Central Mongolia - Mongolia centrale

Central Mongolia
The valley of the Orchon River seen from above

Central Mongolia is a region of the Mongolia.

To know

Central Mongolia is the region where it is located Ulaanbaatar, the capital of the country and for this reason visited more than the others, thanks also to the state of the roads, better than elsewhere.

Some excursions from Ulaanbaatar they can also be done by public transport or rental, such as those in Terelj and the Bogd Khan Uul reserve. For the others it is better to use a guide provided by one of the many tour operators of Ulaanbaatar. Thus, for example, the Khustain Nuruu National Park, where the Mongolian horse has been reintroduced into the wild, can only be reached by 4X4 jeep.

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

  • 1 Arvajhėr - The capital of the Ôvôrhangaj province, with no particular interest for any visitors, except for a Buddhist monastery and a couple of small museums.
  • 2 Cėcėrlėg - Capital ofArhangaj, Cėcėrlėg it developed around a 17th century monastery which is now a museum.
  • 3 Hužirt (Хужирт) - Location renowned for its thermal springs, exploited for therapeutic purposes.
  • 4 Terelj
  • 5 Ulaanbaatar
  • 6 Zuunmod - Capital of the Province of Tôv, Zuunmod has little interest but could be a stop for those who propose a visit to the monastery of Mañjuśrī or to the Bogd Khan Uul Biosphere Reserve, the latter easily accessible also from Ulaanbaatar.

Other destinations

  • 1 Karakorum (Хар Хорум, read Kharkhorin, literally: "Black Mountains") - Ruins of the capital of the Mongol empire founded by Ögödei, the third son of Genghis Khan.
  • 2 Mount Burhan Haldun (Бурхан Халдун уул) - A peak of the Hėntij mountains, declared a sacred mountain already by Genghis Khan, presumably born nearby. Burhan Haldun is included in the UNESCO provisional list of World Heritage Sites.
  • 3 Naiman Nuur (Найман Нуур)
  • 4 Ordu-Baliq (Орду Балык) - The archaeological site of the capital of the first Turkish Khaganate, also known as Mubalik and Karabalghasun.
  • 5 Gorkhi-Terelj National Park (Горхи Тэрэлжийн байгалийн цогцолборт газар) - A park with a series of "tourist camps" (juulchny baaz) and also restaurants and a few shops in the Terelj settlement, connected with Ulaanbaatar from an asphalted road of 37 km (road A0501 towards Baganuur-Öndörkhaan).
  • 6 Khustain Nuruu National Park - Also known as "Khustai National Park", the park was declared a biosphere reserve in 2002 and is famous for the Mongolian horse (Equus przewalskii), an animal symbol of the country but at risk of extinction, for which in 1977 the "Foundation for the Preservation and Protection of Przewalski's Horse" was created.
  • 7 Bogd Khan Uul Biosphere Reserve
  • 8 Gun-Galuut Nature Reserve
  • 9 Terhijn Cagaan nuur (Great White Lake) - The lake is located in the Hangaj Mountains, in the western part of the Arhangaj province and is currently part of the "Horgo-Tėrhijn Cagaan Nuur National Park", a tourist destination proposed by agencies and tour operators Ulaanbaatar.
  • 10 Orkhon Valley - Included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, as an example of the evolution of nomadic pastoral traditions over two millennia (Orkhon Valley Cultural Landscape).
  • 11 Ôgij nuur (Өгий нуур) - Freshwater lake renowned for its fishing opportunities and birdlife (cranes, ducks). There is also the possibility of staying overnight in a tent (the classic ger).

How to get

How to get around

What see

Erdene Zuu
Tövkhön Monastery
Mañjuśrī Monastery
Ulaan Tsutgalan Falls
  • 1 Erdene Zuu (Эрдэнэ Зуу). Ancient Buddhist monastery not far from the ruins of Karakorum. It is part of the cultural landscape of the Orhon Valley. "Erdene Zuu" means "100 treasures". Erdene Zuu on Wikipedia Erdene Zuu (Q1058965) on Wikidata
  • 2 Shankh Monastery (Шанхын хийд). Shankh Monastery (Q1630910) on Wikidata
  • 3 Tövkhön Monastery (Төвхөн хийд, Töwhön híd). Tövkhön Monastery (Q7857142) on Wikidata
  • 4 Mañjuśrī Monastery. Mañjuśrī Monastery on Wikipedia Mañjuśrī Monastery (Q148612) on Wikidata
  • 5 Ulaan Tsutgalan Falls (Улаан цутгалан). Ulaan-Tsutgalan (Q4470791) on Wikidata
  • 6 Taikhar Chuluu (close Cėcėrlėg). Large rock formation at the center of a legend according to which a local hero killed a dragon by throwing the boulder at it. There are two tourist campsites nearby.

What to do

At the table


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