Central Inner Mongolia - Mongolia Interna centrale

Central Inner Mongolia
Dinosaur in Love Bridge (Sauropod Kissing Bridge) in a road in the Gobi Desert, near Erenhot

Central Inner Mongolia is a region of the province of Inner Mongolia in China.

To know

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

  • Chifeng (赤峰; Chìfēng) - Human existence in the Chifeng area can be traced back almost ten thousand years ago.
  • Erenhot (二连浩特; Erlian or Èr lián hào tea) - Located in the Gobi Desert, equipped with a remarkable range of facilities for residents and travelers crossing the border.
  • Fengzhen (丰镇; Fēngzhèn) - 200 km from the capital of the Mongolia, Hohhot.
  • Jining (集 宁; Jíníng) - Called the "city of sinkholes" because of the numerous coal mines that are now abandoned.
  • Tongliao (通辽; Tōngliáo) - The human settlement in Tongliao and surrounding Khorchin area dates back to at least 1000 BC.
  • Xilinhot (锡林浩特; Xī lín hào tea) - Capital of the Xilin Gol League with a deep-rooted Mongolian culture.

How to get

How to get around

What see

What to do

At the table


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