Meteors - Meteory

Meteors (meteor - suspended between heaven and earth) - monasteries of the eastern orthodox church built on a mass of sandstone rocks (up to 540 m above sea level), located on The plain of Thessaly in Greece (near the village Kalambaka).

Basic information

The meteors are located between the Pindos and Chasia mountain ranges and the Koziaka and Antihasionu mountains. They are a pilgrimage destination that many people refer to as eighth wonder of the world. The property is included in the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage List.

Legend has it that the first words meteor was used by the monk Athanasius (14th century). He contributed to the establishment of the first monastery here. He came from the sacred Mount Athos in the Republic of Monks (Halkidiki Peninsula) and on eagle's wings he reached the mountain. The financial support provided by the Byzantine Palaeologists dynasty contributed to the flourishing of monastic life, which began to decline in the 17th century.

Originally, monasteries were accessed via connected ladders, until the 1920s, monks were pulled in nets by turning a winch, and nowadays tourists and monasteries reach the steps carved in rocks and piers. The turnstiles are used to pull in food.

Operating monasteries

Greece meteora monasteries.JPG

Each of the monasteries is situated on a different rock. There were 24 monasteries in their heyday. Currently, most of them are uninhabited. Only 6 (4 male, 2 female) work:

  • Metamorphoses (Wielki Meteor, Monastery of the Transfiguration of the Lord) - 613 m above sea level, in order to reach it, you have to climb stairs with 150 steps. At the entrance there is a hermitage of monk Athanasius. In the monastery you can see, among others gilded wooden iconostasis and a manuscript of Holy Scripture (17th century);
  • Warlama;
  • Holy Trinity;
  • Saint Stephen the Martyr;
  • Rusanu;
  • Santa Claus Taking a Rest.

Each of them is flown with the Greek and Byzantine flags.

Worth seeing

In the monasteries there are, among others, decorated caskets with the remains of saints, gold-embroidered robes, paintings, frescoes, wood carvings, manuscripts, holy chalices, the Gospel and Bishop's Pastorals. The treasury contains, among others old documents, gifts and items of historical and artistic value.

Many years ago it housed bibliographic laboratories where texts were copied and created.

Photography is forbidden inside the monasteries. Women must wear a skirt covering their knees and covered shoulders to enter, and men must wear long trousers. At the entrance to the monastery, there is a free skirts rental that can be put on pants.

Traders selling souvenirs at monasteries also accept zloty at a slightly higher euro exchange rate than in Poland.



Nearest neighborhood

Kastaraki - a small, picturesque village located at the foot of the mountains with monasteries, 2 km from Kalambaka, 270 m above sea level Its name comes from the word castro - a castle, from which only ruins have been preserved at present. Visitors are enchanted by the sight of huge rocks rising above the roofs of houses.

Kalambaka - a village located 21 km from Trikkala and 5 km from Meteora. It is located at an altitude of 240 meters above sea level. near the Pinios river. Formerly the site of the temple of Apollo. Currently, there is a Byzantine church on its premises.

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