's land of the buffer zone monitored by UN soldiers, recognizable by the white dwellings. The ruins of the city can still be seen on the horizon Kuneitra, which the Syrians fled after the Yom Kippur War and was no longer settled but rebuilt further east.


Old military installation on the Bental
  • Riding opportunities and
  • Jeep tours are available





In the kibbutz there are accommodations in simple wooden houses or more comfortable guest rooms.


Sculpture made from armored scrap

The Syrian border is quite close, there are restricted military areas. There are no problems on the publicly accessible paths.


Practical advice

Photographing military installations is prohibited. The exception is obviously the old warehouse on the Ben valley.


The road leads from Merom Golan 98 further north to the Druze villages (Majdal Shams) and Nimrodsburg.


Web links

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